Tag Archives: swordsman


Its pretty well known that Oda is referring to feudal Japan with Wano. Shogun was a military dictator in Japan during the period from 1192 to 1867. A number of Daimyos used to work under the Shogun. Daimyo were the most powerful feudal rulers during that period.

1192-1867 is long period and the rank of Shogun and Daimyo varied a lot between those period. But I have a few reasons to believe that Oda is referring to Edo/Tokugawa (1683-1868) period here.

The first clue is the closed door policy. As Brook is saying in this panel, “The Wano country is a sealed-off nation whose people do not take kindly to the outsiders

Now lets take a look at Edo history. Tokugawa Iemitsu, the 3rd Shogun during Tokugawa regime, enacted the Sakoku edict back in 1633. The key point of the Sakoku edict was:

“The Japanese were to be kept within Japan’s own boundaries. Strict rules were set to prevent them from leaving the country, and if any such attempt was made, they would face penalty of death. Europeans that entered Japan illegally would face the death penalty as well.”

Fits perfectly with Oda’s description of Wano, right?

Secondly, Women are treated inferior to men in Wano.
Kinemon, “A woman’s place is to stand demurely in the menfolk’s shadow and speak with reserve and modesty”

Now lets look back at Edo period. Women in the Edo Period had a lower status and possessed fewer rights compared to men to a certain extent. Women also lost economical and political rights due to the Tokugawa law. Women could not own property, and a women’s husband was entitled to kill his wife for being lazy or bad, in the circumstances of household chores or how she presented herself as a faithful wife and obedient mother.

Thirdly, The chongmage.

The chongmage and topknot hairstyle was there even before Edo period. But its mostly associated with the Edo period and samurai.

So everything indicates that Oda is referring to Edo period (1603-1808) and I will speculate a few things based on history.

1. Shogun is based on Tokugawa Iemitsu:
As mentioned earlier, the controversial Sakoku edict was enacted during Iemitsu’s period. Iemitsu ruled from 1623 to 1651, and during this period he crucified Christians, expelled all Europeans from Japan and closed the borders of the country, a foreign politics policy that continued for over 200 years after its institution.
He had every quality to be an antagonist if you ask me :cool:

2. Shogun and Oden are brothers?:
This one is most likely going to be proven false very soon but if the Shogun is based on Iemitsu, it has some chance to be true.
Tokugawa Tadanaga was the younger brother of Iemitsu. Because of his good heart, military and intellectual prowess, he was favored by his mother over Iemitsu as the 3rd Shogun. However, Iemitsu forced him to commit suicide just after the death of their father.
Oden was also forced to commit seppuku by the hands of shogun and Kaido?

3. Zoro will represent Yagyu Jubei
One of the most famous and romanticized swordsman of Japanese history was Yagyu Jubei. During Iemitsu’s reign, Jubei was probably the best samurai of the famous Yagyu clan.
There is a legend that Jubei could use only one eye, he lost his other eye during a sparring session with his father.
An one eyed swordsman, sounds familiar?

4. Zoro will kill the Shogun
Jubei’s father contributed significantly for the first and second shognate and therefore was granted a minor daimyo status. He was the teacher and a father like figure of the 3rd shognate Iemitsu. Jubei also served under Iemitsu.
So how does everything fit in?
In the famous film Shogun’s Samurai (1978) that was later broadcasted as a TV series called the Yagyu conspiracy (1978 – 1979), Iemitsu is killed and decapitated by the Jubei in an act of revenge.

A famous dialogue of the TV series which was later paraphrased by Kill Bill,

“If you want revenge, you have to be willing to kill God and even the Buddha”

Sounds like a dialogue made for Zoro! :cool:

5. Strawhat fleet of 4 ships:
Many isolated attempts to end Japan’s closed door policy were made by Western powers during 17th – 19th centuries. In 1853, Commodore Matthew Perry of the US navy threatened Japan with four warships, Mississipi, Plymouth, Saratoga and Susquehanna. He forced Japan to open to trade with the West and end the Sakoku edict finally. These ships became known as the kurofune, the Black Ships.

Luffy, like Matthew Perry, will also attack Wano with 4 ships, (1) Thousand Sunny, (2) Law’s ship, (3) Mink’s ship and (4) a samurai ship and liberate Wano from the shogun!

*Theory by Nidai_Kitetsu

    The Alliance temporarily splits in 4 teams!

    *Chapter 822 Spoilers

    The alliance has decided to split into 4 teams: Luffy (with Pekoms, Pedro, Nami, Brook and Chopper to Whole Cake Island), Nekomamushi (in search of Marco and the WB pirates), Inuarashi (to protect Zou from possible threats, along with Momo and Sicilian), Kinemon (with Law and his crew and Zoro and the rest of SHs to Wano)

    So Luffy team leaves Zou, we’re finally moving onto Sanji.

    But wait, Oda wouldn’t be Oda if he hasn’t teased us a bit, so he shows Vivi as a cliffhanger!

      10 Things You Should Know About The Dressrosa Arc


      • Dressrosa is the longest arc in the manga to date, surpassing the Skypiea Arc, with 102 chapters.
      • This is also the longest arc in the anime to date, surpassing the Fishman Island Arc, with 108 episodes.
      • Starting after Chapter 730, Sanji, Nami, Brook, Chopper, Caesar, and Momonosuke are absent from the manga all the way until Chapter 795, amounting to 620 days of publication time (1 year, 7 months, and 25 days).
      • This is the second arc in the series to take two years to finish and still be on the same island. The first arc to do this was the Alabasta Arc.
      • Many characters make their first appearances after the time skip. The characters (in the order they were reintroduced) are: Jewelry Bonney, Brannew, Sakazuki, Bellamy, Jesus Burgess, Bastille, Sabo, Koala, the Gorosei, Urouge, Capone Bege, X Drake, Sengoku, Tsuru, Rob Lucci, Spandam, and Hattori.
      • Usopp activates Kenbunshoku Haki for the first time during his second defeat of Sugar
      • Luffy activates a new technique called Gear Fourth. He created this technique during his training on Rusukaina. Doflamingo reveals that Devil Fruits can awaken to a higher level and the user can affect things around themselves in addition to their own bodies, which makes the type of their fruit seem no longer applicable.
      • More information about Haki is revealed during this arc. According to Law and Luffy, if Haki is overused, it will not be able to work for a certain period of time until it recharges. So far, Busoshoku Haki is the only one that can be overused.

      -A yet unexplained force is created when two users of Haoshoku Haki clash. This is demonstrated when Luffy clashes with both Don Chinjao and Donquixote Doflamingo. It appears to resemble black lightning crackling the air, and produces shockwaves strong enough to blast people away and/or incapacitate them.

      -Zoro reveals he can now coat his blades in Busoshoku Haki after receiving training from Dracule Mihawk, a skill that was inferred in the Punk Hazard Arc but not demonstrated until now.

      -Jesus Burgess is revealed to be a Haki user, and along with the other Blackbeard Pirates, is attempting to steal Devil Fruits by killing their users. Sabo has also learned how to use Haki from his time in the Revolutionary Army and engages Burgess several times, sparking a grudge when the former suffers devastating injuries after provoking the latter, prompting him to escape from Dressrosa as a stowaway

      • Luffy and Law’s bounties have now risen up to Beli500,000,000 for defeating Doflamingo. Law’s bounty increase indicates that he has officially been expelled from the Shichibukai
      • Dressrosa is possibly inspired by Spain, particularly the regions of Andalusia and Catalonia, as evidenced by the architecture, clothes, flamenco dancers, typical cuisine, and Spanish terminology. The passionate murders that are so common in Dressrosa is also commonly present in Spanish literature, particularly during the Romantic era in early 19th century.
        The fighting fish native to the island seem to resemble bulls, both in appearance and temperament. Bullfighting itself is a popular sport in Spain.
        It also has some hints of the country of Italy, as it features a large colosseum where gladiators would fight to the death for the amusements of the spectators.


        As everyone knows, Rayleigh is known as “Dark King” and it hasn’t been revealed how he was called, “Dark King” but people have their theories and ideas. Now I believe since the Right Hand man of the former Pirate King is called, “Dark King” Zoro will have a name similar to that, “Heavenly King” Zoro. Now you may disagree and say, no, Zoro already has a nickname, “Pirate Hunter” Zoro!

        Well right now Zoro isn’t really hunting Pirates at the moment, maybe he will go back to hunting pirates when his journey is over and he will reside somewhere in the Grandline (Like Silver Rayleigh) but that is for another theory!

        So in the Skypiea ARC, Zoro Vs. Braham was a simple fight for Zoro to try out new fighting moves. As I RE-watched/RE-read the fight I noticed something, very… foreshadowing/wow kind of thing!



        In this fight, Braaham was using light against Zoro! This was extremely hard for Zoro to fight, the light was his real enemy! It was so hard for him to fight, he used goggles to fight against the light!





        Now this made me think of a certain someone, but before I reveal who I thought about when I saw that yellow light. I also thought about, Observation Haki. If only Zoro at the time against Barham, had Observation Haki, he wouldn’t need to use goggles, he wouldn’t really had have a problem against Barham!

        Okay so let me go over this: Zoro was having a hard time fighting against Barham, who used light to fight!

        Now before I go any further, there is a lot of theories/ideas on how Zoro will become the worlds greatest swordsmen. He will either defeat Mihak, defeat Vista, or defeat Rayleigh, etc. Now the person I will bring up, many of you will disagree but hear me out.

        The person that Zoro will fight in order to become the Worlds Greatest Swordsmen, is……


        Now I’ve done some research on Kizaru a long time ago, but to sum up the search, Kizaru sword: Gathering Clouds Of Heaven is based off of a real sword that was referenced in a (Japanese Mythology) story that nobody knows if its a fact or myth, the, Gathering Clouds Of Heaven is a sword for those who are true warriors, it is a sword that can be found in the belly of a beast. In order to achieve this sword, defeat the beast, which thus proves you are a true warrior and your rewarded is a sword in the beast of a belly!


        There are theories that Rayliegh is called Dark King because he has an extreme A+ YONKO Level Haki thus he is called Dark King! Now I believe in this theory/idea , I believe in it so much that I believe there is a twist, he is called this because he used his A+ Haki to defeat Kizaru. Yes I believe Rayleigh is called Dark King because of Kizaru!

        Now you may ask, why is Kizaru the one to decide the Worlds greatest Swordsmen? What importance does Kizaru have?
        OKAY well besides Kizaru Sword being based off of a sword in Japanese Mythology (Which I will bring up later)
        We don’t know anything about Kizaru. That is the key thing here in my theory. He is being assisted by Dr. Vegapunk, Kizaru (And this is going off of speculation) may have joined the Marines way earlier before Akainu and Aokiji. Kizaru is a huge mystery thus his importance is a mystery!

        Now one last thing! Zoro said in Skypiea, he never prayed to God. Kizaru’s Devil Fruit powers names are related to God, Heaven, etc. Not only that, but Zoro now has Observation Haki and Armament Haki, 2 things you need to defeat Kizaru, and I think we can all agree, Zoro is not a person who wants to admit defeat, but because of that, Zoro is also someone who, “Can cut anything in this world” (From what he said in Alabasta_ but yet he was unable to cut Kizaru, light.


        Final: Kizaru’s Devil Fruit powers are related to God, Heaven, etc. his sword, Gathering Clouds Of Heaven, is based off of a sword that is inside the belly of a beast! As many have speculated Zoro will cut down a beast, I believe this beast is Kizaru, and his rewarded will be the title of Worlds Greatest Swords Men! In Skypiea Zoro Vs. Barham was something Oda showed us to tell us Zoro biggest enemy is light!

        Before I go, I just thought of this while typing my conclusion. Anybody else remember when Mihawk picked up his sword and Kizaru looked at Mihawk in aw!? Kizaru looking at Mihawk.. Hmmm!?

        *Theory by AnimeFanTalk

          Is Fairy Tail inspired by One Piece?

          It’s quite common for manga writers to get inspiration from other authors’ work and share some qualities. Fairy Tail for example shares some similarities with One Piece:


            Its pretty well known that Oda is referring to feudal Japan with Wano. Shogun was a military dictator in Japan during the period from 1192 to 1867. A number of Daimyos used to work under the Shogun. Daimyo were the most powerful feudal rulers during that period.

            1192-1867 is long period and the rank of Shogun and Daimyo varied a lot between those period. But I have a few reasons to believe that Oda is referring to Edo/Tokugawa (1683-1868) period here.

            The first clue is the closed door policy. As Brook is saying in this panel, “The Wano country is a sealed-off nation whose people do not take kindly to the outsiders

            Now lets take a look at Edo history. Tokugawa Iemitsu, the 3rd Shogun during Tokugawa regime, enacted the Sakoku edict back in 1633. The key point of the Sakoku edict was:

            “The Japanese were to be kept within Japan’s own boundaries. Strict rules were set to prevent them from leaving the country, and if any such attempt was made, they would face penalty of death. Europeans that entered Japan illegally would face the death penalty as well.”

            Fits perfectly with Oda’s description of Wano, right?

            Secondly, Women are treated inferior to men in Wano.
            Kinemon, “A woman’s place is to stand demurely in the menfolk’s shadow and speak with reserve and modesty”

            Now lets look back at Edo period. Women in the Edo Period had a lower status and possessed fewer rights compared to men to a certain extent. Women also lost economical and political rights due to the Tokugawa law. Women could not own property, and a women’s husband was entitled to kill his wife for being lazy or bad, in the circumstances of household chores or how she presented herself as a faithful wife and obedient mother.

            Thirdly, The chongmage.

            The chongmage and topknot hairstyle was there even before Edo period. But its mostly associated with the Edo period and samurai.

            So everything indicates that Oda is referring to Edo period (1603-1808) and I will speculate a few things based on history.

            1. Shogun is based on Tokugawa Iemitsu:
            As mentioned earlier, the controversial Sakoku edict was enacted during Iemitsu’s period. Iemitsu ruled from 1623 to 1651, and during this period he crucified Christians, expelled all Europeans from Japan and closed the borders of the country, a foreign politics policy that continued for over 200 years after its institution.
            He had every quality to be an antagonist if you ask me :cool:

            2. Shogun and Oden are brothers?:
            This one is most likely going to be proven false very soon but if the Shogun is based on Iemitsu, it has some chance to be true.
            Tokugawa Tadanaga was the younger brother of Iemitsu. Because of his good heart, military and intellectual prowess, he was favored by his mother over Iemitsu as the 3rd Shogun. However, Iemitsu forced him to commit suicide just after the death of their father.
            Oden was also forced to commit seppuku by the hands of shogun and Kaido?

            3. Zoro will represent Yagyu Jubei
            One of the most famous and romanticized swordsman of Japanese history was Yagyu Jubei. During Iemitsu’s reign, Jubei was probably the best samurai of the famous Yagyu clan.
            There is a legend that Jubei could use only one eye, he lost his other eye during a sparring session with his father.
            An one eyed swordsman, sounds familiar?

            4. Zoro will kill the Shogun
            Jubei’s father contributed significantly for the first and second shognate and therefore was granted a minor daimyo status. He was the teacher and a father like figure of the 3rd shognate Iemitsu. Jubei also served under Iemitsu.
            So how does everything fit in?
            In the famous film Shogun’s Samurai (1978) that was later broadcasted as a TV series called the Yagyu conspiracy (1978 – 1979), Iemitsu is killed and decapitated by the Jubei in an act of revenge.

            A famous dialogue of the TV series which was later paraphrased by Kill Bill,

            “If you want revenge, you have to be willing to kill God and even the Buddha”

            Sounds like a dialogue made for Zoro! :cool:

            5. Strawhat fleet of 4 ships:
            Many isolated attempts to end Japan’s closed door policy were made by Western powers during 17th – 19th centuries. In 1853, Commodore Matthew Perry of the US navy threatened Japan with four warships, Mississipi, Plymouth, Saratoga and Susquehanna. He forced Japan to open to trade with the West and end the Sakoku edict finally. These ships became known as the kurofune, the Black Ships.

            Luffy, like Matthew Perry, will also attack Wano with 4 ships, (1) Thousand Sunny, (2) Law’s ship, (3) Mink’s ship and (4) a samurai ship and liberate Wano from the shogun!

            *Theory by Nidai_Kitetsu

              LUFFY’S POWER

                10 Things You Should Know About Roronoa Zoro

                • Originally, Zoro was planned by Oda to be the bodyguard of Buggy. A picture of an incarnation of him in Buggy’s crew was then later released in Volume 3 along with another picture of Buggy’s crew. Oda described Buggy’s crew as a family unit, in which Zoro was the elder brother.


                • Zoro has his own jolly roger, like all the Straw Hat crew. It has Zoro’s bandanna, two swords instead of crossbones, and a sword in its mouth (the white hilt suggests that it is Wado Ichimonji, which is always the one that Zoro holds in his mouth when using Santoryu).
                  • After the timeskip, the skull gains Zoro’s three earrings and the left eye is closed with a vertical scar over it to match Zoro’s own eye. The swords that make up the crossbones are more detailed: the blade pointing towards the right is dark, suggesting that it is Shusui while the other is Sandai Kitetsu.


                • Zoro is the only member of the crew that Luffy personally sought out to invite before they actually met.
                • Zoro is the only Straw Hat Pirate to be named after a real life pirate, this being after the Japanese pronunciation of François l’Ollonais.


                • Zoro is the first known person since Ryuma to kill a dragon, an act which made the latter a legend. Both of them also killed the dragon the same way, by decapitation in the air.
                • Zoro’s reintroduction to the series after the timeskip is reminiscent of how Mihawk was introduced. Both sliced a galleon in two and both seemingly did so due to an interrupted nap.
                • In Japanese fan polls, Zoro was consistently the second most popular character, until his position was usurped by Law in this most recent poll. Furthermore, in the attack popularity polls his Santoryu Ogi: Sanzen Sekai came in 2nd.
                • Zoro usually fights the second strongest member of the villain group the Straw Hats face during the story arcs.
                • Zoro’s favorite foods are white rice, sea king meat, and anything that goes with ale. His least favorite food is chocolate. Other than taking naps, Zoro typically sleeps at 4:00 A.M. and gets up at 7:00 A.M and he bathes once a week.
                • Like Luffy, Zoro has a scar on his chest and a scar on his face.


                  After the recent chapter, many people believe that we will propably have a Jack vs Strawhats showdown and i am one of them!

                  But, i still believe it’s gonna be a seperation between the strawhats!

                  Luffy will take few people with him(I believe except for Pekoms, Raizou will join him as well) and Zoro with Law will prepare for the trip to Wano!

                  However, there is a small obstacle… none other that Jack himself…! and i will explain why…

                  We know that he went on a rescue mission to save Doflamingo from getting imprison!

                  In addition, we know he is heading to Impel Down!

                  Now, let’s look the map…

                  As you can see,Impel Down is on the west while the strawhats are in the opposite direction(east/Zou).

                  We know that Jack , managed to attack the marines before reaching Impel Down!

                  Also, we know that he left the island the same day Doflamingo was defeated!That was 11 days ago…! And base on chapter 807(ten days ago) half of the strawhats reached Zou!

                  So, if i have to take a guess… the distance at that time(It’s a moving island) between Dressrosa and Zou was approximately 1-2 days at most!(read chapter 807 , it will help you understand how many days has passed since entering the NW!Base on my calculations they are 14-15 days)

                  Taken into consideration the analysis i just made, it’s highly possible that he managed to catch up with the navy really quick!

                  If we also take into the account that the navy left Dressrosa the third day after the battle…!2

                  It is beautifully adds up!

                  In my opinion, Jack managed to catch up around here!

                  In the proccess managed to sink two ships, but sustained some injuries and considered dead…

                  However,he failed to retrieve doflamingo and base on the last chapter, he is alive and by the looks of it, he is been accompanied by a large fleet!

                  So, guys let’s refresh our memory!

                  What was his initial mission?
                  To retrieve Raizou!
                  And where he is now?
                  He is on Zou!
                  So, what he is going to do?
                  He is going to complete, his unfinished mission!

                  I think it’s a pretty logical way of thinking , don’t you think?

                  Even if he wants to go somewhere else, he has to pass to Zou…!

                  I think it’s very unlikely to move on , straight to Big Mom’s tea party… I doubt he even knows anything about it…

                  Also, take note that the battle between him and the navy occured around 8 days ago(11-3=8…xD)!

                  He had 8 whole days to rest,to heal,to prepair(fleet)and to travel back on Zou to put an end to his unfinished business!

                  So, he must be pretty close to Zou!

                  That means a SHOWDOWN!I can feel the hype!:)

                  In my opinion, since there is the Sanji matter on one hand and the Jack matter on the other , they will have no choice but to split!

                  But why split and not go all together to save Sanji?

                  1.Luffy said he will go alone, although i doubt he will be completely alone… he will take at least two![Pekoms and Raizou(stealth)… they will sneak!]

                  2.I think it was foreshadowed that, it’s going to be a match between Zoro vs Jack!
                  a)They both are the right hand man of their captains!
                  b)They both use swords as weapons
                  c)When the minks were talking about Jack, Oda focused on Zoro twice for a reason!c011

                  3.There is no way Zoro, will go after Sanji after making that speech1

                  4.The strawhats befriended the minks and i don’t think they will leave them at their fate…Luffy will entrust Zoro with the mission to protect them any way he can!I believe Law will stay too, since his good friend Bepo is from Zou!Let’s not forget they are still many of them injured

                  5.Lastly… maybe one of the biggest mysteries… the moon!
                  We have yet to be relieved , what happens when the full moon is out!

                  I think i gave you some solid points!

                  To move on with the last part of my theory!

                  The last part of this theory will be a speculation, but if you think about it , it will might make some sense!

                  I think in this fight we will have a Law and Zoro vs Jack battle, like we had the Law and Luffy combination against Doflamingo!
                  So, this combination could be turn out to be true!

                  Also, they are similar in personalities…both badass,cool,serious and bloodthirsty when they fight!

                  In my opinion, this duo will be amazing!

                  To conclude, i think we will have a big revelation regarding Zoro’s past from the moment he will release his demonic spirit!
                  Yes, i think this will be the fight that we will see him go all out!

                  This will be the moment when Zoro will trully connect to Wano and it will ignite his desire to go to Wano even more and learn about his past and lineage!

                  I don’t know how the fight will turn out… but i believe , during this fight Jack will tell him about his demonic/cursed clan or lineage and to how he might connect to one of his future enemies!

                  I hope you enjoyed my theory

                  *Theory by EpicListening

                  You can also watch the videotheory here:

                    9 Things You Should Know About Tashigi

                    • Tashigi’s character design has changed significantly during the series. In her first appearance, she looked like Kuina, but by the battle of Marineford, her design had become more distinct.


                    • Tashigi was the second female Marine shown in the series, the retired and deceased Bell-mère being the first.
                    • Along with Smoker, Tashigi has appeared in more sagas than any other characters outside the Straw Hat Pirates.
                    • In One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3, Tashigi’s taunt action allows her to remove or put on her glasses. When her glasses are off, the screen becomes blurry with a heavy depth of field effect.
                    • In the 4th Japanese Fan Poll, Tashigi was ranked the 42nd most popular character in One Piece.
                    • In the 5th Japanese Fan Poll, towards the end of the Dressrosa Arc, Tashigi dropped to 64th place, sharing the spot with Emporio Ivankov.
                    • A fan once inquired about Tashigi’s glasses, as she seems nearsighted but lifts her glasses to look closely at a sword and was seen running without glasses. The reader asked if the glasses were for show. Oda stated that she does need them.
                    • In Japan, the act of taking another’s sword is seen as a strong statement that implies the wielder was not worthy of the blade, and Tashigi is doing this by taking the blades from criminals.
                    • So far, Yamaoroshi and Kashu are the only swords known to have been taken from their previous owners by Tashigi.
