Tag Archives: Monkey D. Luffy

The Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance

The Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance is a pirate alliance originally formed between the Straw Hat Pirates and the Heart Pirates with the goal of taking down Kaido of the Yonko.

However, Law’s real goal was to take down Donquixote Doflamingo of the Shichibukai in order to avenge the death of his friend, Donquixote Rosinante; he intended to end the alliance when Doflamingo broke their agreement and die taking Doflamingo down if necessary. However, Luffy refused to allow the alliance to end, and their goal is now actually Kaido, who will be targeting them due to their involvement in Doflamingo’s downfall.

When the two crews arrived on Zou, the alliance grew to include the Kozuki Family of Wano Country, led by its young heir Kozuki Momonosuke, and the Mink Tribe, whose leaders Inuarashi and Nekomamushi were servants to the Kozuki Family.
The minks are all born warriors with the ability to produce electric shocks known as Electro.

The Mink Tribe’s warriors fought on par for five days with Kaido’s right hand man Jack and his subordinates, and managed to gain the upper hand, only losing when Jack used the gas Koro. The minks also possess another unknown special ability referred to has their “true power”. The three samurai retainers of the Kozuki Family are all trained in combat, with Kin’emon and Kanjuro being swordsmen and Raizo using ninjutsu. Kin’emon and Kanjuro also have Devil Fruit powers. Their leader Momonosuke, though young and inexperienced, possesses an Artificial Devil Fruit power as well as the ability to communicate with the enormous elephant Zunisha, who is powerful enough to wipe out entire fleets of ships with a single attack.x


    Back in chapter 801 when Joker made he famous speech in regards to the throne wars, he made quite an uproar in the One Piece fan base. However current events made one particular line stand out among the rest…

    “Who will betray whom!?”

    You might be wondering… why that line in particular?

    Well, let me tell you my suuuuuuuuuper fascinating theory that has been floating around my head for quite a while now.

    Back in chapter 821… We find out that Apoo is now under Kaidou

    Following that, a few chapters later, we find Captain Kidd alone in a cell, battered and bruised.

    Does this mean Apoo is the traitor? It’s easy to say, and it might very well be true, but I believe the real traitor is actually none other than…

    Basil Hawkins.

    My reasoning behind this lies in his character traits and abilities, Kaidou’s grand entrance, and Jack being able to enter Zou multiple times despite not having a Mink on his crew.

    Basil as a character is very stoic and foreboding. Even when encountering Kizaru he calmly and correctly predicted with his powers that he would not die in his encounter.

    Besides his abilities of prediction using his cards, his devil fruit allows him to use voodoo dolls made of straw to redirect the damage to other people. As a side note, I don’t believe the people here are his crew members; because they would definitely know how their captain’s Devil Fruit works, and perhaps following voodoo doll conventions, Basil had these men’s DNA embedded in the straw dolls. But this still doesn’t answer the question of “is Hawkins the traitor?”

    Here is what I believe is the case… Hawkins already knew in advance, using his abilities, that the Sky Island of Legend’s location would coincide with Captain Kidd’s base. Something along the lines of: “Probability of location relating to Kidd’s base: 100%!” This would explain why Hawkins had this expression. He was surprised with the method Kaidou used to get down, but he wasn’t surprised in the slightest that he had arrived. His predictions after all, have proven to be correct thus far.

    Hawkins’ surprise in this panel, may very well be, following my logic that he was surprised with Kaidou’s method… Awe, due to the Yonko not suffering any sort of damage after falling down such a long way (10,000 metres) Among the three, you can see that he seems the least concerned, not even taking a battle stance.

    Because of this, its important to know why Kaidou would accept Hawkins into his crew in the first place, because alliances in One Piece often means both parties benefit from one another. This is where Hawkins’ real life identity comes into play, John Hawkins.

    Eustass Captain Kidd = 13th century pirate monk “Eustace” + 17th century Scottish pirate “William Kidd”

    X Drake = 16th Century Privater “Sir Francis Drake”

    Basil Hawkins = Same as above “John Hawkins” + 17th century pirate ship’s medic Basil Ringrose.

    Capone “Gang” Bege = Again same as above “Thomas Cavendish”

    Trafalgar Law = 18th Century English Pirate “Edward Law”

    Jewelry Bonney = 18th Century female pirate “Anne Bonney”

    Urouge = 16th century Arab Pirates, the Barbarossa brothers “Urouge”

    Scratchmen Apoo = 19th Century Chinese pirate “Cheung Po”

    From wikipedia:

    Admiral Sir John Hawkins (also spelled as Hawkyns) (1532 – 12 November 1595) was an English naval commander and administrator,merchant, navigator, shipbuilder, privateer and slave trader. His elder brother and trading partner was William (b, c, 1519). He was considered the first English trader to profit from the Triangle Trade, based on selling supplies to colonies ill-supplied by their home countries, and their demand for African slaves in the Spanish colonies of Santo Domingo and Venezuela in the late 16th century. He styled himself “Captain General” as the General of both his own flotilla of ships and those of the English Royal Navy and to distinguish himself from those Admirals that served only in the administrative sense and were not military in nature. His death and that of his cousin and mentee, Sir Francis Drake, heralded the decline of the Royal Navy for decades before its recovery and eventual dominance again helped by the propaganda of the Navy’s glory days under his leadership.

    As treasurer (1577) and comptroller (1589) of the Royal Navy, Hawkins rebuilt older ships and helped design the faster ships that withstood theSpanish Armada in 1588. One of the foremost seamen of 16th-century England, Hawkins was the chief architect of the Elizabethan navy. In the battle in which the Spanish Armada was defeated in 1588, Hawkins served as a vice admiral. He was knighted for gallantry. He later devised the naval blockade to intercept Spanish treasure ships leaving Mexico and South America.”

    There are a couple of things to note about Hawkins’ real life counterpart. John Hawkins was the first English slave trader to profit from theTriangle Trade. Countries demanded for slaves in the Spanish colonies of Santo Domingo. He had a cousin named Sir Francis Drake. X-Drake’s real life counterpart, and we know X-Drake is a part of Kaido’s crew. Another interesting to note is that on the One Piece wiki, both X-Drake and Hawkins are from the North Blue.

    Santo in english means Holy, and a certain Don Quixote Doflamingo belonged to a group called the Tenryubito from the Holy Land of Mariejois. Another thing to note is that Doflamingo is Domingo with the added “fla” in between, and that Dressrosa is based on Spain. Immediately, we see MANY immediate links to both Kaido and Doflamingo and his underground trades using SMILE.

    So, how does Hawkins, besides being the possible cousin of X-Drake, relate to the occurrences in Zou? As seen in the amazing conclusion of One Piece Chapter 816 “Dog vs. Cat”, the entire island of Zou kept their mouths shut in regards to Raizou when threatened by Jack. Nekomamushi goes as far as to say that the Minks would never rat out their friends to the enemy.

    But… What about Minks outside of Zou, with their own crews and bonds of friendship?

    We know that Bepo helped the minks defend against the attacks of Jack on Zou, and that Pekoms had no idea that his home island has been attacked. So neither of these two minks could possibly be the traitor…

    Judging from Wanda’s reactions we can also say that Carrot could not possibly be the traitor. The monkey’s reaction in the other hand is a big concern, the fact that he tried to defend carrot and how he brought up betrayal in the first place means there must have been a traitor from Zou, and he most likely is the reason that traitor has a vivre card due to hi super innocent nature to the point that he’s stupid.

    But if it’s not Carrot, Pekoms, or Bepo… Who could it be?

    Are there any other Minks outside of Zou besides these three?
    The answer is yes.

    In Hawkins’ crew, there is a cat Mink that may just fit the bill. During Kaidou’s landing, what’s interesting to note is how the cat Mink is the only one FACING the hole while jumping backwards to avoid the shockwave… While we could just chalk that up to cats being agile, it does not explain why he was facing the direction of the hole. It’s almost like he knew something was coming, and his captain being Hawkins… You can see which direction I’m taking this.

    Instead of trading in slaves, he is trading his and his crews’ abilities and relationships to Kaidou in order to survive in the new world. Due to everything that has occurred and his reactions during Kaidou’s arrival, as well as the events in Zou, I have concluded that this is the most likely scenario!

    Being a part of Kaidou’s crew by being in ties with his cousin X-Drake, he was required to show Kaidou how he could be of use, and thus gave Jack information on Zou via his Mink crewmate. Getting called in by Killer to join in an alliance with Kidd, he used his abilities to read into the future with his cards to know that the alliance would bear fruit, feeding more intel and systematically destroying one of the most stubborn competitors to the throne: Kidd.

    Due to Killer’s intelligent nature, Hawkins perhaps sought his Alliance but not Kidd’s, informing him of what will occur. Apoo, being a coward, gave in to Kaidou due to his overwhelming strength in hopes that it will protect him for the time being. This will explain why Hawkins, Apoo, and Killer are not in the cell with Kidd. It was all in the cards, as predicted by Hawkins and everything fell into place.

    In Conclusion:

    • X-Drake and Hawkins are cousins. They are both a part of Kaidou’s crew during the 2 years period.
    • Hawkins’s Cat Mink betrayed Zou, possibly not having a choice, or an extension of Hawkins’ voodoo ability.
    • Killer, Apoo, and Hawkins is the REAL Alliance, Kidd was in theway of their aspirations for the Throne.

    I understand I do not have any evidence other than the real life counterparts for X-Drake and Hawkins being cousins but I do believe this theory is plausible.

    Video form:

    *Theory by Frankystein

      From 1997 to 2014 – One Piece in 4 Minutes

      One of the best AMVs ever made. Gives me chills every time.

      Just… amazing!!! *-*

        Here are the Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in One Piece

        #15-Who is “Joy Boy”?

        “Joy Boy” was a man from the surface world who played an important role in the history of Fishman Island. He was first mentioned on the Ryugu Poneglyph read by Nico Robin while at the Sea Forest

        #14-How powerful are the Gorosei?

        The Gorosei (literally meaning “Five Elder Stars”) are the heads of the World Government, and as such, they essentially rule the entire world. They are the five men who rule above the Marines, Cipher Pol, and the ones who made a pact with the Shichibukai. So far, none of their names have been revealed.

        #13-How did Blackbeard acquire multiple devil powers?

        #12-Who are Sanji’s parents and two older brothers of the Vinsmoke family?

        #11-How do Devil Fruits work? Where do they come from?

        #10-What is The Revolutionary Army’s goal?

        #9-Florian Triangle

        The Florian Triangle, (literally translated as Zone of Demonic Triangle) is a stretch of sea that one has to cross over when heading from Water 7 to Fishman Island. It is covered in a fog so thick that it blocks out all sunlight. According to Kokoro, many pirate and commercial ships mysteriously go missing every year and, sometimes, a ship will be found sailing without any people aboard. It has also been said that there are many haunted ships with dead bodies sailing across the sea

        #8-What’s Dragon’s Ability?

        He is the infamous Revolutionary leader who has been attempting to overthrow the World Government. He is the World Government’s greatest enemy and is the most dangerous and most wanted man in the world.

        #7-All Blue

        The All Blue is a mystical sea of legend, rumored to be the only place in the world where the North, South, East, and West seas meet. In this legendary ocean, it is said that there are fish from each of the four seas, and to have such a resource at one’s disposal is the ultimate dream of every chef. Sanji strives to find this ocean of dreams. It is said that All Blue is found in the Grand Line.

        #6-Who’s Luffy’s mom and is she alive?

        #5-Where and what is Uranus? Where are the parts of Pluton? What is Pluton? What do the Ancient Weapons look like and what do they do? What is the connection between the Ancient Weapons and the Void Century?

        #4-What Happened during the Void Century?

        The Void Century is a century-long gap in recorded and archaeological history, the study of which is forbidden by the World Government. These events occurred 800 to 900 years before the current storyline. It was hinted at during the Skypiea arc; the dates were seen in Robin’s flashback.

        #3-Voice of all Things

        The voice of all things is mysterious and still unspecified phenomenon in the world of One Piece. It was first mentioned by Silvers Rayleigh when he revealed that Gol D. Roger had the ability to hear it.

        #2-What does “The Will of D” means?

        In the series, a number of characters have the middle initial “D.”. This mysterious middle initial has been called the “Will of D” or “D’s will” by several characters in One Piece.

        #1-ONE PIECE

        One Piece is a legendary treasure said to be of unimaginable value.

        It is said that it was hidden somewhere deep in the Grand Line, presumably in the last island, Raftel, by its deceased owner, the Pirate King Gol D. Roger.

        So what is “One Piece”?

        What do you think about all these mysteries? Share your Thoughts!


          Watching OP anime episode 740, I remembered that Jesus Burgess jumps around (this guy doesn’t know how to walk) with some sort of devil fruit bag, or maybe just an ordinary bag but with some pattern reference to devil fruits. Kind of obvious but this is probably where he stores his stolen devil fruits. 
          It is no secret that the Blackbeard pirates are on a mission to gather devil fruits, thus why Burgess was even on Dressrosa in the first place – in order to gain the Mera Mera no Mi; and Blackbeard himself has shown knowledge of how to steal a devil fruit when he did the unthinkable and murdered a nakama when serving under Whitebeard all those years ago. 
          Now it hasn’t been confirmed whether Blackbeard had to kill in order to gain the fruit, but this seems the most likely scenario. Devil fruits reappear from a nearby fruit when the current user dies, as we discovered on Punk Hazard or wherever the hell we discovered this. 
          This is probably why Burgess had his knife out when trying to kill Luffy in one quick action, and this isn’t the first time we’ve seen this referenced with Blackbeard associates. 
          [​IMG]Now this is where the bag comes into play. That bag that we see again in the above photo is most probably full of normal fruit, maybe apples (i believe), although I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a mix or maybe even cherries as a reference to Blackbeard himself (he loves cherry pies). I believe it’s full of apples, so that as soon as a devil fruit using target is neutralised, their fruit will reappear into the nearest fruit which would obviously be in the bag. We saw this in punk hazard.

          Fairly straightforward. In order to steal devil fruits, Blackbeard Pirates galavant (in Burgess’ case, hunt) with a bag full of apples/some other fruit in order to capture devil fruits. This sparked something that I didn’t notice before… Doc Q was doing the same thing way before the timeskip, as he offered Luffy an apple and said he was ‘lucky’ because he chose a fruit that didn’t make him explode.


          Why else would Doc Q, a member of the Blackbeard Pirates randomly have a basket full of apples? This may be his own tactic of stealing devil fruits as opposed to Burgess’ more animalistic manor. Anywho… What happens when a devil fruit user consumes another devil fruit? Yes, he/she explodes, and I think that is what Doc Q was referring to when he said Luffy was lucky not to explode.

          Pretty simples, BB pirates have different methods of killing devil fruit users in order to steal their fruits via having a multitude of apples/other fruit in a nearby bag or basket. Anyway like I said I’m not sure if anyone noticed these Doc Q or Burgess details before so I thought I’d just leave this here.

          *Theory by Nirex

            Like Father Like Son!


              So, we have gears 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.Each one is based off of a car, somehow. Obviously the names are from the gears of a car, but what about the functions?

              2nd: Engine
              3rd: Tires
              4th: Air bag

              There are some other things they have in common, too. They each have similarities to rokushiki techniques, but grant more than just the technique.

              2nd: He moves faster than your average soru, and he doesn’t just speed up his legs.
              3rd: Hardens a part of his body to use for defense and offense, as well as swelling it, more than what tekkai can do.
              4th: Makes him bouncy, boosts the speed and damage of his punches, and grants him a geppou like ability.

              Another similarity is that they all are based off of a bodily system.

              2nd: Cardiovascular
              3rd: Skeletal
              4th: Muscular.

              Finally, they all have an effect similar to one of the abilities of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King.

              2nd: Wukong was extraordinarily fast
              3rd: Wukong would transform his individual hairs to change their shape.
              4th: Wukong possessed special boots that allowed him to fly via walking on clouds, like Momonosuke.

              So, what does this mean? Gear 5th will be based off of a car part and it will grant a rokushiki technique, with added effects. It uses a bodily system and is based off one of Sun Wukong’s abilities So, what do I think will combine all of these into one ability?

              Luffy will use his nervous system to take full control over his body. So, how does this fit into each pattern?

              Car part: Gear 5th demonstrates the customization options of a cars shape and exterior.
              Rokushiki: It would allow the user to sense when something touches them, granting a kami-e effect.
              Body system: Nervous system, which is used in movement and sensing.
              Wukong’s ability: Wukong can shape shift, but he can’t change his tail. Luffy could utilize his rubber capabilities to change shape, but not color so he would have a tell if it was him, like Wukong’s tail.

              So, how exactly does this work? Luffy extends his nervous system and takes full control of it. This grants him heightened senses, kami-e, and the ability to manipulate every cell individually due to stretching, to shape shift.

              So, how about Gear Reverse? I believe that due to the different name type of Gear Reverse, the source of power is different. It doesn’t rely on Luffy’s body, it relies on the Fruit’s power. Gear Reverse is Luffy’s awakening. So, what is this awakening?

              In Gear Reverse, Luffy can apply the properties of rubber to other objects. It sounds like an intelligent power and therefor mot Luffy’s style, but remember, Luffy was smart enough to develop all 3 of his current gear techniques on his own. He’s not stupid when he needs to be smart.

              So, how would Luffy use this? Simple, it’s already been forshadowed. When the ASL trio were kids, what did they use? Steel pipes. So, what would this mean? When they grew up, Ace ditched the pipes for his own style. Sabo uses the pipe as a signature weapon in combat. So, Luffy would be an in between. He would use the pipe to boost some techniques, but he wouldn’t require it in combat. He would be a blend, he can use it or not use it.

              So, how would the awakening affect the pipe? Luffy can make the pipe stretch to change its size from very small to very large, allowing for very versatile combat. Now, let’s look at the gear pattern.

              Car part: seat. Does not make the car run, but it makes the car better. Not an essential, but also very customizable in size and shape.
              Rokushiki: Luffy could slash with his staff weapon and make rankyaku effects of all sizes. He could also stab with the staff for a shigan effect.
              System: Awakening, N/A
              Sun Wukong: Wukong had a staff that could change size at will. It could also be manipulated at will by Wukong.

              *Theory by Sontaran Gaming

                Who’s the Strongest?

                  REASON BEHIND SHANKS SCAR!

                  Well, as we all know Shanks has a scar on his left eye which is given to him by Marshall D. Teach aka Blackbeard, the scar was absent on Shanks when he was part of Roger crew

                  When Shanks visited Luffy at Foosha Village he had scar.


                  So it is between that period from Roger’s execution & visiting Foosha Village, he received the scar from Teach.

                  Here’s my theory.

                  I am going to start with devil fruit which Shanks had (gomu gomu no mi) & devil fruit which Teach wanted (yami yami no mi)

                  Above you can see , both the df’s have similarities (at least i think that ). Both seems to look similar due to that colour and design. So it is safe to assume that one can get confused on recognising the either devil fruit. And if you are as desperate as Teach well you will.

                  So my theory is based on that similarities of df.

                  Now ,when Shanks entered WB’s ship moby dick, the reaction from various crew members were like they were meeting Shanks as Yonko for 1st time, those who fainted on his arrival.
                  Even Shanks’ conversation with Marco “so ,you are 1st division commander Phoenix Marco” states that Shanks and WB never clashed as “Yonkos”.

                  So how & when did Teach gave the scar to Shanks ??
                  I think that Shanks(before being a Yonko) had found a devil fruit Gomu Gomu no Mi from a certain pirate crew somewhere in grandline(mostly new world).

                  And Teach was already after Gomu Gomu no Mi mistaking it for Yami Yami no Mi, which he has seen in Df book. So when Teach arrived, he found that fruit was already stolen by Shanks. So he planned to get the Df from Shanks & we know how evil planner Teach is .

                  He joined the crew of Shanks(remember teach wasn’t a infamous pirate then, he always leaved in shadow of WB). He managed to infiltrate the Red Haired Pirates & waited for his opportunity, as soon he got his hands on the Df, was caught by Shanks & at the same time he realised that df wasn’t Yami Yami no Mi.

                  Now in order to flee he tried to fool Shanks in a meaningless talk, while attacked Shanks when his guard was down giving him a bloody scar on eye with his claw & managed to flee from there.


                  The reason Shanks scar still ached ,was he was done by the misleading personalities of Marshall D. Teach.

                  Thanks for reading ^^
                  *Theory by blaze

                    Just Luffy Things :D