Sanji first actual picture was released after Dressrosa so whoever took the photo must have took it on Punk Hazard or Dressrosa
As Sanji was disguised in Dressrosa it’s not possible to take a good picture hence it was taken on Punk Hazard
Most possible case is brokers of underworld took it
Most probable individual to be Sanji’s Father is
Why? Because he is carrying a trident
and Sanji is similar here
Don’t worry i have other reasons also
I belive Sanji’s dad has a Ushi Ushi no mi Model : Bull
Ushi Ushi no mi as other two variations also
1.Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Giraffe which Kaku has
2.Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Bison which Dalton has
As u know Sanji’s Animal representation is Goat which is also symbolic to Satan
Take a look at this cover picture
The one with cigar represents Sanji’s father and other Goatlings his family
Another one
Because of this at first i was confused as the above is a Bison but it belong to same ushi ushi or ox ox devil fruit family
As u can see the Ox has same cigar in mouth and Sanji above has wine
Here’s another
But why Bull ?
Because Oda gave another forshadow in Dressrosa
Fighting Bull is a gladiator competing at the Corrida Colosseum. He is nicknamed Ucy by Luffy, and renowned in the Colosseum as the Brutal Bull.
Hope u like it
*Theory by D kar