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With the last panel of the 822nd chapter, Oda finally announced the Reverie arc (don’t go assuming Vivi is going to the Tea Party, we all know it’s not true).
Just a detail, the Reverie arc won’t happen soon. I’m pretty sure we won’t have any news about the Reverie before the Wano Arc’s end.


For the ones living under a rock (just kidding ;)), here is a brief definition.
The Reverie (literally translated as “World Council”) is a council formed by the World Government which consists of the world’s greatest leaders of various kingdoms.
Meetings are held every four years at Mariejois and kings or queens gather to discuss matters that could affect the world.

Okay let’s begin.
I will detail in this theory, how and why the Reverie will anounce the abolition of the Shichibukai system from a very logical way and from 3 different point of view. Stay with me guys, you will see that I’ve put a lot of work on it :D.

Perspective 1 : the Kings of the different countries
So first, who will be present at the Reverie ?
There will be the representatives of the 20 countries and here are the ones we already know :
Alabasta Kingdom : Nefertari Cobra and Vivi
Ryugu Kingdom : King Neptune (and maybe his 3 sons)
Dressrosa : King Riku
Sakura Kingdom (formerly the Drum Kingdom) : King Dalton
Ilusia Kingdom : Thalassa Lucas (he was the King at the reverie 8 years ago)

I will add one more but this one is a just a speculation so I won’t talk more about it.
Prodence Kingdom : King Elizabello II and Dagama

Did you notice guys ? From the 5 country/kingdom I mentioned just above, 4 of them have already a conflict (more or less) with the Shichibukai system.
Crocodile and Dofflamingo nearly destroy the whole country of Alabasta and Dressrosa.
Blackbeard attacked the Drum Kingdom and left him without a King.
Jinbei close friend of King Neptune, get imprisoned because he refused to fight Whitebeard as a Shichibukai.

If King Ezabello II is here, he also has a grudge against Dofflamingo.

What I’m really confident is that the representatives will talk about the situation of their respective country. And this is where the situation will become really tense. I mean the World Government, formed by the 20 most powerfull country, is supposed to protect those countries right ? So how is it possible that already 4 of them (maybe more) have suffered from the Shichibukai system which is supposed to be control by the same WG ?

We can already see the reasons why the Shichibukai system can be abolished from the perspective of the different characters/country right ?

Perspective 2 : the World Government
So what about the World Government itself ? Why would they abolish the shichibukai system at the Reverie ?
Well here is the current situation, only 5 shichibukai are remaining. So without going any further there are already 2 seats lacking.
But for the rest here are my thought.

Dracule Mihawk : we know that he doesn’t care about the WG, he does what he wants to do and he will probably end as a Shanks ally. So there is no reason for him to stay any longer as a shichibukai (maybe the main reason to become a shichibukai in the first place was to gather information).

Boa Hancock : she already betrayed the WG sneaking Luffy into Impel Down and attacking Smoker and other marines during the MarineFord war. And we know it’s going to happen again in the future. All the reason to expel her from her title.

Kuma : well either he remains a Shichibukai or not, he will stay under the WG controls for a long time again so doesn’t really matter in this case.

Buggy : I don’t have a lot to say about this one honestly. I just imagine easily Buggy’s face after losing his Shichibukai title because of Luffy :lmao: !

And here comes the most interesting one, Weevil :
I said earlier that the Reverie will occur after the Tea Party and the Wano arc right ? Well guess what, Weevil will have a huge role to at least one or both of this events. First he is linked to Big Mom with his pseudo mother, Miss Bukkin, which there is a huge chance that she is one of Big Mom daughter.
Second we also know that Marco will come back in Wano as well. It seems not far-fetched to think in that case Weeble might come to deal with him in Wano.
Anyway, either it is one of those speculation, Weevil will be defeated or become a future ally at the end of the Tea Party/Wano arc. And this is why the WG after losing another of his Shishibukai, will have another good reason to abolish it !

Perspective 3 : from Oda’s point of view
If you think about it, if my theory is right, after the Reverie Kaido will be defeated, Big Mom will be out of the picture for a bit (i think she will become an ally cause I can’t see 2 Yonko being defeated/killed so quicklu), almost all the Supernova will be introduced (Kid/Apoo/Hawkins/Killer/ alliance it’s obvious that it goes with Kaido arc, Capone already in the picture, Drake and bonney will appear soon too imo). So after all that, ODA will have to put in front of the scene all the big Boss of One Piecés universe. I mean Shanks and Blackbeard, Dragon and the revolutionnaries and the Gorosei. So how can he do that ? Well imo the Reverie will be the trigger the story need.
If you think about it, from the beginning of One Piece, Oda told us that the World’s balance was kept by the WG – Shichibukai – 4 Yonkos. We also get some information on the Reverie at the beginning of Grand Line (in Alabasta). It simply means that ODA planned from the very start to make the Reverie one of the most important event in One Piece. Is there a better way to make this event HUGE, than to abolish the shichibukai system and to break the balance of the world ? The big figure will have no other choice but to make their move and we will finally enter in the last part of One Piece.

That’s it guys. I’ve put everything I had to be as clear as possible
I hope you enjoyed reading it

*Theory by Xdidzic

    It appears like Sanji’s eyebrows are actually a wink from Oda’s signature o.O



      We all know that Sanji’s from North Blue, though he met the crew while working at Baratie Restaurant in East Blue. We also know that Red Line divides the world in two parts, with three seas each:
      1. East Blue + Grand Line (Paradise) + South Blue.
      2. North Blue + Grand Line (New World) + West Blue.

      From that, we can assume that there’s only 2 ways of getting to East Blue from North Blue:

      1. Reverse Mountain and Calm Belt. This means, entering Grand Line from North Blue through Reverse Mountain and then exiting Grand Line through Calm Belt to East Blue. This is the “easiest” way, though there’s a high probability of dying in Reverse Mountain and even more in Calm Belt.

      2. Mariejois. I don’t really have any idea on how to enter Mariejois except from scaling the Red Line at the end of Paradise or at the beggining of New World, but there must be some way to do so, reserved only to nobles or tenryuubitos and their staff (we saw Tenryuubitos and some of his servants back at Sabaody).

      From my point of view, the first option is impossible. Why? Well, when the Strawhats were about to enter Grand Line, Sanji didn’t have any idea of what Reverse Mountain was, so it’s quite obvious that he hadn’t travelled through it as a kid.

      The only possibility would be Mariejois then. So this gives more credibility to the theory that says that Sanji is a noble of some kind. He could have been to Mariejois as a kid with his noble family and he took advantage of the situation to escape from them, later being able to get in a cook’s ship that would bring him to East Blue. But then again, Oda always surprises, so we don’t know what he’s got prepared (could it be about to be revealed, could it have something to do with Sanji’s current “disappearance”?

      There might also be a third way of getting to East Blue from North Blue, though I find it highly anticlimatic. The thing would be that one could cross Red Line in some parts of the Blues, meaning that not the whole Red Line would be a cliff as in Grand Line, but that it would rather have some places similar to beaches where ships could dock, thus being able to cross from one side to another. If this was true, though, I think One Piece would lose his characteristic “divided world” theme, which I think is the main point of the series (there’s a world divided in four pieces waiting to be reunited in one single piece).

      Anyways, this is it, guys. I guess it’s not much of a theory, but instead it’s more of a punctualization that gives credibility to the theory of Sanji being a noble. Hope you liked it!

      Feel free to share your thoughts on how Sanji could’ve got to East Blue as a kid.

      *Theory by Jinbe