Tag Archives: Revolutionary Army
Before I begin and tie those two things together, I’d like to show you the two main Okamas that we know.
What do these two have in common? 5 things actually
1) They are Okamas
2) They are masters of Okama/Newkama Kenpo
3) They have left Momoiro Island
4) The eyelash like make-up (Ivankov is using mascara on his eyelashes, while Mr. 2 is using make up to match them)
*Remember that Ivankov used to be the queen of Momoiro Island, so it’s normal for the make-up to match the eyelashes with mascara that he had. I’ll get to that later*
5) General use of make-up, including lipstick
Every other Okama we’ve seen, is either not a not a master of Okama/Newkama Kenpo, or they’re still in Momoiro Island.
The reasons why I mentioned all those things, are Corazon (Rosinante) and Sanji.
We know that Sanji stayed at Momoiro Island during the time-skip, and we know that Corazon was missing for 14 years, presumably only training with the Marines. I have a different theory.
I believe Corazon at some point trained in Momoiro Island with the Okamas, in Newkama Kenpo. Why?
Check out his eyes, and you’ll see where I’m headed with him and Sanji.
His right eye make-up, matches Mr. 2’s make-up and Ivankov eyelashes perfectly (4 triangles pointing down).
I believe that the mascara-like make-up is a sign of Okama/Newkama kenpo mastery and that Sanji’s right eye is exactly the same, and he doesn’t want to show it.
The reason behind them having only 1 eye make-uped is one of two things
A) They haven’t completely mastered Okama/Newkama Kenpo
B) They were never real Okamas
Let me know if you agree with me, and if you do, what do you think is the reason for them having only 1 eye make-uped? A or B?
*Theory by RulZ
Here are the Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in One Piece
#15-Who is “Joy Boy”?
“Joy Boy” was a man from the surface world who played an important role in the history of Fishman Island. He was first mentioned on the Ryugu Poneglyph read by Nico Robin while at the Sea Forest
#14-How powerful are the Gorosei?
The Gorosei (literally meaning “Five Elder Stars”) are the heads of the World Government, and as such, they essentially rule the entire world. They are the five men who rule above the Marines, Cipher Pol, and the ones who made a pact with the Shichibukai. So far, none of their names have been revealed.
#13-How did Blackbeard acquire multiple devil powers?
#12-Who are Sanji’s parents and two older brothers of the Vinsmoke family?
#11-How do Devil Fruits work? Where do they come from?
#10-What is The Revolutionary Army’s goal?
#9-Florian Triangle
The Florian Triangle, (literally translated as Zone of Demonic Triangle) is a stretch of sea that one has to cross over when heading from Water 7 to Fishman Island. It is covered in a fog so thick that it blocks out all sunlight. According to Kokoro, many pirate and commercial ships mysteriously go missing every year and, sometimes, a ship will be found sailing without any people aboard. It has also been said that there are many haunted ships with dead bodies sailing across the sea
#8-What’s Dragon’s Ability?
He is the infamous Revolutionary leader who has been attempting to overthrow the World Government. He is the World Government’s greatest enemy and is the most dangerous and most wanted man in the world.
#7-All Blue
The All Blue is a mystical sea of legend, rumored to be the only place in the world where the North, South, East, and West seas meet. In this legendary ocean, it is said that there are fish from each of the four seas, and to have such a resource at one’s disposal is the ultimate dream of every chef. Sanji strives to find this ocean of dreams. It is said that All Blue is found in the Grand Line.
#6-Who’s Luffy’s mom and is she alive?
#5-Where and what is Uranus? Where are the parts of Pluton? What is Pluton? What do the Ancient Weapons look like and what do they do? What is the connection between the Ancient Weapons and the Void Century?
#4-What Happened during the Void Century?
The Void Century is a century-long gap in recorded and archaeological history, the study of which is forbidden by the World Government. These events occurred 800 to 900 years before the current storyline. It was hinted at during the Skypiea arc; the dates were seen in Robin’s flashback.
#3-Voice of all Things
The voice of all things is mysterious and still unspecified phenomenon in the world of One Piece. It was first mentioned by Silvers Rayleigh when he revealed that Gol D. Roger had the ability to hear it.
#2-What does “The Will of D” means?
In the series, a number of characters have the middle initial “D.”. This mysterious middle initial has been called the “Will of D” or “D’s will” by several characters in One Piece.
One Piece is a legendary treasure said to be of unimaginable value.
It is said that it was hidden somewhere deep in the Grand Line, presumably in the last island, Raftel, by its deceased owner, the Pirate King Gol D. Roger.
So what is “One Piece”?
What do you think about all these mysteries? Share your Thoughts!
Kuma sent PX-1 off to somewhere unknown, presumably to keep it from destroying or capturing the Straw Hat crew.
What if there was an ulterior motive?
I think it’s possible he sent it to the Revolutionary Army for study and possibly so they can attempt to rewire it to work for them. I thought of this because of Oda’s love of the Terminator movies (displayed by Kuma’s design). Having a “good” Pacifista would be a great homage to T2 and give the Revolutionaries a great weapon.
What do you guys think?
*by NerdyPerkins
The theme of Mariejois is like Olympus in Greek mythology because they are both located in high altitude place and has a gigantic palace which is built on top of the mountain. (Mariejois built on top of the Red Line.)
Olympus is the home of divine family and ruling gods and Mariejois is the home of Celestial Dragons which we can say the divine family in OP and Gorosei the so called gods.
The pattern or theme of Mariejois is Olympus so we might see a character which is conceptualize and inspired by the king of gods in Olympia. Who’s the king of gods and ruler of Olympus?
In ancient Greece Zeus is the king of gods, god of sky and ruler of Olympus, he is the strongest god in Olympus and no one can oppose him nor fight him because of his great power.
A character inspired by Zeus is very possible because there are gods in One Piece and maybe that strongest god will be the final villain that Strawhats will going to face in the final war against Marines, World Government, Celestial Dragons and Gorosei in the Mariejois.
Remember what Oda said before that the Marineford war will gonna look like nothing in the final chapter that’s why he’s motivated to keep drawing One Piece and he likes his fans to stick with him til the end.
Luffy’s Grand Fleet and maybe other pirates or all pirates and Revos will join Strawhats in the huge war against World Government, Marines, Celestial Dragon and Gods in Mariejois, this is great to see as the last chapter of One Piece!
Mariejois is the greatest place for the final war because remember the impact, excitement and insanity that we felt when Whitebeard Pirates attacked the based of marines in Marineford and started the summit war, what more if we see the Strawhats and his allied forces attack the Marines, World Government, Gorosei and Celestial Dragons in Mariejois and start the final great war. It will definitely give us more excitement, goose bumps and emotions because many pirates and marines will die in this war.
*Theory by Fire_Fist_Recca
What do you think?
Ace said almost the exact same thing in Alabasta :'(
Revolutionaries Will Attack The Reverie Theory
In the past few chapters, we learned two things :
– The Revolutionaries abandoned their HQ to BlackBeard.
– The Reverie is gonna take place in the upcoming days.
I think that those two events could be connected.
– The flight of the Revolutionary Army was revealed in the newspaper, so everyone will know about it. Will they remain inactive ? I don’t think so. In order to regain momentum, they need to make a strong move.
– Reverie is the perfect place for this : if they attack here, it will be as remarkable as the Marineford war. The news of the council are probably covered by many journalists, it insures a huge coverage. Moreover, a great part of the people who gather there represent exactly who they’re fighting against : corrupted and/or cruel leaders who don’t give a shit about their people (Wapol, Stelly…).
– The Cipher Pol 0 attacked Blackbeard some time after the Revolutionaries fled, so if the Revos are currently heading toward Mariejois, they’re some time ahead, they’re sure that a part of the strongest WG agents are away. It’s the perfect moment to attack.
– Although they were depicted having suffered an attack, I think, like many people, that the Revos didn’t suffer major losses. So they have still their full fighting potential.
What do you think? Will the Reverie remain a calm event? Or could the Revos interrupt the council?
*Theory by Kurowara