Archivi giornalieri: 12/04/2016

Together :-)


    I think its possible we just found out the identity and powers of Uranus.

    Currently, we really only know the specifics of one Ancient Weapon, Poseidon a.k.a Shirahoshi.

    Her power is that she is able to control the sea kings, who seem honor bound to fulfill her wishes, whatever they may be.

    This last chapter we have seen something remarkable similar. Yes, I am talking about Zunisha not being able to defend herself without direct orders from Momonosuke.

    Zunisha received an order from long ago to walk the world for eternity, and she is unable to break this command without a second order from someone specific.

    This specific person isn’t just someone that can hear the VOAT, as we are told that Luffy can’t give her that order. This is also true for Gold Roger and Oden Kouzuki.

    The person who can is…. Momonosuke. This is eerily similar to what Shirahoshi can do, and her power was remarked upon as an Ancient Weapon capable of destroying the world.

    Do you think Momo power could destroy the world? I think so. Zunisha just one shotted Jack, and her size alone could crush islands.

    I also think Momo’s power will be able to extend to creatures other than Zunisha as well. I doubt he could only control one elephant.

    I wonder if the order that Zunisha received long ago was given by the Uranus of the void century, and Momo, like Shirahoshi, has been born with the power of an Ancient Weapon that often skips many generations. Which is to say, Momonosuke has been born the king of the land animals, just as Shirahoshi is the true king of the sea.

    Although I can’t yet see the ties between Momo’s power and that of a sky god, his power is next level shit and completely overpowered.

    Let me know what you think.

    *Theory by Joy_Boy

      Could Ace Sabo & Luffy win against them?

        Contrasting parallels between Koala and Nami

        Koala and Nami were both in fishmen crews, but draw contrasting parallels with each other:

        • While Nami was forced to join Arlong’s crew against her will, Koala only traveled with the Sun Pirates because they were asked to take her.
        • While both were forced to wear their crew’s mark, Koala’s “mark of the sun” was put on to replace another mark. Nami’s Arlong tattoo was removed and replaced with a tattoo of her own design. Each girl ended up with a permanent mark replacing a former mark of enslavement as a result of affiliation with fishmen.
        • When Koala joined the Sun Pirates, she was finally allowed to cry, whereas with Nami, after she was forced to join Arlong she refused to cry.
        • Koala was never forced to do any work as she was freed from slavery. Nami was forced to draw maps and act as a slave to Arlong.
        • Koala’s time in the crew was only meant to be temporary while Arlong intended to keep Nami in the crew forever.
        • Koala left the crew with good memories and was sad to leave the crew while Nami’s time was spent in misery and was happy to leave. This caused Koala to have a good opinion of fishmen while Nami had to put her feelings behind when she finally came across fishmen again.
        • In Koala’s case, her hometown exchanged her freedom with the Marines for the lives of the fishmen. In the case of Nami’s hometown, they fought against the fishmen for their freedom after the Marines betrayed them.

          Would have loved to see this fight!!

            Which was the hardest battle of Luffy?