The name of the Great Kingdom

Among the greatest mysteries of One Piece, there is the name of the Great Kingdom. Remember, Professor Clover tried to reveal its name but was shot by the CP9 in Ohara. I have a theory about it and it could be a name that we all have heard often.

Preamble: the name “One Piece”

First of all, I don’t think the name of the Great Kingdom is One Piece. From what we know, the One Piece is a treasure that exists (no matter the kind), as Whitebeard proclaimed before his dead. In contrary, the Great Kingdom have been destroyed by the Ancient Alliance which will become the World Governmennt. Plus, I think it will be too obvious from Oda, I hope the meaning of the One Piece is more specific.
That being said, let’s begin the theory.

Part 1: the Poneglyphs and Joy Boy

According to Professor Clover, the people that left behind the Poneglyphs was the Great Kingdom. And around 800 years ago, a man named Joy Boy wrote the Ryugu Poneglyph, the one in the Sea Forest. So, we can assume that Joy Boy was a member of the Great Kingdom.

I will not beat around the bush, I think Joy Boy was the king of the Great Kingdom. Like many theorists, I believe that Oda draw his inspiration from Joyoboyo, the Javanese king.
For those who don’t know him, Joyoboyo was a famous king in Java 800 years ago in the real world. The similarities between the names and the periods are suspicious. Since then, we can wonder how much Oda draw his inspiration from him. I think that is more than we could thought.

Part 2: the prophecy and the Void Century

Some prophecies are attributed to Joyoboyo. One of them is very interesting:

“The Javanese would be ruled by whites for 3 centuries and by yellow dwarfs for the life span of a maize plant prior to the return of the Ratu Adil: whose name must contain at least one syllable of the Javanese Noto Negoro.”
(source: Wikipedia)

The period before the return of the Ratu Adil is called the chaotic era. The next after him is the golden era. Reminds us something, right?

If Oda draw his inspiration from this prophecy, it can clarify the Void Century and the future of One Piece:
– “The Javanese would be ruled by whites for 3 centuries…” can be the reign of the World Government.
– “… by yellow dwarfs for the life of a maize plant…” can be the future short reign of the Blackbeard Pirates. Some versions talk about “brothers” instead of dwarfs.
– “… prior to the return of the Ratu Adil” can be the return of the Pirate King. In Fact, Ratu Adil means “Just King”.

From what we got, we can speculate that Joy Boy was a prophet king. He could predict the future like Madam Shyarly or Basil Hawkins. Before the end of the Great Kingdom, its people wrote the Poneglyphs for telling their story to the next generation. But more importantly, for telling that a “Just King” will return to save the world. And maybe, by finding the One Piece.

Part 3: the “Just King” and the “Will of D.”

When I first read this prophecy, one part attracts my attention more than the others : “whose name must contain at least one syllabe of the Javanese Noto Negoro.” (Noto Negoro is a Javanese name).
So, we can presume that the name of the “Just King” must contain at least one part of the name of the Great Kingdom, and by the way, must be a descendant of its people.

Hmm, it’s strange. The “syllabe” reminds me a middle initial that possess several characters in there name. You guess it? Of course, the “D.”.

In my opinion, the ideal of the Great Kingdom have a link with the piracy and liberty. The adventurers, the explorers, the dreamers… all of them are the ideological inheritors of the Great Kingdom. And one day, the “Will of D.” will be fulfilled: a pirate with the middle initial “D.” in his name will return and become the “Just King”.

So, we have our ultimate clue: as the name of the “Just King”, the name of the Great Kingdom must contain the middle initial “D.”.

Part 4: the name of the Great Kingdom

And I found it. It’s obvious and it make sense.

Like Gold Roger’s real name is Gol D. Roger, something in the One Piece World have a similar name. Something so great that it can rule the world…

Grand Line.
Or you can spell it: “Gran D. Line”.

Think about it: all Poneglyphs that we know of their existence are in this sea. Every major events happen it this sea. The Shandians, Alabasta… all these old and great civilisations are from there. And finaly: to become the Pirate King, you have to conquer this sea.


Joy Boy was the prophet king of the Great Kingdom. He predicted the return of a “Just King” who will save the world: the Pirate King. The name of the “Just King” must contain a part of the name of the Great Kingdom because he will be a descendant of its inhabitants.

Every pirate are the ideological inheritors of the ideal of the Great Kingdom. The people who have the middle initial “D.” in their name are the descendant of its inhabitants. So, the name of the Great Kingdom must contain the “D.” too. One great place in the world and in the history of One Piece bear its name: Grand Line.

Thank you so much for reading!

*Theory by Bonnet


  1. Raftel Resident

    Where is raftel then? We obviously know that the OP is in Raftel.

  2. You forgot to mention the name of the kingdom in real life ots Widarba or Wi D. Arba which means the thousand cities

  3. Who fkn care about OP we want to see what happen if kaidou fights luffy …. the OP pff we need to wait 4 years


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