Recently we were introduced to the Kougetsu family, which was re-named the “Kouzuki” family.
Kou + Getsu = Deep Red/Crimson + Moon
Kou + Zuki = Light + Moon
However, with deeper searches, I found out that Kou also means “Scarlet”:
Kou + Zuki = Scarlet/Light + Moon
Notice how Kouzuki/Kougetsu are both associated with the Moon.
The Red Poneglyph & The Kouzuki Family Crest
Seeing as how Kouzuki can mean “Scarlet Moon”, and scarlet is a deep red colour, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Kouzuki family were the ones who were involved with the creation/placing of the Red Poneglyph in Zou.
If this were true, then it would mean that they had strong links with the Ancient Kingdom.
Interestingly, the colour red is usually affiliated with happiness in Japanese culture, unlike Western culture where it represents negativity (danger, death etc…)
So what if the Red Poneglyph doesn’t tell us of any thing bad, but rather, something good:
I was thinking that it might’ve talked about how the Kouzuki & Minks became united due to the AK helping out. Just speculation though.
We also know that Wano has no links with the World Government, its fighters being so strong that they even scare away marines.
This would mean that during the Void Century, the 20 Kingdoms were perhaps unable to invade and destroy Wano Kingdom – thus the Wano may know a lot about the happenings of that time since they survived.
Luffy interested?
Luffy rarely ever cares for such things.
Usually he starts snoring, picking his nose, or outright says he doesn’t care.
It’s interesting that Oda chose to show Luffy being actually interested in what “Kouzuki” is.
Most of us can agree by now that the Ancient Kingdom was probably alien in origin, possibly coming from the moon.
“D. = Half-Moon Theory”
Clover’s Illustration Of The Ancient Kingdom
Look at this:
Don’t the 8 balls surrounding the bigger ball at the centre of the crane resemble the 8 phases of the Moon around Earth?
Defo interesting. Another link with the Moon.
Furthermore, the crane crest may be based on the real life Daimyo crane crest:
I found out that it’s also the symbol for the Japan Airlines:
Could the Kouzuki’s Kamon represent freedom?
The red represents happiness.
Additionally, the Tsuru Kamon (Crane Family Crest) is usually affiliated with royalty in Japan.
Look at this:
There are several Crane-Kamons on Luffy’s kimono – could this have been a foreshadowing of the Kouzuki, or also, have been a foreshadowing of Luffy being of royalty.
It’s a common theory that Luffy is descended from Joy Boy (King of the AK), and thus is of royalty.
If we dig deeper, it could be a link between the D. People (AK People) and the Kouzuki.
Since the Crane-Kamon is common in Japan, it could just be a coincidence.
But we know that Oda doesn’t add things for nothing.
Remember this?
How about this?
Seems familiar.
Seeing as how the first symbol represents the Celestial Dragons, could the second symbol represent the Ancient Kingdom?
Or more particularly, an important ‘sub’-symbol of the Ancient Kingdom.
Seeing the links between the Kouzuki Family and the Ancient Kingdom, I wouldn’t be surprised if the main royalty (Oden & Momo) of the Kouzuki Family are actually D. in origin.
By D. I mean being descendants of the Ancient Kingdom.
As we know, the Ancient Kingdom had a unity of different countries (e.g. Fishman Island, Shandora etc…), so since the Kouzuki were likely part of that unity, their main royalty could’ve been related to them.
Momonosuke, like his father, can hear the “Voice Of All Things” (perhaps Law too since he’s drawn silent in the same row), and Neko & Inua say that someone else they remember could too.
It could’ve been Roger.
Seeing as so far all of those who could hear the Voice Of All Things are D. People (descendants of the AK), then perhaps the main royalty of the Kouzuki Family are descendants too.
8 Races = 8 Balls
Here we see 9 different Races.
But since the Fishmen and Merfolk live together, we can count this as 8.
If not the moon phases, could the 8 small balls in the crest be a reference to these 8 ‘Races’.
This is all speculation though, as so far we haven’t gotten too much info on the Kouzuki Family.
why luffy didn’t hear it??
Good guess, this week’s chapter tells us that wano’s people made the poneglyphs.
The 4 red ones shows where raftel is.
Something else to add to my theory.
Could the bigger circle represent the Moon People, or just the Fourth Race (main inhabitants of the Ancient Kingdom) who came from the Moon (we see a Fourth Race in the drawings that Enel examines in the Moon), while the smaller circles could represent their allies (8 other races)?
Plus, the wings of the crane could be a reference to the wings of the Moon People.
With Chapter 818, my theory of the Kouzuki family having been an influential family within the unity of the Ancient Kingdom, who also created the Poneglyphs was proven. Damn.
Could this mean that my other theory that they’re related through blood too is right? That the main royalty of the Kouzuki are the descendants of the AK?
They created the Poneglyphs and could read and write the AK language, as well as the fact that they can hear the Voice of All Things.