Archivio per il tag: one punch man
Also Goku and Saitama can’t wait anymore for Gear Fourth!! :-)
Badass! *_*
Do You Agree?
One Piece has the most intricate and complex plot, do you guys agree?
Portgas D. Ace if drawn by different Manga artists!
1st line – Oda (One Piece), Kishimoto (Naruto), Toriyama (Dragonball), Kubo (Bleach)
2nd line – Kurumada (Saint Seiya), Konomi (The Prince of Tennis), Hara (Hokuto no Ken), Sorachi (Gintama)
3rd line – Araki (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure), Watsuki (Rurouni Kenshin), Yokoyama (Sangokushi), Tamura (Basara)
Here are the Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in One Piece
#15-Who is “Joy Boy”?
“Joy Boy” was a man from the surface world who played an important role in the history of Fishman Island. He was first mentioned on the Ryugu Poneglyph read by Nico Robin while at the Sea Forest
#14-How powerful are the Gorosei?
The Gorosei (literally meaning “Five Elder Stars”) are the heads of the World Government, and as such, they essentially rule the entire world. They are the five men who rule above the Marines, Cipher Pol, and the ones who made a pact with the Shichibukai. So far, none of their names have been revealed.
#13-How did Blackbeard acquire multiple devil powers?
#12-What Happened to Zoro’s Left Eye?
#11-How do Devil Fruits work? Where do they come from?
#10-What is The Revolutionary Army’s goal?
#9-Florian Triangle
The Florian Triangle, (literally translated as Zone of Demonic Triangle) is a stretch of sea that one has to cross over when heading from Water 7 to Fishman Island. It is covered in a fog so thick that it blocks out all sunlight. According to Kokoro, many pirate and commercial ships mysteriously go missing every year and, sometimes, a ship will be found sailing without any people aboard. It has also been said that there are many haunted ships with dead bodies sailing across the sea
#8-What’s Dragon’s Ability?
He is the infamous Revolutionary leader who has been attempting to overthrow the World Government. He is the World Government’s greatest enemy and is the most dangerous and most wanted man in the world.
#7-All Blue
The All Blue is a mystical sea of legend, rumored to be the only place in the world where the North, South, East, and West seas meet. In this legendary ocean, it is said that there are fish from each of the four seas, and to have such a resource at one’s disposal is the ultimate dream of every chef. Sanji strives to find this ocean of dreams. It is said that All Blue is found in the Grand Line.
#6-Who’s Luffy’s mom and is she alive?
#5-Where and what is Uranus? Where are the parts of Pluton? What is Pluton? What do the Ancient Weapons look like and what do they do? What is the connection between the Ancient Weapons and the Void Century?
#4-What Happened during the Void Century?
The Void Century is a century-long gap in recorded and archaeological history, the study of which is forbidden by the World Government. These events occurred 800 to 900 years before the current storyline. It was hinted at during the Skypiea arc; the dates were seen in Robin’s flashback.
#3-Voice of all Things
The voice of all things is mysterious and still unspecified phenomenon in the world of One Piece. It was first mentioned by Silvers Rayleigh when he revealed that Gol D. Roger had the ability to hear it.
#2-What does “The Will of D” means?
In the series, a number of characters have the middle initial “D.”. This mysterious middle initial has been called the “Will of D” or “D’s will” by several characters in One Piece.
One Piece is a legendary treasure said to be of unimaginable value.
It is said that it was hidden somewhere deep in the Grand Line, presumably in the last island, Raftel, by its deceased owner, the Pirate King Gol D. Roger.
So what is “One Piece”?
What do you think about all these mysteries? Share your Thoughts!
Kizaru 100% Troll Level :D
One Piece Laughter Styles. Which is your favorite?
*Click to enlarge the picture
After last chapters cliffhanger about Sanji, and the reintroduction of Nami and Chopper, I think that something is very off about Zou. The bases of my theory is that Zou isn’t as cheerful and friendly as it seems, it has a secret dark side.
First before I go into the details of the theory, I would just like to analyze the SH’s arrival on each island they go to. On almost every island they initially enter, they are either hated on sight for being pirates, or are treated like regular people. The only time that this trend hasn’t held up in the past was when the crew landed on Whiskey Peak.
Now, as we all know this town didn’t turn out to be the pirate heaven that the crew thought it was, it had a darker side that the crew discovered later, after they had been seduced by the beautiful women
and the wonderful atmosphere and partying
Now I know that these similarities between Zou and Whiskey Peak aren’t strong enough to conclusively say that Zou has a dark side. But I have a few more points to bring up.
The first is has to do with Wanda’s comment about the Curly Hat’s
She says that they are deceased, but we find out later on that neither Nami nor Chopper are dead, so why would she say that?
Another weird comment that Wanda makes is when she is talking to Carrot and says that even though Luffy is the captain he won’t be treated with mercy
This seems like a very weird comment to make, especially when we again learn later on that the crew is actually hailed as heroes on Zou.
Wanda’s weird comments aside, not even all of the Minks in the country seem trust the SH, even though, if they are the heroes that should be well respected. This is not only shown once, but twice, with Pedro having Luffy surrounded on sight, and the guards in front of the Mink village threatening Luffy and co., even though they were with Wanda.
I believe that the all of Wanda’s comments and these scenes of Mink mistrust are hints to us that Nami and Chopper believe that the other Swirly Hats are dead, but in fact they are actually being held captive by the Mink King.
Now I know that that seems like a huge leap to make, but stay with me. The next part of my theory all relies on you guys believing that this guy that Nami is sleeping on:
is the Mink King.
I believe that this guy is the one who ordered the Swirly Hat’s, other than Nami and Chopper to be captured, but tricked Chopper and Nami into believing that they were either severally injured or dead. Now why do I think he imprisoned the people who rescued Zou, and why weren’t Nami and Chopper also imprisoned?
The next part of my theory involves some speculation and I hope you can go with me. I think that the Mink King is actually a very corrupt king, who forces most of the Mink women to service him in his own personal harem.
The first reason I believe this is because of the huge difference in appearance between the Minkwomen and the Minkmen
While the Mink females look very much like regular human females, with lots of curves and big breasts, the Mink men look far more beast like. This difference in attractiveness may have created a society where most Mink females are only prized for their beauty while the men are rewarded for their feats of strength.
Now the next reason why I think the Mink King uses the women as prostitutes is because of his interaction with Nami. Instead of allowing her to dress in her regular clothes and sleep in a normal bed, he has her dressed up in a very fancy and seductive outfit:
and has her sleeping on his stomach. Now it might be a stretch to believe that the Mink King is trying to make Nami into another member of his harem, but in the very same chapter Wanda reveals that some Minks, like the king, think that Humans are quite attractive
In this very same scene you can see that the Minks are giving Nami their congratulations. Some of you guys have said that this because she is reuniting with her crew, but I think that they’re congratulating her for being inducted into the King’s harem.
I also believe that the Mink King could have been partially inspired by King Henry VIII, a corrupt king in London, who was notorious for his size and his large number of wives.
The last reason why I think that the Mink King allows and endorses prostitution in Zou is because in One Piece, Oda likes to explore very controversial topics, like racism, drug abuse, slavery, and many other things. It would only make sense that he would eventually tackle the topic of prostitution and sexual abuse of women.
Going back to the overall theory, now that I’ve told you why I believe the Zou King is corrupt, I will now explain how Sanji made him mad enough to have himself captured.
I do believe that the Swirly Hat’s were the ones responsible for having Jack leave the island, but I also think that it is there fault that he came in the first place.
When we see them in 795, we see Sanji and Brooke taking out some of Kaido’s men.
We also know that most of these men were able to escape, and I think that after they escaped they went directly to Jack and told him that it was the Swirly Hat’s fault that they weren’t able to finish their mission. After hearing this Jack went to Zou, destroyed it and was then pushed out by the Swirly Hat’s. Some of the people on Zou praised Sanji and co. as heroes, but most of them blamed them for bringing him to Zou in first place.
The next reason why I believe that why I believe Sanji was captured by the Mink King is because of his policy on women. We all know that Sanji is a huge perv, but he still believes that women should be respected and cared for. Now how do you think Sanji would react if he found out that the Mink King was allowing for women to be abused and used for sex in the country? He speaks out against the Mink King, and because of this out burst the King captures Sanji and creates a dummy to stand in his place as either dead or in a coma as to not upset Nami and Chopper, who aren’t being captured because of Nami’s beauty and Chopper resemblance to a Mink. This is why Nami believes that Sanji is either dead or in a coma and comes rushing to Luffy.
*Theory by Kikodg78
Zoro gets lost on Facebook! ahahahaha XD
Zoro gets lost again!!! 😀