Kaido and Dragon’s potential devil fruits?
So apparently there are strict guidelines to whats considered a theory and whats not and i couple i’ve put up here have been moved to speculation, this mainly consists of parallels and minor details/facts that let me form it.
Also, if you’re lazy, i made a video of this like a month back, watch that for a more summarized version (please note this thread is much more refined with more detail)
Anyway, onto the theory. (somewhat based off video script)
So as soon as we saw Momo’s artificial devil fruit the Dragon-Dragon fruit was essentially confirmed, although people certainly would be dissapointed if it didn’t exist. As it is stated and fact that Momo has a Chinese dragon adf, we can assume that it is based off something and they were attempting to replicate it. There has also been a lot of debate about who has the real dragon fruit, the 2 main candidates being Kaido and Monkey D. Dragon.
As we all know Oda incorporates a lot of real mythology into the story, we have seen some Persian, Indian, Greek and Japanese mythology so far, what i think is next in Chinese.
To make it short and sweet i believe that both Kaido and Dragon have Dragon df, but not elemental western dragons like people think, but offINDIVIDUAL dragons that are seen in Chinese mythology, here is why. I think that the devil fruit will be based off the Taoist lore of the 9 sons of the dragon king. Here are their names (modern).
- Bi An
- Bi Xi
- Chao Feng
- Chi Wen
- Fu Xi
- Pu Lao
- Qiu Niu
- Suan Ni
- Ya Zi
There are a few parallels between characters we know about in One Piece with the 3 oldest Dragon’s. Here is a quote from the myth.
“Chiwen was one of the nine sons of the dragon. The Cloud Rider.When the dragon visited his children, the neighbors of his son Chiwen complained that all he did was stand atop rooftops and stare off into the distance. Thus, the dragon ordered that the image of Chiwen adorn the tops of buildings as a sentinel, searching the distance for signs of danger. Chiwen also loved poetry.”
Also, according to the legend, Chi-Wen himself was saved from starvation by a human and said human will be important later.
Now, i think that Momonosuke has the artificial version of the Chi-Wen fruit. Firstly because Momo is “a cloud rider” just like Chi-Wen
Momo also loves poetry, as shown when he told Brook to sing him a song (couldn’t find scan ;/)
and lastly, Luffy saved Momo when he was down in the cavern and got Sanji to cook him food, technically saving him from starvation, just as the Human did for Chi-Wen. He also looks similar to a drawing of Chiwen
I also believe that Kaido has the fruit of Ya-Zi, the dark dragon. Here are 2 more extracts.”
“Yazi was the second of the nine sons of the dragon. The Darkness Rider. People complained openly about him, as he bellowed all day, and he scared them. When his father received news of these complaints, he recognized that Yazi was a warrior and would be excellent at military work, especially as this dragon enjoyed killing.”
“As the second oldest born, he was always the most ambitious of his brothers but with his strong body he was always expected to outlive the others.”
Yazi is engraved on a lot of chinese blades.
We know Kaido is ruthless, ambitious, strong and warlike. Its starting to look awful similar. However here is the bit that convinced me that Oda could be basing Kaido, Dragon and Momo/Real user of his fruit off this Taoist-Chinese myth.
Last but not least i believe that Dragon has the Bi-An devil fruit, here is the final extract.
“Bian the oldest of the nine sons of the dragon. The Fire Rider. Unlike his siblings, there was no complaint lodged against him by his neighbors. Some claim that his ferocity earned him his position supervising doorways to great prisons. Others claim that his rebellious nature and constant drive of justice made him a candidate for the job for ensuring a lack of corruption and making sure the guilty remained inside.”
Another very accurate parallel to what we know about Dragon, he hates the corrupt WG he has his own sense of justice, hence he is trying to overthrow the horrible govt. About the prison guarding, that could be something else, but best save that for potentially another theory.
Here is where i was convinced.
In the story, Ya-Zi is fed up with how his brother runs the prisons and plans to overthrow him, he strands his brother Chi-Wen on an island and leaves him to starve, he then goes back and challenges Bi-An. They are equally matched and fight till a standstill. However, Chi-Wen returns with the aid of a strange human that helped him. With Chi-Wen’s aid, Bi-An manages to defeat Ya-Zi and put him in the prison for a long time.
Bi-An vs Ya-Zi
That concludes this particular story. (There are other myths based around the other 7 dragons.)
Here is what i think is going to happen. Both Dragon and Kaido have devil fruit based off individual dragons from Taoist mythology, Momonosuke has the cloud rider dragon fruit of Chi-Wen (Artificial) Kaido has the darkness rider fruit of Ya-Zi (real) and Dragon has the fire rider fruit of Bi-An. I think that Dragon will be attacked by Kaido after (or perhaps during) the fight with Blackbeard (its also possible Dragon avoids that fight altogether) in order to take over some of the land and powerful prisoners that the revolutionary army has in their possession, they will engage Kaido to a standstill until the LufLaw alliance attacks Kaido, giving the revs the opportunity to take him down.
One loophole would be the REAL Chi-Wen fruit user, one thing i thought off was that he could be either Raizou or the Shogun of Wano. It would be fitting if Shogun was actually his father (alpha2late17 theory) and he had the real Chi-Wen fruit. Also, if in the unlikely event this comes true, i’ll start on a theory for the other 6 dragons immediately.
This is probably my biggest theory and i put a lot of work into it, so plz don’t rip me apart
Thanks for reading. ;D
*Theory by AnimeTheoriesHQ
Dragon has the weather weather fruit .. Hes responsible for the lightning that struck buggys sword when he was about to behead luffy at louge town. Which bartolomeo saw and idolized luffy… That day was also stormy as smoker chases luffy .. And then dragon stopped smoker.. And when dragon left.. The storm stopped too.
where did oda use persian mythology?
what is this shit with dragon? i want one piece discussion, not dragon balls
hey guys…there are nine classes in chinese dragons… So Dragon is the spiritual dragon which controls weather and Kaidou is the horned dragon… Dragon cannot be the red great dragon since Dragon manifested weather manipulation…(green gusts and lightning)…Kaidou fits for the horned dragon type… the ninth class are the dragon kings, they ruled the Four Seas – just like the North, South, East, West Blue Seas… this could be related with the 4 emperors… now, we can also assume that these theories are related with the infamous and most enigmatic mystery with the D’s… there are so called Celestial Dragons who reside at Mareijois…maybe, just maybe, the D’s were once living as royalties…whatever happened there caused the government, world gov’t, to at least label these D’s as their greatest enemy…and one more thing… Gold D. Roger, possessed a dragon-type devil fruit that transcends all dragon types, maybe again, it would be a golden dragon…perhaps like the great dragon Shenron in Dragon Ball anime…nonetheless, the color of Shenron usually is Green so maybe it could be Monkey D. Dragon…With Momonosuke? well, since he ate an artificial one or perhaps not really since Vegapunk wasn’t so clearly revealed yet with the series, Momo would be Cloud Dragon for the meantime,,,
Its Isn’t Dragon that fired that lightning,,its just a coincidence since buggy’s sword reflected in the lightning!!