Archivi giornalieri: 30/04/2016
Hello everyone ! I will show you a rather small theory today and it concerns Kaido’s death.
I don’t think I have to explain this fact right ? We all know that Kaido is looking for a way to kill himself and so it’s seems logical that before the end of One Piece he will reach his goal somehow. Watch Kaido’s first introduction :
I mean we haven’t seen the guy yet and Oda is already telling us that he wants to die ! How many manga can introduce this kind of character .
Anyway, now that it’s clear for everyone, let’s continue.
With the recent revelation of the 824th chapter, I just thought about a character that will help or find a way to kill Kaido. I’m talking about this guy :We don’t know what happened to Hawkins after the Kidd – Hawkins – Apoo alliance met Kaido. But we can already tell that Kidd refused to go under Kaido’s order so he ended up half-dead in a cage. We can already assume that Apoo betrayed the alliance and is now a part of Kaido’s crew. But what about Hawkins ?
I mean is it a coincidence that in one side we have a Yonko who is supposed immortal and is looking for a way to die and in the other side, we have a fortune teller that can see “the shadow of death” upon someone ? I’m sure that Oda has something in store for these two characters.
I won’t try to guess what will happen exactly, Oda’s imagination is not in my league anyway . But I’m telling you this guys, I’m sure Hawkins prediction will have a huge impact on Kaido’s death.
That’s it guys, as I said it was quite short but I wanted to talk about this cause I haven’t seen anyone talking about Hawkins recently .
Tell me what you think about it !
*Theory by Xdidzic
Sabo VS Kuma & Dragon AMV One Piece [ HD ]
The Beasts Pirates
The Beasts Pirates are a powerful pirate crew ruling in the New World, led by the Yonko Kaido.
Kaido, the captain, has full control over the crew. He is noticeably much larger than an ordinary human being and feared by his fellow crewmembers due to his drunken rampages and extremely violent mood swings. Most of his subordinates dress similar to barbarians and viking warriors, wearing armaments such as helmets, belts, furred and feathered cloaks with pauldrons, swords, gauntlets, long pants, and boots. Their chests, however, are generally left uncovered; the one exception, needless to say, is the female crewmember Ginrummy, who, while scantily clad in general, has metal breastplates. Like their horned captain, almost every single member of the Beast Pirates bears an ornamental headpiece of animal horns as well, or possesses actual animal horns, while others even have fangs or other animal traits, and a large amount of the crew sports hair that is some combination of long, wild, or flowing.
At his side are three beings known as the Disasters. One of them, Jack, has the ability to become a mammoth, granting him immense size and strength. Jack has authority over the Gifters and Pleasures. The crew also has X Drake, another ancient Zoan-type user like Jack and a member of the Worst Generation.
One division of the Beasts Pirates is called the Gifters, a group of Artificial Devil Fruit users lead by the Headliner Sheepshead. All the Gifters have a pair of black horns.The Gifters were created through the use of SMILEs, which gives them the ability to transform some parts of their body, such as their arms or ears, into different parts of an animal’s body. With the defeat of Doflamingo, however, Kaido’s attempt at building up a giant army of Gifters was brought to an abrupt end.
Another division is the Pleasures, who resemble foot soldiers and do not appear to have any animal traits. They each wear a hat with one horn, and smile regardless of the circumstance, even when taking damage.
The crew’s Jolly Roger is a skull in the middle of a pair of intersected crossbones (similar to the Blackbeard Pirates’s flag). The skull has horns similar to Kaido’s, and there are two shapes flanking the skull.