17 commenti

  1. Fujitora has the most destructive paramecia power(i mean he can call more than 3meteor), while enel is the most destructive logia power(well,duh) and garp is…dunno,he destroyed 8 mountains as sandbag

  2. Monkey.D.Luffffff

    Definetly garp lmaooo

  3. whitebeard for sure, he could destroy the world with tsunamis,then maybe fujitora if he throws a moon to earth

  4. Kuro Ashi

    MORIA??? seriously? he couldnt fend off even Luffy’s G4 now.

  5. Don’t know don’t care! ROOM!! 😛

  6. yo.. yo..

    doflamingo.. no one can cut doffie’s cage! even fujitora and zorro!!

  7. Whitebeard. He is the legendary monster who has the power to destroy the earth.

  8. Well.. Luffy can destroy your face

  9. i think kuma has very strong destructive power .
    i love ursus shock !!!!

  10. Come on, of course withebeard has the most power in this list. In each and every ways. he was a yonko and he defeated kaydo probably (as kaydo defeated 18 times in his life.) because kaydo reached the level of “most powerfull man in the world just after whitebeard died. You just can compare him with another yonko.

  11. Garp.No doubt about it XD

  12. Whitebeard has most destructive power
    Others are powerful too …
    While the others like Garp, Akainu, Kuma, Enel, Fujitora, Doflamingo can destroy whole islands
    But whitebeard can destry the whole world with his tremor tremor fruit
    Law Moria are strong but are their powers destructive??

  13. My Top 3: #1. WB- he can split the world into two #2 Doflamingo- he can use the Awakening of his devil fruit #3. Akainu- the guy is so badass he transferred the Hq of the navy to the new world, he defeated aokiji.
    Despite alll this ROOM!!! TRAFALGAR D. WATER LAW still my Fav✌

  14. Whitebeard is the most destructive.
    Doffi is the second , i mean he just moves his fingers and cut a whole city !!!

  15. Definitely Whitebeard’s since it was stated that the Gura Gura No Mi is the most paramecia devil fruit and we havent seen a devil fruit power that more destructive power, dont get me wrong but Enel comes close but doesnt quite cut it

  16. Mr Swgdudekool

    Considering Power, Whitebeard’s power is the top, Doffy’s power and Enel’s power are somewhat equivalent in terms of destructive force, although enel’s attacks are a lot faster. But Garp has no special power… He is literally a beast!!

  17. Garps haki is at its ultimate level like rayliegh, they don’t even activate it to color black, he just single punch marco in his phoenix form during marineford battle… I go for Garp coz he has no weakness for water…he can easily destroy everyone on the list if he has to…


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