Archivio per il tag: vegapunk



This is X Drake as a child. Notice how happy he is about the marines


This is X Drake after MF. Notice how Oda puts emphasis on “Must Change”. Drake says the marines must change as if he wants to change it.

There are 2 ways to change the marines

1) From the inside
2)Revolting from the outside

Being a pirate is no way to successully change the marines. Look at Kuma for example he became a pirate to join the warlords and help theRA not just for the sake of being a pirate

Sir Francis Drake

This guy’s nickname was ” The Dragon” he is the inspiration for Drake

His Epithet Red Flag Drake

Revolutionary Army Flag


By his reaction to the pacifists its seems he had interaction with Vegapunk when the Pacifista program started


X Drake was on an island where a revolutionary leader was. Coincidence maybe? But with Oda u never no

Alot of people would shoot this theory down and just think Drake is a Zoan and was was on Kaidos island looking for him. So he must be working for Kaido right? Well I agree but my point isn’t that he is not working for Kaido its “WHY?”

In Dragon words he has revoutionaries scatted all across the globe. The revolutionary seem to be infiltrating spies in key places in the world and building an information network

Kuma: Warlord
Ivankov: Impel Down


What if Dragon is infaltrating emperors as well?

Think of it as a chess board. We no yonkos greatly affect how the WG moves. If does something it causes a reaction from the WG. So what if Dragon has spies with the Yonko ranks so he can no the Yonko moves and if he knows the Yonko moves he can predict the WG moves more easily and look for his openings to strike. Some say Aokiji is a part of the revolutionary army and he istied up with BB so if that is true that can add to the theory

Thanks for reading

*Theory by luckyroo20

    Reasons why Caesar Clown will be the next Nakama! Theory


    -Most people hate Caesar Clown because he is evil, but I will explain why this is justified later on

    -He seems too obvious, since he’s been in plain sight. But this is hiding in plain sight. Oda also said @old Jump Fiesta interview (2009ish) that the next strawhat would be past enemy 

    -He is hated by some of the strawhats, especially Chopper (abusing medication)

    -Good reasons to dislike Caesar, but the question is “Can he be redeemed”. I think he definitely can. but before that…

    Reasons Caesar makes incredible sense

    -He has nowhere to go or be safe. He has nobody who trusts him, and all the Yonkou are after him and his weapons/chemicals. Can’t become ally member

    -Caesar has a dream, much like the other strawhats. He wants to surpass Vegapunk and become the best scientist. This is why he harms people carelessly

    -Was an enemy, like Robin, Nami, Franky, Usopp. Doubted them initially, but it reinforces how much we like them

    -He sort of fits in, and has shown a variety of other emotions aside from just being a psychopath. (Ex: embarrassed by chopper, play-fighting, sanji)

    -Strawhats do not have a scientist or logia yet

    -Caesar is a representation of Vegapunk (Luffy = Roger, Chopper = Hililuk and Crocus, Sanji = Zeff, Usopp = Yasopp)

    -Caesar connects everyone else’s abilites (missing piece to a puzzle)
    ~Finish Sunny with chemicals instead of Cola (Create pluton) sort of like Enel’s electricity
    ~Help Chopper with medication (with chemicals and drugs)
    ~Help Franky by replacing cola (Or can help make cola through sugar chemical) and Franky wants to follow Vegapunks dream
    ~Help Usopp make pesticides and growth hormones for plants
    ~Provide flames and gas for Sanji’s cooking
    ~Something stupid for Luffy, like fireworks or cooking meat with flames.

    -Very powerful (Top 5 in strawhats) he has poison, flames, air, many other elements other logias are limited to loads of potential

    -Potential interest in ancient weapons, since he creates his own weapons
    -Foreshadowing: Got symbol of the Strawhats (Chinese Zodiac signs)

    -Connects to my next point: knows the secrets of SMILE and shinokuni/gas weapons. stopped gas on mink island

    If you are still mad about his evil acts, here’s how he can redeem himself:

    -If you supported Monet, then you should by default support Caesar cuz she was evil as well

    -Since his dream is to become the best scientist, he was doing it in a bad way due to bad influences (Doffy).

    -Never killed people for fun, he believed it was necessary for him dream, and only viewed people as test subjects

    -Luffy and the strawhats have brought him humility, like with Big Mom, so now he is beginning to know human emotions and fear.

    -Similar to other strawhats:
    ~Zoro cut down people for their bounties
    ~Robin betrayed many people and didn’t care if people died as long as she learned about history
    ~Nami stole from people to help her village
    ~Franky stole fortune from Luffy and beat up Usopp to build his dream ship
    Ultimately Luffy saved them and gave them a better way to achieve his dream, like he will do with Caesar.

    -Chopper seems most mad at him. But Chopper was the same, he experimented with monster point drugs and hurt people without realizing it, like Caesar

    -Caesar can help get rid of all the weapons he created, and eventually make the crew like him by changing as a person and achieving his dream in a dif way

    -Caesar never got a flashback, so he can have a very sad past that justifies his initial crazy nature.

    -He will achieve his dream just like the rest of the strawhats by becoming best scientist, stopping his chem weapons, and learning about ancient tech.

    *Theory by OneWorldHD


      First of all , I will start with the card theme Oda has been following since the Dressrosa arc and is keeping it going until Zou arc.So here are the card types used in Dressrosa.
      We got the top executives representing card types , while Doflamingo represents a specific card – The Joker.
      Moving on to the Zou arc , we find out Kaido’s first mate named Jack and another ally named Scotch, both taking inspiration from the famous game Blackjack.Furthermore , the card theme continues with Sheepshead and Ginrummy that are widely known card games too.So , I will let you know a thought of mine that you will understand later on in the theory:X-Drake represents the King , while Bonney represents the Queen in the card theme.Before you jump into the conclusion that this theory is bad ( Sad Face Here ) let me explain myself.

      Jack takes inspiration from an infamous Pirate named Calico Jack.Calico Jack was famous for the fact that he had 2 females in his crew.One of the 2 females was named Anne Bonney.That’s why I think there will definitely be an interaction between Bonnet and Jack and generally the Beasts Pirates.We know X-Drake is already with them so he has already interacted with them.But is the name connection enough for Bonney to have an interaction with Jack and Kaido?For those who believe it isn’t then let me show you something.
      Remember when Bonney somehow escaped from the Marines and was shown in a Winter Island?
      I do believe this island is the island where X-Drake was seen too.I think that this is the place they agreed to meet each other at a pre-timeskip interraction probably.

      In the title I imply they are trying to blackmail Kaido.But they are obviously a lot weaker than him.What could they know or have , that would be enough to threaten Kaido?

      I do believe Bonney realised the secret to Kaido’s immortality , due to the fact that she also has age-related powers.Something that is also related to the card theme is a gamble.
      I will now make a hypothetical gamble.This is pure speculation:
      X-Drake lets Kaido know that Bonney realised his secret to immortality and , if X-Drake doesn’t return to her in some hours (which would mean Kaido killed him ) Bonney will let the other Yonko know the secret and hunt him down.So it is very risky because Kaido could actually kill X-Drake.

      But still , you have to be wondering what do these two Supernovas want to achieve?I do believe they will make Kaido go after a specific Yonko.This Yonko will be Big Mam.

      Bonney parallels Big Mam.She is the Big Mam of the New Era.They will take her down and Bonney will become one of the Yonko in her place.
      I think this is the PERFECT thing to happen.Luffy is in a war with both Big Mam and Kaido.By starting a war between Big Mam and Kaido , Luffy can find them both in one place.It would be a war equivalent to that of the Marineford.Two of the Yonko and 5 Supernova (Luffy Zoro Law X-Drake and Bonney) clashing.

      Now you might be wondering what will happen to X-Drake.Why would he let Bonney become one of the Yonko instead of him?

      First of all , X-Drake doesn’t want to become the Pirate King.Take a look at his Jolly Roger.

      It has no skull.It is extremely weird for a pirate not to have a skull on his Jolly Roger.I think this implies he has another ultimate goal , which isn’t becoming the Pirate King but instead it is protesting against the World Government as he even quitted his positiong as a Rear Admiral.
      Moreover his nickname is “Red Flag” , flag that nowadays represents the revolutionaries and those who do not comply with the Government’s doings.
      What could have cause his hatred?I think that the origin of his hatred rises from the Pacifista experiments.
      Pacifistas are made from people that were alive , as they have blood behind the armour.
      X-Drake didn’t approve of these violent experiments and left the Marines becoming a Pirate in order to show his disapproval.

      So , I do believe he will stay with Bonney until the final war.Till then , I think he will have turned into a really infamous pirate and will definitely pose a threat for the Marines.In the final war he will definitely show his disapproval of the techniques the Marines adopted and he will have great influence on the War.

      Bonney and X-Drake will be protected by Kaido , as it is another thing they asked him to do so that they do not reveal his secret.

      Bonney and X-Drake formed an alliance and due to Bonney’s powers they are blackmailing Kaido.They ask him to take down Big Mam and in a huge war where the Strawhats will be involved , Big Mam will fall and Bonney will become on of the Yonko.X-Drake will remain with her until the final war , where he will show he disapproves of the Marines’ actions.

      *Theory by Usopp Haoshoku Haki



        Notice the elements in color spread 811, it would detail who would be involved in Sanji’s solo Arc (i presume after Zou Arc, then Wano-Kuni Arc follows after that imo)

        Alright, notice that Sanji holds a coffee mug with words “all women are great”—-i think this suggests Big Mom, its becoming clear imo, that Sanji used Caesar as a bait to keep the Big Mom pirates from following the rest of his team at Zou.

        The chimney from that emits smoke is Smoker and Chopper with Tashigi’s glasses and his hat with the color of Tashigi’s hair signifies Tashigi and Smoker. Remember that Smoker and Tashigi are on their way to Vegapunk which is a rival of Caesar which Sanji is holding hostage at the moment.

        Nami’s oranges with a monkey near it with a spiral tail, which could have 2 meanings:

        First is much simple, that Nami would be invovled in Sanji’s solo arc or:

        The mikans signifies the explanation of devil fruits (the spiral monkey signifies devil fruits and Sanji’s eyebrow)….oh and about the yellow monkey, Kizaru is gonna be involved as well: head of science division and possibly Sanji’s main rival

        The big bag of Doskoi Panda imo is Doctor Vegapunk, signifying his big head

        So to recap, i think it would go like this:

        Sanji takes Caesar away to get Big Mom Pirates away from Zou

        Sanji would end up either meeting Smoker and Tashigi or he would end up meeting Vegapunk

        Vegapunk would be finally revealed and will reveal the origin of Sanji and the devil fruits (note that i dont think Sanji is a devil fruit)

        Sanji and Kizaru would meet up, and Vegapunk would protect him, finally revealing his true affiliation with the Revolutionary Army

        Smoker and Tashigi goes with Sanji to Wano-Kuni…learning another corruption by the government

        Probably i dont need to mention that Nami is holding Sanji’s letter, Zoro is waiting on the ship, basically meaning that the Wano Kuni Arc will have to wait for now to give way to Sanji’s arc…but notice the other 5 original strawhats are happy because Sanji will come back but Sanji is there waiting…signifying that Sanji will be seen by his crewmates soon (after his arc)

        Sanji forming a team with Smoker and Tashigi is also a big possibility…and him bringing them along to Wano

        Ok back to my vacation, Happy Holidays!

        *Theory by beck 


          Kaido has a Dragon Devil Fruit

          Shortly after the Straw Hats’ arrival in Dressrosa, Luffy had tried to fly Momonosuke because of the flying ability that Momonosuke had displayed and used unconsciously to save both Luffy and himself from remaining in the pit wherein Luffy first stumbled upon him

          , but Momonosuke dreadfully and loudly rejected the idea of flying ‘again’ through the ‘skies’ despite having no memory of the time when he had flown out of the pit together with Luffy, wherein there was no ‘sky’.

          While he was about to shout his rejection of such idea, Momonosuke was recalling somebody’s hand reaching out to grab him.

          That event from his memory appears to be the cause of his aviophobia(fear of flying). The person from his flashback is suggested to have a flying ability, and the Dragon Devil Fruit possesses a flying ability.

          When Momo was loudly rejecting the idea of flying again, his father was composedly listening to what was happening with no sign of surprise. This indicates that his father is aware of the misfortune that befell Momo. This further suggests that this had happened long before both Momo’s consumption of an artificial Dragon Devil Fruit and their separate arrivals in PH.

          At Punk Hazard, Kinemon both exhibited great abhorrence of ‘dragons’ and confirmed to Brook that he has a ‘personal vendetta’ against them. I do not think that such hatred and vendetta could develop from having his ‘lower third’ attached to a dragon (the first dragon that greeted Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Robin when they first set foot on the blazing half of Punk Hazard) since it is normally IMPOSSIBLE for one to confirm by only his lower third the nature of the being or thing to which it (his lower third) was attached.

          Kinemon also showed great detestation of ‘pirates’ when sanji had first introduced himself and the rest of his group to him as pirates.

          After Momo had consumed Vegapunk’s artificial Dragon Devil Fruit and successfully managed to escape his pursuers at Punk Hazard, he found himself facing a mirror. Upon looking at the reflection of his dragon form on the mirror, he paled and shouted a loud scream. This appears to be a phobic reaction to dragons.

          When Luffy and Momo were stranded in that pit, Luffy introduced himself to Momo as the man who will become the pirate king. Upon hearing that, Momo had become fidgety and nervous and gave a description of ‘pirates’ that matches Kaido’s description. This could suggest that Momo met Kaido in person, and his nervousness could be due to the fear he harbours about Kaido due to a certain event/ events.

          When Kaido’s underling was trying to update kaido with the news of Joker’s defeat, he was looking toward the sky, which means that he believed that Kaido was in the sky, if not on the apex of some mountain.

          In that very chapter, Kaido reached sky island with neither the company nor the knowledge of his crew members.

          It was shown to us that Drake and several other crew members of Kaido were talking about the news whereas Kaido himself was on the sky island.

          It was therefore evident that such method of attaining sky island is strictly related to his abilities.

          In this week’s chapter it was revealed to us, along with his identity, that Kaido has the strongest body structure you could find in all the living things that swim, crawl and fly this earth. Dragons are known to possess such attributes as robust scales that could withstand blades and spears that aim to penetrate their skin as well as wings that allow them to fly and reach such altitudes. Since Kaido’s body was described to be immune to blades and spears that aimed to penetrate it, from this aspect his attributes strongly support the idea that he possesses the Dragon Devil Fruit.

          After Caesar’s downfall at Luffy’s hands, Kinemon told his son, in the middle of their meal, to trust that ‘they’ are all right.

          My theory is that ‘they’ refers to the people from Wa. To be worried about their safety means that they are going through some kind of crisis. A crisis of this level that affects an entire nation whose citizens are so strong inasmuch as not even the marines can go near them can only be caused by one of the four emperors.

          When the Straw Hats, Law and the samurai had left Punk Hazard and were heading to Dressrosa, Law revealed Kaido’s epithet. Upon hearing that, Momo and Kinemon both showed expressions fear and shock. When asked by Zoro what was wrong, Kinemon untruthfully replied that nothing was wrong.

          Right after Kinemon had untruthfully answered Zoro that nothing was wrong, he reacted frightfully to the dragon form of his own child and started nervously asking about his (Momo’s) whereabouts. Kinemon’s mind should have been preoccupied by the dragon next to him, but the very sight of that dragon triggered feelings of worry about his son’s whereabouts.

          Afterwards, when everyone was gathered and having dinner, Kinemon revealed to them that they were ‘chased’ by people whose identity he wished not to reveal(probably for the safety of the people who aided him recover both his body portions and his son – the Straw Hats).

          In both instances Kinemon concealed matters connected to kaido. In this week’s chapter we discover that Kaido’s goons were ‘chasing’ the ‘samurai’.

          This establishes another strong connection between Kaido and the people of Wa. My theory is that Kinemon’s group was chased by Kaido’s goons when they were trying to go to Zo. And the crisis that befell Wa had been caused by Kaido.

          Kaido is the only one that could have breached the strong security of Wa and did what was done to Momo by his flying abilities. This explains Momo’s accurate description of Kaido, his phobic reaction to dragons, and the fear he harbours about him from the event that caused him aviophobia. This also explains Kinemon’s ‘personal vendetta’ against ‘dragons’, his feelings of worry about the whereabouts of his child that surfaced at the sight of a dragon, and his strong dislike of ‘pirates’ because it is only natural for one to develop such feelings after having his son exposed to such traumatic experience and his country exposed to such crisis (conquest of Wa).

          Let’s also not dismiss that Gear 4 was conceived to combat celestial/ flying enemies too.

          These are my thoughts for why Kaido must possess the dragon ability.

          Thank you for reading.

          *Theory by Australopithecus


            Hello once again everyone and welcome back to yet another short theory for your entertainment. This time I shall be talking about the return of Enel in the Kaidou arc.

            Enel draws references from Zeus, the God of the sky, law n’ order, thunder and lightning in Greek Mythology and Raijin, the god of thunder and lightning from Japanese Shintoism.




            Kaidou draws reference from the Typhon, the Father of monsters in Greek Mythology and the Khan Clan of the Mongol Empire(or a mongol in general).

            The Typhon

            The Typhon was created out of hatred for Zeus and was offspring of Cronus, the father of Zeus(and a reference to the elephant zou). Typhon was terrible, outrageous and lawless and on his shoulders were one hundred snake heads that emitted fire.
            Zeus defeated the Typhon and cast it into Tartarus. Don’t you find it too coincedental that the first time we saw Kaidou he was jumping from a Sk Island with Urouge, a birkan, praying for him?

            The Mongolian empire attempted two invasions on Japan(think this is Kaidou’s second attempt at Wano) but failed both times because a storm blew away their fleet. It is recorded as on of the strangest coincidences in history but Shintoist believe that it was the god Raijin protecting them.

            Enel and Kaidou also seem to have a connection to the WG.

            Enel has the same tomoe symbol as Sentomaru, who is a member of the science unit and Vegapunk’s bodyguard(they are the only characters with that symbol). Btw, Vega is the most important star after the sun.

            Enel now has an army of automatas serving him.

            We’ve seen Dr. Tsukimi(Moon Viewing) build automatas himself, and I believe he is related to Vegapunk as they are from the same island, Karakuri(means Future Island).

            Kaidou may very well be an Oars giant experiment of Vegapunk and the WG.

            Oars Jr’s jolly roger
            Kaidou’s jolly roger
            The Oars giant symbol on a WG testing facility
            Kaidou himself

            Smoker and Tashigi were to visit Vegapunk in order to reverse the giantification of the kids. In OP time, Smoker and Tashgi should’ve dropped off the kids a few days ago.

            Since Vegapunk can now study how giantification works, maybe he’ll play a role in reversing Kaidou’s condition? What about him breaking down SMILE?

            I’ve always had this thought in the back of my head that Enel will kidnap Vegapunk…..anyways, what do you hope to for Enel to do when he returns during the Kaidou arc with his dangly earlobes? I hope he gets a new hair style at least….
            Yes….that’s his real hair…….

            *Theory by Vandenreich


              Why is Sanji wanted only alive?

              Many people on this board and in the depths of the internet think it could be something related to his past, especially his bloodline.
              Perhaps he is a prince, a CD or a son of a Gorosei.
              I honestly dont’t believe that his “only alive” poster has something to do with this. There is just to small evidence this could be true.
              I do not believe Rocinante survived and had a son who turned out to be a cook on the Odin, or anything related to this.
              Of course there is always the possibillity that this could be true. That he is a prince of noble blood. But I just don’t think this could turn out to be true.

              In my opinion there is something else. Since Enies Lobby I have a theory about Sanji and Zoro. And since Marinefort I think this theory could actually be true.

              So what happened in Enies Lobby?


              Our M3 developed techniques they just pulled out of nowhere. In the whole series till to their first apperance there were no evidence or related techniques to G2/G3, Ashura and Diable Jambe.

              In Luffys case we had the chance, that Lucci explained Luffys new gained abbilities. But what the hell are Ashura and Diable Jambe? Just why can Marimo and our shitty cook use such techniques?

              In Zoros case I thought it could be because of his Kitetsu and the curse of it. In Sanjis case I thought it could be a Heat Dial. But again, to small or even no evidence. As the series did go on I always thought about this particular two techniques.

              Also I always thought of one particular thing.
              The OPverse Oda created has something I always appreciated: the OPverse is a magical world, without magic!

              Every single ability in One Piece is explainable. Either with devil fruits, Haki, or Skill.
              In the whole world there is not a single case of unexplainable “magic”.
              Please keep this in mind as you go on.

              So what the hell are Ashura and Diable Jambe?
              To clear this, we have to go a looong way :D

              First we start with this:

              Oda on Devil Fruits:

              D: Excuse me!! May I pose a serious question to the typically-vulgar SBS?? In Volume 46, Usopp said that the same power doesn’t exist twice. But this doesn’t make sense with what you said in the Volume 45 SBS… If theGomu Gomu no Mi was in a book of fruits, then Luffy HAD to have eaten at least the SECOND known example of the fruit! Now, most beautiful and intelligent Ei-chan, explain it all! ✩ P.N. Takafi

              O: Very sharp of you. But I’m cool. I haven’t made any mistakes. As a hint, let me rephrase what Usopp is saying. “The same powers don’t exist twice AT THE SAME TIME”. How’s that? For more detail, you’ll just have to wait for a certain professor to make his appearance in the story, and explain exactly what the Devil Fruits REALLY are… Eventually.

              This is from SBS 48. We can assume, that this certain professor will be Vegapunk himself. He will explain how Devil Fruits are created and work.

              So why is this important for this theory?
              Now put yourself in the situation of Oda. You thought, that your Manga will end shortly after Alabasta. But you and your Producers did created something extraordinary good. So you keep on going creating new content. You give it more and more story, and more and more background. One of the main, if not the main mystery in your story are the Devil Fruits. It would fit them, if you not just explain them, but connect the mystery of the Devil Fruits with your protagonists
              Four of them already have one. But what would happen, if two more of the crew get fruits? And by getting you create more to their story than just eating them.

              In Skypea the time was not right. Zoro had to get a slashing technique and Sanji… well… just wanted a little lighter.

              The time to start explaining Devil Fruits came in the Water 7/Enies Lobby Saga.
              Again, Zoro and Sanji pulled Ashura and Diable Jambe out of nowhere in a world without magic.
              Now my theory: Oda started explaining the mystery of the Devil Fruits with Ashura and Diable Jambe.

              Till the Dressrosa arc, both techniques are not explainable. Both are supernatural. But don’t forget, there is not a single supernatural case in One Piece. Everything is explainable.
              During the Marinefort Arc I came to the conclusion that Ashura and Diable Jambe are the beginning of two Devil Fruits!
              Zoro and Sanji will never eat Devil Fruits, both of them are in the process of creating two brand new Fruits!

              But how did I pull that one?
              Because of Sengoku!
              Just think about it: Sengoku has the Hito Hito no Mi: Model Daibatsu.
              Heck, Zoro developed a technique that is basically the same. If you assume that his ability could be transfered to a Fruit, it could be named Hito Hito no Mi: Model Ashura.

              So basically my theory to this point is, that Zoro and Sanji are in the process of developing two brand new Devil Fruits.
              Something like Hito Hito no Mi: Model Ashura in Zoros Case and something realated with Heat, Rotation or perhaps Passion in Sanjis Case.

              Now back to Oda:
              As the writer you gave two protagonists a Devil Fruit in progress. But to this point in the story you did not played that card of explaining their abbilities. You professor, who will explain the mystery, is still not part of your story. But now, at 3/4 of your story the right time is coming slowly to explain the big mystery. But not in a ordinary boring, but awesome unpredictable way.

              And here comes the second part of my theory.
              The WG wants Sanjis Fruit in progress. Many in the fanbase assume, that Sanjis “only alive” status is due to a clear picture the Marines could get of Sanji. I believe his status is due to the actions of Sanji, after the Time Skip.

              Their is a huge difference between Sanjis Diable Jambe and Zoros Ashura. After Enies Lobby the Diable Jambe became Sanjis signature move. He used it everywhere. Zoro on the other side pulled Ashura just twice and never again.
              So in Enies Lobby only Kaku and Jyabura saw the techniques, no one else. Before the TS there was no marine who saw the Diable Jambe, except Sentomaru, who was not a marine to this moment and the Pacifista, which was barely scratched after the Flambage Muton Shot.
              My point is, that the Diable Jambe and Ashura techniques were not confirmed by the WG before the TS. Even the finishing move was Lufffys Gigant Rifle which blow away all evidence of Ashura and Diable Jambe on that Pacifista.

              After the TS Sanjis Diable Jambe broke the neck of a Pacifista and was seen by a whole branch of marines in Punk Hazard. The Diable Jambe was confirmed by the Marines and WG, whereas Ashura is still a mystery to everyone except Kaku and Sentomaru.

              So why is Sanji wanted “only alive”?

              I think there is a possibility, that the WG wants Sanji because they know, that he has a devil fruit in progress. It is possible, that they know, how to transfer abilities in progress to fruits and create new ones.
              I even do think, that the national treasure, which Doflamingo knows about, could be a transfer method of Devil Fruits in Progress. (Sad: extracting abilities; Smile: implanting abilities)

              This whole thought of me could be the reason why Sanji is wanted alive. If he would die, his ability would die with him.

              I don’t know how, but I think that Oda will explain us the creation of Devil Fruits with Sanji and Vegapunk.

              I don’t claim that this is the absolute thruth. Of course this theory could turn out to be absolute bull!@#t. Sanjis only alive wanted poster could be literally anything from noble blood theories or anything else. Oda could even pull a typical Okama CD card, who wants Sanji for himself :D
              I also know, that this therory has quite sone flaws.
              But if Oda takes Sanji serious this time, this could turn out to be true.

              *Theory by Deykin


                I’m going to start off on a bit of a tangent. Has anyone ever wondered why the technology to feed Devil Fruits to inanimate objects was created? In pretty much every instance it would be more beneficial for one to eat a fruit themselves, unless they already had one and would die. I believe DF powered weapons were merely a side result of another project

                The Gorosei ordered Vegapunk to perform a very specific task – The artificial recombination of Devil Fruits. For what purpose? To recreate the fruit of life

                So how does this relate to Sanji? Many people have connected the spiral pattern in his eyebrows with those found on all Devil Fruits, but what is his connection with them specifically? He is one. Or more accurately, he is two. In his attempts to recombine the fruits, Vegapunk fed a human human fruit model to another Devil Fruit, which resulted in it coming to life

                It is reasonable to assume that the feeding of DFs to inanimate objects is a recent technology as it’s still relatively unknown that it even exists. It’s invention likely coincides with the year of Sanji’s “birth”

                As to how Sanji escaped, he was probably given away by Vegapunk himself. Vegapunk is, unlike his masters, not a heartless monster, and decided that Sanji should lead a proper life in the real world. He was sent to North Blue

                The reason that he is wanted “only alive” is that the Gorosei have deemed him their “property”, and intend to use his body to further research the possibility of recreating the fruit of life. His identity was determined purely through the now complete spiral pattern from both wanted posters, as there is no way the Gorosei or Tenryuubito could recognise someone who was lost to them as a baby from their general facial features

                (This one is COMPLETELY crazy but I feel like there isn’t much variety in Sanji theories at the moment)

                *Theory by Go D. Usopp

                  SMILE ARMIES

                  Hello and welcome once again to another one of my batshitcraycray theories! This theory outlines and discusses the possibility of a Marine SMILE Army, as well as a “surprise package” and how they will obtain such power. Some plot twists will be needed but it seems like quite a likely event to occur. There are a few factors to consider before we get into this theory though, and I will guide you through each one during the thread:

                  1. Vegapunks technology, especially surrounding Zoan fruits and weaponry
                  2. The post-Dressrosa Arc situation for the Marines, including Isshou and Sakazuki
                  3. Marine knowledge of the underground trade, Kaidou and Joker
                  4. The Alliances fiasco

                  Plus there’s the logic that pieces together the different pieces of the puzzle, and considering the final war is likely the World vs the World Government, the Marines are going to need an immense power boost. So the purpose of this theory is to primarily give the Marines a chance, and the way Oda has formulated the plot it is (at least in my opinion) highly probable for what I’m about to say to actually occur:

                  My reasoning behind Pacifistas obtaining Zoan fruits lies in the fact that Vegapunk is capable of “feeding” objects Zoan fruits. I thought it was way too convenient given that the Marines are mass producing human-weapons and pirates are mass producing Zoan devil fruits. We’ve seen a few results of Vegapunks research as you can see below:

                  Zoan Weapons

                  [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

                  Therefore it’s easily feasible for Vegapunk to place or feed a SMILE fruit to a Pacifista, and given both products can be mass produced, this makes perfect sense – the amalgamation of the two is just too… perfect.

                  The Marines:

                  What will surprise a few is the way in which the Marines obtain the SMILE fruits. You would think that given the ties between Caesar Clown and Vegapunk that the latter would either have information on SMILEs or have created his own, but this is not the case. Remember how Punk Hazard was deserted and it was believed nobody inhabited the Island? It means nobody paid any attention to Caesars activities from within the World Government infrastructure. They did not know it was an active laboratory.

                  So in true Oda style, he has mislead and lulled everyone into thinking incorrectly. Giving Oda the opportunity for an amazing plot twist which will allow the theory to become true. What is this plot twist? you ask. Well, remember how Sakazuki banished Isshou until he captures our protagonists? (which obviously won’t happen)


                  Due to Isshou failing, he will have another ticket back into Sakazuki’s good books. The SMILE project. It makes perfect sense, and here’s why:

                  Isshou learns Doffy is Joker

                  Isshou now knows Joker is trading Devil Fruits because of Caesar, having worked on the same projects as Vegapunk

                  Devil Fruits found!

                  Dressrosa is now a Marine occupied island


                  If you piece the evidence together, we know Isshou knows what’s been going on, and being an informant to Sakazuki of something like this means that the Marines aren’t f*cked by divisions between Admirals, and they will take more of an interest and be more active in the underworld brokers system.

                  So, with the Marines fully aware of Caesars work, Doffy’s trade and the SMILE Devil Fruits themselves, it would be a stupid thing to allow the Fruits to escape their grasp. It’s a power boost, especially if they learn how to mass produce them (and, we know of at least one man in their ranks who can… *cough* Vegapunk *cough*). There is also seemingly still an abundance of SAD and SMILE fruits in the actual factory. Even if they don’t know how to mass produce, they still have a bountiful supply of SMILE devil fruits. Given the Marine affiliations with Punk Hazard, having Kuzan and Sakazuki fight there as well as the G-5 incident, it is likely that the Marines will investigate the base to find Caesars work and reports on several experiments for Vegapunk to use to their own advantage

                  The result? New Model Pacifistas being fed SMILE fruits, Smiley (or similar weapons) being added to a buster calls arsenal, gigantification: we know Vegapunk was previously working on that too. In turn, clearly making the Marines far stronger as a unit and a force


                  But what about Blackbeard? Remember when Burgess was seen with a sack full of what are likely to be SMILE fruits?


                  Given Burgess has probably escaped by now, and the fact Bleackbeard is on the hunt for Devil Fruits it is only logical that Blackbeard wanted in on the SMILE fruits, afterall, he now has lots of subordinates (as implied by the fact Burgess is a fleet captain), again, for the same reasons the Marines would take the fruits: it is to strengthen and inhibit those around them from getting stronger. Teach will also develop his own SMILE army, afterall, Doc Q seems to have an endless supply of apples. He has the means of production, he has the goal, it’s only logical that he will create an articulate and meticulous plan to obtain an army, and it will succeed.

                  Docs Apples lel


                  That’s’ right, there’s two SMILE armies to fight after Kaidous: Blackbeards inferior fodder army and the superior Marine Pacifista SMILE army.

                  It has been argued that Burgess “lost the sack of fruits” while fighting Sabo, which I disagree to. Firstly, there is a high chance he can use Kenbunshoku Haki, so even if he did lose his bag he could easily locate it remotely. Secondly, nobody has laid claim to a suspicious bag of Devil Fruits. Of course this is all speculative and there is neither evidence for or against this point.


                  There is mythological grounding for this theory too. In my Kaidou’s crewmates theory I have compared the SMILE fruits to the Apples of Hesperides. The story goes that Hera gave the apples to Zeus as a wedding present. Hercules, having failed to please king Eurystheus was sent to retrieve the apples. This is one of the 12 Labours of Hercules, these were punishments for Hercules’s crimes. The parallels in this story are as follows:
                  King Eurystheus is Fleet Admiral Sakazuki
                  Hercules is Admiral Fujitora
                  Zeus is Kaidou
                  Hera is Caesar Clown

                  It is important to note that the Hesperides were nymphs that protected and nurtured these Apples,they were sons and daughters of Atlas, the Titan that held up the world and the sky. Although the parallels are very weak, they still exist:
                  The Hesperides who nurtured the apples are the Donquixote Pirates, of whom are descendants of the World Government (i.e. Doflamingo being a Tenryuubito) who claim to hold the world together in balance.


                  In the same way Hera married Zeus for protection from other Gods and Titans; Caesar allied with Kaidou for protection from Big Mom, hence the trade initially started.


                  The short saga that might occur in which the Marines obtain the SMILE project is invoked by the crimes of Isshou in the same way the labour is invoked by Hercules’s crimes. Isshou committed a sin of letting somebody of Tenryuubito blood to get hurt, let alone completely f*cked over, he also allowed Law and Luffy to live, this incurred Sakazuki’s punishment – which, due to being impossible to achieve due to plot armour, Isshou will have to look elsewhere to please Sakazuki, hence the Apples saga.

                  Therefore, what I am saying does not go without reason. We know Oda loves to use Greek mythology to at least inspire events in the manga, and this will be just one more example of this amongst a plethora of others


                  So, here’s a little side theory

                  Isn’t it weird how both endgame villains/enemies: Teach and Akainu will get their hands on SMILE? What about Kid? That guy is showing some promising signs of arch-villainy, and will probably ally with Kaidou: just imagine:


                  Yeah. Kaidou + Kid + Apoo + Hawkins vs Shanks + Luffy + Law + ????? And you know who will inherit Kaidou’s SMILE army once he is taken down? Kid. Especially if he can get his hands on some Pacifistas: his electromagnetism may be powerful enough to manipulate them. SMILE Armies are a new business model and all three of Luffy’s greatest future enemies will have their hands on one, each. This makes sense considering Kid watched Smileys antics on Punk Hazard and clearly took an interest in the SMILE fruits and Caesars work.


                  A Marine Zoan Pacifista Army makes sense for plot reasons too. Firstly it strengthens the Marines in preparation for the final arc. It also makes them more of a threat once again, it adds greater tension because it means that most of the Strawhats (excluding the monster trio) would be inferior to Marine enemies once more, something that One Piece had recently been lacking. A new dynamic to the story is also added as the balance of power starts to tip.

                  So, the final war will consist of many SMILE armies. The Revolutionaries will have their hands full with the Marines, and the entire New World will probably gang up against a Kid-Blackbeard alliance at some point. When Oda said the final war arc would make Marineford look small, he wasn’t lying!

                  *Theory by L o g i a


                    Many people have speculated on how awakening will effect Luffy, so i wanted to give my thoughts. Originally i thought awakening could effect Luffy by allowing him to manipulate the surroundings, however now i think otherwise. I realized that it would make absolutely no sense for all paramecia to have to same awakenings and that they would rather have different awakenings based on what each paramecia did. Therefore i believe that Luffy’s awakening will effect his own body, but exactly how will it do this?? Well lets take a look at Luffy’s other powers

                    I believe that Oda has been basing Luffy’s powers on rokushiki

                    • G2 emulates soru by making Luffy faster
                    • G3 emulates tekkai by making Luffy harder
                    • G4 emulates geppo by allowing Luffy to bounce off the air

                    So what about awakening? Well awakening isn’t a gear so i don’t think it will be rokushiki based, however i do believe it will be based on another marine technique; that technique being life return.

                    • awakening will emulate life return by giving Luffy full control over his body and rubber

                    This means luffy will be able to manipulate qualities of rubber, such as:

                    • tear resistance
                    • elasticity
                    • stretchiness
                    • electric resistance
                    • density

                    So what will this look like?

                    Here’s what i think Luffy’s awakened form would look like
                    With his awakening, i think Luffy’s muscles would decompress and become less dense; this would basically make him look more muscular. Because his muscles are more expanded and less compressed, they would be able to stretch more and have more room to stretch; this would basically increase the power of Luffy’s punches. Furthermore he would be able to use more power with his muscles; normally humans cannot use all 100% of their own muscle, however if luffy gains better control of his body via awakening, he will be able to use all 100% of his muscle fibers. Furthermore by using the power of rubber, all of his muscle contractions would happen way faster; due to his muscles being rubber, they would not tear like normal muscles would, however he would need more energy to use his muscles.
                    Being as chimpanzee’s can naturally use all 100% of their muscle, imo it’s likely Luffy will do the same via awakening as his name is MONKEY D Luffy.

                    So this is basically what Luffy will gain from using all 100% of his muscles and his awakening

                    • the ability to move as fast(if not faster) than G2 in his awakened form
                    • the ability to punch as hard(if not harder) than G4 in his awakened form
                    • the ability to be undamaged by most(if not all) non-haki impact and cutting attacks by increasing elasticity
                    • near infinite stretching

                    However Luffy will also gain boosts to his gears with awakening

                    • gear 2 will by way faster as Luffy will be able to make his blood vessels more elastic, thereby increasing the amount of blood pressure he can handle
                    • gear 3 will be way stronger; as Luffy will be able to juice way more power out of his muscles, he will be able to use G3 way faster and stronger. Furthermore he will be able to compress the bone balloon to increase the hardness and speed
                    • Gear 4 will become more slender and stronger as he will be able to increase elasticity with both his DF and his haki


                    But how will Luffy awaken?????
                    I believe that it could possibly be with the help of professor Vegapunk
                    We know that Smoker is going to Vegapunk, we also learned a lot about Vegapunk in Punk Hazard; imo we could possibly see Vegapunk very soon as we have been hinted at him for a long time. But why Vegapunk? Well in an SBS, Oda stated that a certain professor would explain DFs; now we can assume that this professor Oda is talking about is likely Vegapunk. And with awakening being introduced, it would be a good time for Oda to introduce Vegapunk so that he can fully explain awakening.

                    However i think someone else could help Luffy awaken. Vegapunk will likely explain awakening, however i think someone else could train awakening. Those others being

                    – Monkey D Dragon

                    We know that the revos are trying to stop the distribution of weapons from a specific weapons shop
                    From this cover story, we can assume that the weapons are being distributed by Kaido; so i think Dragon could possibly become involved and maybe train Luffy to take down Kaido.

                    Another possibility could be Scopper Gaban, however i am doubting if he has a DF

                    Lastly, Luffy could awaken just by getting stronger(he gets stronger by experiance)

                    *Theory by knaal