Archivio per il tag: The National Treasure of Mariejois theory


According an interview of Oda in July 22, 2014 with the author of the series “Chibi Maruko-chan” -Momoko Sakura

Oda: Yes, I already decided on how it’s going to end. Should I tell you now?

Sakura: …. Well, I want to know, but I probably shouldn’t. BUT, the One Piece, it’s not something like “the growth your heart went through”, right?

Oda: Hahaha, no no, I won’t be pulling off some kind of Wizard of Oz thing like that. After having gone through an adventure like that, it wouldn’t be fair to not actually give them a reward.

So I guess now we can all rest assured that the One Piece ISN’T “a dream”, or “the bonds created among the straw hat crew” etc.

now oda has use many mythology and story from various culture to incorporate in one piece considering that i thought might have use some japanese myth for the real deal one piece

And i found this

Tide Jewels kanju manju
Tide jewels
In Japanese mythology, the tide jewels– individually, the kanju (干珠, lit. “(tide-)ebbing jewel”) and manju (満珠, lit. “(tide-)flowing jewel”)– were magical gems that the Sea God used to control the tides. Classical Japanese history texts record an ancient myth that the ocean kami Watatsumi 海神 “sea god” or Ryūjin 龍神 “dragon god” presented the kanju and manju to his demigod son-in-law Hoori, and a later legend that Empress Jingū used the tide jewels to conquer Korea.
Tide jewels interrelate Japanese dragons and wani sea-monsters, Indonesian mythology, the nyoi-ju 如意珠 “cintamani; wish-fulfilling jewel” in Japanese Buddhism, magic jewels of Nāga kings in Hindu mythology, and the pearl associations of Chinese dragons in Chinese mythology 
The Japanese compounds kanju 干珠 lit. “ebb jewel” and manju 満珠 lit. “flow jewel” combine kan 干 (cf. 乾) “dry up; drain off; ebb (tides); recede; oppose” and man 満 “fill; full; rise (tides); fulfill; satisfy” with ju, shu, or tama 珠 “gem; jewel; precious stone; pearl; bead”. Compare the reversible compounds kanman 干満 and mankan 満干 or michihi 満ち干 meaning “ebb and flow; high and low tides; the tides”. Shiomitsu-tama 潮満珠 and shiohiru-tama 潮干珠 are archaic “tide jewel” names using shio or chō 潮 “tide; flow; salt water”. 
Early references
Two Nara period (710-794 CE) historical texts record myths that the Sea God presented the kanju and manju to Hoori, and a Kamakura period (1192-1333 CE) text says the legendary Empress Jingū used the tide jewels to conquer a Korean kingdom in 200 CE.
The tide jewels
are central to “The Lost Fishhook” legend about the fisherman Hoderi and hunter Hoori, two brothers who argued over replacing a lost fishhook. Hoori went searching to the bottom of the sea, where he met and married Toyotama-hime, the daughter of the dragon Sea God. After living three years in the undersea Ryūgū-jō 竜宮城 “dragon palace castle”, Ryūjin presented Hoori with his brother’s fishhook and the tide jewels, and arranged for him to take his sea-dragon bride back to land. 
The ca. 680 CE Kojiki 古事記 “Record of Ancient Matters” uses the archaic names shiomitsu-tama 潮満珠 “tide-flowing jewel” and shiohiru-tama 潮干珠 “tide-ebbing jewel” in two consecutive passages.
The first describes the sea-god’s advice to Hoori about how to confront his duplicitous brother Hoderi. 
The ca. 720 CE Nihon shoki 日本書紀 “Chronicles of Japan” or Nihongi日本紀 has several references to tide jewels.
….. Empress Jingū found a Buddhist nyoi-ju 如意珠 lit. “as-one-wishes jewel”, 
The ca. 1195 CE Mizukagami 水鏡 “Water Mirror”, which is a collection of historical tales, confabulates the Nihongi legends about the tide jewels and Jingū conquering the Koreans (Bassett 1885:74). This text uses some different names, Sāgara 沙竭羅 (one of the 8 Dragon Kings) for the Sea God, and Koryo 句麗 or Koma 蓋馬 for the Korean kingdom Goguryeo. 
Simple Explanation :
These two jewels have opposite effect like yin and yang are part of same bodyKanju – ebb jewel it has ability to recede ,dry ,pull back or drain a tideManju – flowing jewel it has ability to raise the tidesGist from the Nihongi “Chronicles of Japan”
Legend says that the Empress of Japan, Jingu, once decided to take over Korea. To help her in her conquest, she sent one of her servants into the nether realms to talk to the Dragon King. She wanted the tide jewels, two relics forged by the Dragon King, which controlled the very seas themselves. He granted the Empress’s request and, with the aid of the relics, they took over Korea. When the invasion was over, she cast the jewels back into the sea, returning them to the Dragon King.
These jewels are have opposite force and stable only when they together
like yin and yang
[​IMG]and in scientific terms like the two poles of magnet[​IMG]

this bring us to next part

Mystery of Grandline

The Grand Line is the ocean current that is surrounded by the Calm Belts and follows an imaginary line that runs from north-west to south-east across the middle of the world and perpendicular to the Red Line. The Red Line is a vast continent that circles the globe from north-east to south-west. These two lines divide the rest of the Blue Sea into the Blues: North Blue, East Blue, West Blue, and South Blue


Now what happens when we bring the two opposites pole of magnets in close proximity

According to my theory kanju and manju are like opposite poles of magnets kept at a distance but as they very power full they create a very strong magnetic field

leading to creation grandline


Normal compasses do not work on the Grand Line because of the nature of its magnetic fields. In order to navigate the Grand Line, a special compass called a ‘Log Pose‘ must be used. The Log Pose works by locking on to one island’s magnetic field and then locking on to another island’s magnetic field.

due to presence of kanju and manju on the opposite sides of grandline magnetic field is created effecting the islands in it

  • and their power leads to constant chaos in ocean of grandline
  • rise and fall of waves
  • chaotic climate in grandline
  • this strong force which created grandline also lead to of clam belt as force was so strong in grandline
  • leading to lack of winds and tides in clam belt

Location of kanju and manju in one piece universe


Yes they are Raftel and Mariejois

As u can see Reverse Mountain are opposite to Mariejois
If we see Earth as a giant magnet it’ll like


why Mariejois u say One Piece was treasure of Ancient Kingdom which World Government stole in Void Century atlest a part of it
that’s why World Government is so afraid of mention of One Piece bcoz they afraid its true power
Whitebeard aslo mentions it in Marineford

Doffy also mention a treasure in Mariejois although many people think its Uranus i dont think so
Doffy understood its power but not to full extent

Now Joy Boy in Void Century hide the other part of treasure and hide it Raftel and created the grandline so that world government couldn’t have their hands on it

Roger’s Failure

One who obtains One Piece will have power over sea and ocean and will able to control of all ocean the Pirate King

Roger conquers the Grand Line and reached Raftel and obtained other part of treasure and named it One Piece
Now what makes different from other Yonkos is not because he had more military might or not because he finished journey to Grand Line

its because he held power equivalent to World Government
World Government held who one part of treasure symbolizes justice
and Roger held other part of treasure symbolizes injustice -pirate king

Why did Roger failed and disbanded is group ?

  • as much as powerful Roger Pirates were they at least 1 ancient weapon and one piece
  • roger lacked one thing that luffy has ability to make allies
  • according to me a part will of D also is to unite the old nakama/allies
  • unable to fullfill promise to mermaid princess
  • roger knew he wasnt the one who will bring down the world Government
  • hence he disbanded his crew and got captured to pass along the message to his successor

Conclusion :what will happen if two pieces are brought together ?

  • the grandline will disappear
  • weather and sea will return to its original form
  • and clam belt will disappear too
  • and luffy will be king of all of sea

Thanks to those who read till the end
Hope you like

*Theory by D kar

    The National Treasure of Mariejois Theory

    We are past the halfway point in One Piece, and it seems like we are finally coming to understand how the story is going to play out when Oda introduces another novel idea to ensure that us fans still have theories to delve into.

    The national treasure of Mariejois:


    As Doflamingo said, this national treasure’s existence, if revealed, is enough to “shake the world”. So, here is the question: Are there any clues that could possibly reveal what this treasure is?

    Doflamingo’s knowledge of the National Treasure:

    The context with which Doflamingo reveals the National Treasure is very intriguing. He says he still has the political power to mobilize CP0, despite no longer being a Celestial Dragon, because of his knowledge of this treasure.


    This isn’t the only time that we have heard about Doflamingo blackmailing the World Government to achieve power. King Riku seems to think that Doflamingo attacked ships transporting Celestial Dragon’s “heavenly gold” and that Doflamingo used that to blackmail the World Government into giving him the title of Shichibukai.


    Doflamingo doesn’t refuse the statement.

    Let’s consider what we know:
    1. Doflamingo said that his knowledge of National Treasure allowed him to regain the power of a Celestial Dragon.
    2. Riku heard Doflamingo was able to blackmail the World Government because he’s been attacking ships transporting “heavenly gold” tributes from nations within the World Government.

    Riku could be misinformed regarding how specifically Doflamingo blackmailed the World Government, however, I wonder whether the National Treasure could have been found, at least in part, on these ships he was attacking.

    The National Treasure can be “used”:

    Doflamingo reveals a little more about the National Treasure which could help us understand what it is. He tells us that if he had Law’s devil fruit, the Ope Ope no Mi, he could have “used the National treasure of Mariejois to control the world”.


    He further explains what specific abilities the Ope Ope no Mi has that makes it so useful.


    He specifically mentions two abilities:
    1. “Personality transplant”
    2. Ageless surgery, a.k.a the ability to grant immortality

    Given the context with which Doflamingo talks about the abilities of the Ope Ope no Mi, it’s heavily implied that one, or both, of the abilities would allow the user to “use” the National Treasure. Doflamingo seems to place greater emphasis on the ageless surgery ability, though, so let’s focus on that ability.

    Let’s first explain immortality and how it differs from invincibility:

    If you are invincible, then nothing from outside your body can harm you, you can still grow old and die. If you are immortal, then nothing will ever harm you from within your body and you can live forever, but if you get trapped in a burning building you’re toast. In simplest terms, someone who is immortal can survive poison, illness, age etc. They are still susceptible, however, to physical destruction and injury.

    The key idea we must address is, what could the National Treasure be if you would need to be immortal to “use” it? This suggests that the National Treasure would have killed Doflamingo “from the inside” if he attempted to use it without being immortal. There is only one thing I can thing of that makes sense based on what we already know.


    If a person consumes two Devil Fruits, it is supposed to mean death. However, the type of death this causes is unique. Even though Blueno thinks they may “explode“, this should not be akin to a bomb going off. Lucci clarifies what is going on when he describes this death as the result of the “curse” of the Devil Fruits.


    I believe death by “curse” would constitute a death from inside your body. Despite Blueno’s claim that the user would “explode“, this seems more similar to poisoning to me. This is not a physical damage or injury, and thus, immortality should protect you from this kind of death.

    The World Government and Devil Fruits:

    So, the National Treasure is related to Devil Fruits? Devil Fruits are a pretty mysterious aspect of Oone Piece. Although we see many abilities, and ability users we don’t know much else for sure. However, we do know that Devil Fruits are hardly ever found outside of the Grand Line. Once you travel to the Grand Line, it seems as though every major player has a fruit of some kind. It’s also pretty interesting that the World Government seems to have a monopoly on the strongest ones. Every Marine Admiral possesses a frightening powerful Devil Fruit and the 3 original Admirals each consumed one of the rarest kinds of fruits, Logia type.

    The World Government seems to prioritize the acquisition of these fruit as well.


    Spandam, a high ranking member of the World Government, also speaks rather cryptically about “connections” in obtaining Devil Fruit.


    I think it’s very possible based on this information that the World Government may have collected the majority of all the Devil Fruits that currently exist. If we  imagine all these Devil Fruits located in a room in Mariejois, this could very well be the National Treasure that Doflamingo speaks of.

    How the Ope Ope No Mi could “use” the national treasure to “control the world”:

    Doflamingo spells out something that really favors the idea that the National Treasure may be the accumulation of Devil Fruits the World Government probably possesses. He says that only someone with “true brilliance” would know how to use the Ope Ope no Mi to grant immortality. Doflamingo is probably saying that he’s figured out being immortal would allow someone to eat many Devil Fruits. The power of having so many Devil Fruits at once could very reasonably be used to make Doflamingo the strongest person in the world. A mortalperson could only eat one fruit. Doflamingo needed immortality to “use” the Devil Fruits the World Government possesses to be capable of “ruling the world”.

    The second ability of the Ope Ope no Mi, personality transplant, allows the fruit users to switch the “souls” of people so that they are no longer in their own bodies. This is a very powerful ability and would allow you to put your own followers in the bodies of Celestial Dragons and other World Government officials. Doing this, Doflamingo could secretly take over the entire World Government without drawing much attention to himself. Keep in mind that this would have been Corozon’s role, as Doflamingo planned for him to eat the fruit.

    After this it would be simple to access the National Treasure, have Corozon grant him immortality at the cost of his own life and eat as many Devil Fruits as he wished to forever rule over the world.

    So with these two abilities of the Ope Ope no Mi, Doflamingo secures his eternal rule over the world:
    1. World Government takeover
    2. Immortality
    3. Practical invincibility

    The Celestial Dragon Tribute ships:

    It’s very interesting that the World Government seems to be hoarding all the Devil Fruits, while at the same time, Doflamingo and other brokers of the underworld deal artificial Devil Fruits.


    If the National Treasure is a huge number of Devil Fruits, I think Doflamingo was targeting these “tribute” ships for the Devil Fruits that are likely to have been given to the World Government as tribute. Devil Fruits are extremely valuable, and there’s little doubt in my mind the World Government would have accepted these fruit as substitutes for actual money.

    This would explain the rumor that it was his attacks on tribute ships that allowed him to blackmail the World Government. And it’s maybe why Monet had the powerful Yuki Yuki no Mi. I think Doflamingo was openly showing off that he knew of the National Treasure by raiding supply ships to specifically steal the Devil Fruits given to the World Government.

    Why would this knowledge “shake the world to its core”:

    The World Government does whatever it can to ensure that Pirates stay away from Mariejois. Currently, there is really no reason to even try to attack it because there’s little that can be gained for such a risky move. Gold can be obtained elsewhere. One thing that can’t are Devil Fruits.

    If it was revealed that the World Government had hundreds, I think you would see many Pirates, including a Yonko like Kaido, who wishes to have an army of ability users, attempt to steal these fruit from the World Government. This would explain the World Government’s fear of this knowledge being revealed. In order to protect Mariejois, the World Government had to either kill Doflamingo or let him do as he liked.

    Why is Blackbeard the first man in history to eat two Devil Fruits?


    This is speculation, but there are several solutions:
    1. Doflamingo is the first to realize that the Ope Ope no Mi can be used to eat multiple Devil Fruits
    2. Even if Blackbeard is the first “man” to eat multiple fruits, maybe a “god” already has achieved this feat. The Celestial Dragons are thought of as gods, perhaps the Gorosei are just surprised a lowly “human” would be able to do this as well.

    It seems unlikely that the Ope Ope no Mi has been used to grant immortality more than just a few times. With so few instances of someone becomming immortal using it, it’s very possible those who did become immortal wouldn’t have considered eating multiple fruits. The idea of doing so is not obvious.

    Why doesn’t the World Government already have all the Devil Fruits:

    As we saw with the death of Smiley, Devil Fruits re-spawn after the original user of the fruit dies. Over an 800 year period, the World Government most likely lost many of these fruits when the person who they had given the fruit to died and they could not retrieve the fruit. This would explain why the World Government does not have every overpowered Devil Fruit including the Mera Mera no Mi (Ace/Sabo), Goro Goro no Mi (Enel) and Gura Gura no Mi( Whitebeard).

    This would also explain why Devil Fruits are a “myth” outside of the Grand Line but so prevalent within it. The World Government would only have given fruits to those within the World Government, and the majority of their high ranking members seem to mostly stay within the Grand Line. This would mean they are likely to have died in the Grand Line as well.

    Why would the World Government give people “weak” fruits:

    We see a lot of fruits that don’t compare to the higher powered ones. If we assume the World Government has controlled the flow of Devil Fruits for years, why have they even touched these weak fruits? This is because the World Government doesn’t know what abilities all of the fruits give. Spandam tells CP9 he doesn’t even know what the fruits he’s giving them are supposed to do.


    I think the World Government may be slowly testing out the fruits that they have, but don’t know anything about, by giving them to “lesser” members of the government. This is a good guess to why some of these weaker fruits remain in circulation around the world.

    Why can Blackbeard eat more than one fruit:

    Firstly, we don’t know two things that are important for this idea:
    1. Obviously, we don’t know how Blackbeard does it. We only know the outcome.
    2. We don’t know the specificities of immortality granted by the Ope Ope no Mi. For instance, why does the user die when they use the ageless surgery.

    However, I wonder if the user dies because they transfer their life-force, or soul, into the person who’s receiving immortality. This could potentially mean that those who become immortal through the Ope Ope no Mi have multiple souls within one body. Maybe Blackbeard became immortal by having ageless surgery performed on him.

    While I question the idea that someone would have sacrificed their life for him, I wouldn’t completely discredit the idea without more of Blackbeard’s history. This would certainly explain a lot of the “weirdness” people remark upon when they talk about Blackbeard. However, his Jolly Roger has 3 skulls. Shouldn’t that suggest that he has 3 souls within him?

    Here’s a possible explanation of how Blackbeard could have 3 souls:
    1. The Ope Ope no Mi also stores the souls of the users who sacrificed themselves to perform the ageless surgery. Given Doflamingo and Law know the Ope Ope no Mi can grant immortality, clearly this ability has been used in the past. Maybe the ability was used twice, so far. Meaning that Blackbeard, when he received the surgery, received both of the souls of the previous users who performed the surgery.

    Regardless, I think it’s possible for there to be two ways of consuming multiple Devil Fruits.

    *All rights go to the maker of this theory