Tag Archives: whitebeard
Here are the Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in One Piece
#15-Who is “Joy Boy”?
“Joy Boy” was a man from the surface world who played an important role in the history of Fishman Island. He was first mentioned on the Ryugu Poneglyph read by Nico Robin while at the Sea Forest
#14-How powerful are the Gorosei?
The Gorosei (literally meaning “Five Elder Stars”) are the heads of the World Government, and as such, they essentially rule the entire world. They are the five men who rule above the Marines, Cipher Pol, and the ones who made a pact with the Shichibukai. So far, none of their names have been revealed.
#13-How did Blackbeard acquire multiple devil powers?
#12-Who are Sanji’s parents and two older brothers of the Vinsmoke family?
#11-How do Devil Fruits work? Where do they come from?
#10-What is The Revolutionary Army’s goal?
#9-Florian Triangle
The Florian Triangle, (literally translated as Zone of Demonic Triangle) is a stretch of sea that one has to cross over when heading from Water 7 to Fishman Island. It is covered in a fog so thick that it blocks out all sunlight. According to Kokoro, many pirate and commercial ships mysteriously go missing every year and, sometimes, a ship will be found sailing without any people aboard. It has also been said that there are many haunted ships with dead bodies sailing across the sea
#8-What’s Dragon’s Ability?
He is the infamous Revolutionary leader who has been attempting to overthrow the World Government. He is the World Government’s greatest enemy and is the most dangerous and most wanted man in the world.
#7-All Blue
The All Blue is a mystical sea of legend, rumored to be the only place in the world where the North, South, East, and West seas meet. In this legendary ocean, it is said that there are fish from each of the four seas, and to have such a resource at one’s disposal is the ultimate dream of every chef. Sanji strives to find this ocean of dreams. It is said that All Blue is found in the Grand Line.
#6-Who’s Luffy’s mom and is she alive?
#5-Where and what is Uranus? Where are the parts of Pluton? What is Pluton? What do the Ancient Weapons look like and what do they do? What is the connection between the Ancient Weapons and the Void Century?
#4-What Happened during the Void Century?
The Void Century is a century-long gap in recorded and archaeological history, the study of which is forbidden by the World Government. These events occurred 800 to 900 years before the current storyline. It was hinted at during the Skypiea arc; the dates were seen in Robin’s flashback.
#3-Voice of all Things
The voice of all things is mysterious and still unspecified phenomenon in the world of One Piece. It was first mentioned by Silvers Rayleigh when he revealed that Gol D. Roger had the ability to hear it.
#2-What does “The Will of D” means?
In the series, a number of characters have the middle initial “D.”. This mysterious middle initial has been called the “Will of D” or “D’s will” by several characters in One Piece.
One Piece is a legendary treasure said to be of unimaginable value.
It is said that it was hidden somewhere deep in the Grand Line, presumably in the last island, Raftel, by its deceased owner, the Pirate King Gol D. Roger.
So what is “One Piece”?
What do you think about all these mysteries? Share your Thoughts!
Hello once again everyone and welcome to yet another theory for your entertainment. This time I shall be discussing the past of Crocodile who in my opinion, is the most difficult to goddamn track down!!!
Many OP characters are based off real people and Crocodile is no different. Crocodile, along with Nico Robin are based off these two:
John Travolta & Uma Thurman’s characters from Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction.
In the movie, Travolta(along with Samuel L.Jackson) played a hitman trying to retrieve a briefcase for his gangster boss.
The movie had a scene where two of the stars were being raped by men in gimp suits(a link to Iva and Croc? Hell no….)
The movie is also broken into narrative sequences. One of them is called “The Bonnie Situation.” In this narrative, Travolta and Jackson’s characters accidentally shot a hostage in the head. had to dispose of the body before the wife of one of their friends returned and her name was Bonnie.
A link between Crocodile and Jewelry Bonney?
One of the more famous scenes in Pulp Fiction was the dance between Travolta & Thurman.
Along with Travolta & Thurman smoking herion and cocaine in the movie, this could be a reference to Dance Powder that Croc & Robin used in Alabasta.
A prominent aspect of Croc’s personality is is inability to trust anyone.
Of course its safe to assume that he was betrayed in the past.
Another movie that I believe inspired Crocodile’s lack of trust is Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs.
The is about 6 men, their boss & underboss performing a diamond heist gone wrong. The six men’s codenames were:
Mr. White
Mr. Orange
Mr. Blue
Mr. Pink
Mr. Brown
Mr. Yellow
This is what inspired the “Mr. & Miss” codenames of Barouge Works.
In the movie, a diamond heist went wrong and the criminals suspected that someone among them was an informant giving info to the cops. This caused the once friendly criminals to panic and died off one by one. The climax came when the boss & underboss suspected Mr. Orange of being the informant but Mr. White defending him resulting in a standoff that ended with everyone but Mr. White dying.
Before he died, Mr. Orange revealed to Mr. White that he was the informant all along. Since Mr. White & Mr. Orange bonded at the beginning of the film. Mr. White was blinded by friendship and refused to believe the Mr. Orange was the rat.
Trust is what caused the group’s destruction and something similar happened to Crocodile.
The only person to survive the ordeal was Mr. Pink who made it off with the diamonds. This reminds me of a certain panel.
Doflamingo’s dialogue suggests that he tried to work with Crocodile in the past.
Crocodile said that if he was more reasonable, he wouldn’t be here. Why was Crocodile in Marineford? To kill WB and I’ll get more into this later.
First of all, lets get Crocodile’s obvious mafia overtones out of the way.
Similar attire to Capone even down to the green in Impel Down/Marineford.
As kids, both have a bright colored shirt, dark pants and a gun.
Crocodile owned a casino which is typical for the mafia.
Majority of the mafia are American-Italian mobsters and Crocodile happens to be Italian as well.
Crocodile was born in West Blue as a member of Germa. Here, Croc learned proper manners, intelligence, cunning planning etc.. However, there was a problem….
The Vinsmokes can do and say whatever they want, whenever they want. In Chapter 825, Gotti, one of Capone’s men, wanted to shoot Sanji for being rude to Vito. Okami stopped him saying that if he so much as poke Sanji, the Vinsmokes will ice them all.
The Vinsmokes are treated as gods and it can make some people hostile like Crocodile, which could explain Croc’s arrogance and habit of looking down on others.
Also, Germa seems to like poison. Brooke’s crew murdered via poison arrows(think Yorki was a Vinsmoke). Crocodile seems to like poison as well.
As a rookie, Crocodile wanted to become Pirate King.
(Off Topic but Daz Bones wanted to be a superhero. That is probably why he took up bounty hunting.)
Crocodile was known for his cunning nature even during his pirate days(which was from his early to mid 20s).
Croc was 22 years old when he became a pirate following Roger’s execution and while a rookie, meet Ivankov.
Here you can see Crocodile acting rather hostile towards Ivankov. Why? Croc was so nonchalant towards Luffy, the one who crushed his plans but why is bro so mad towards the Newkama King?
Because Ivankov knows a person that Crocodile cherishes: a woman that Iva turned into a man and is still alive today. The only person Croc ever loved and Iva screwed up everything. Crocodile wouldn’t want anyone to know who that person is…or was…
Crocodile obviously draws inspiration from Captain Hook. Hook had his hand cut off by Peter Pan and it was fed to a crocodile. After getting a taste of Hook, the crocodile pursues him relentlessly, but the ticking clock it has swallowed warns Hook of its presence.
Captain Hook was inspired by the tale of Captain Ahab and Moby Dick. Hook was also a subordinate of Blackbeard(probably a reference to BB replacing Crocodile as a shichibukai).
Crocodile held a grudge against WB but it doesn’t make any sense. At least not entirely….
As I said earlier, Crocodile was defeated by Luffy and his plans were completely crushed but he is so nonchalant about it. But when it comes to WB:
Taking his loss from the Worlds Strongest Man a bit too hard right? Well, it could be justified if alot more happened aside from the loss. It was this loss that changed Crocodile’s outlook on life forever.
After Crocodile became a Shichibukai in his mid twenties(25-27), who challenged WB and this is where Croc lost his hand and was betrayed by his allies.
The grudge…the humiliating defeat……him telling Luffy to forget about a troublesome friend…..Crocodile had a friend and it was that friend that led to his crushing defeat at the hands of WB.
Or you could say that Croc worked with Doffy in the past and Croc’s friend caused everything to go to shit.
Its very difficult to pinpoint what exactly happened, but I’m betting on Croc having a lover and/or a troublesome friend that turned on him and caused many of his short comings.
What did the WG do to Croc? Nothing.
Crocodile went to Marineford with the goal of MURDERING WB.
Crocodile was constantly telling people to stay out of his way and got made when Doffy helped him. It wasn’t until the WG tricked Squadro into attacking WB that Croc did this:
Croc wanted to deal with WB all by himself and the WG was getting in his way. What did he say after the WG killed Ace & WB?
Now for the biggest question…
How did Crocodile find out about the Pluton? Someone told him. Who?
Silvers Rayleigh. The first time Roger meet Rayleigh, Rayleigh was resting in a ship.
What is Rayleigh’s current occupation? A ship coater.
Rayleigh’s nickname is the “Dark King/Lord of the Underworld” and its the same nickname of the Greek God Hades. Hades is known for rarely leaving the underworld and it relates to how its rare to meet Rayleigh on Sabody despite him living there.
Also, Pluton is another name for Hades.
Remember Croc’s similarities to Pulp Fiction?
Shakki owns a bar and has a spider theme. Know who else owns a bar? Paulie aka Miss Doublefinger who runs the Spider Cafe and she worked for Crocodile.
As for Alabasta, Crocodile Utopia plan was only 4-5 years old and he likely overheard Cobra talking about the ancient records.
Croc assumed the ancient records was a poneglyph and that it lead to the Pluton so he sought out Nico Robin.
Crocodile fell for this girl and couldn’t let her go due to his trust. She betrayed Croc which led to his downfall. That is why Croc doesn’t trust anyone and argued with Luffy to let one of his friends go and to not to go so far for a friend.
I almost forgot about Senor Pink(or Mr Pink from Reservoir Dogs). Like Croc, he is 46 years old and fell for a woman. Pink isn’t a cross-dresser, but he does dresses like a baby. Toss in Pink’s mafia theme, we got ourselves a possible foreshadowing.
*Theory by Vandenreich
The name of the Great Kingdom
Among the greatest mysteries of One Piece, there is the name of the Great Kingdom. Remember, Professor Clover tried to reveal its name but was shot by the CP9 in Ohara. I have a theory about it and it could be a name that we all have heard often.
Preamble: the name “One Piece”
First of all, I don’t think the name of the Great Kingdom is One Piece. From what we know, the One Piece is a treasure that exists (no matter the kind), as Whitebeard proclaimed before his dead. In contrary, the Great Kingdom have been destroyed by the Ancient Alliance which will become the World Governmennt. Plus, I think it will be too obvious from Oda, I hope the meaning of the One Piece is more specific.
That being said, let’s begin the theory.
Part 1: the Poneglyphs and Joy Boy
According to Professor Clover, the people that left behind the Poneglyphs was the Great Kingdom. And around 800 years ago, a man named Joy Boy wrote the Ryugu Poneglyph, the one in the Sea Forest. So, we can assume that Joy Boy was a member of the Great Kingdom.
I will not beat around the bush, I think Joy Boy was the king of the Great Kingdom. Like many theorists, I believe that Oda draw his inspiration from Joyoboyo, the Javanese king.
For those who don’t know him, Joyoboyo was a famous king in Java 800 years ago in the real world. The similarities between the names and the periods are suspicious. Since then, we can wonder how much Oda draw his inspiration from him. I think that is more than we could thought.
Part 2: the prophecy and the Void Century
Some prophecies are attributed to Joyoboyo. One of them is very interesting:
“The Javanese would be ruled by whites for 3 centuries and by yellow dwarfs for the life span of a maize plant prior to the return of the Ratu Adil: whose name must contain at least one syllable of the Javanese Noto Negoro.”
(source: Wikipedia)
The period before the return of the Ratu Adil is called the chaotic era. The next after him is the golden era. Reminds us something, right?
If Oda draw his inspiration from this prophecy, it can clarify the Void Century and the future of One Piece:
– “The Javanese would be ruled by whites for 3 centuries…” can be the reign of the World Government.
– “… by yellow dwarfs for the life of a maize plant…” can be the future short reign of the Blackbeard Pirates. Some versions talk about “brothers” instead of dwarfs.
– “… prior to the return of the Ratu Adil” can be the return of the Pirate King. In Fact, Ratu Adil means “Just King”.
From what we got, we can speculate that Joy Boy was a prophet king. He could predict the future like Madam Shyarly or Basil Hawkins. Before the end of the Great Kingdom, its people wrote the Poneglyphs for telling their story to the next generation. But more importantly, for telling that a “Just King” will return to save the world. And maybe, by finding the One Piece.
Part 3: the “Just King” and the “Will of D.”
When I first read this prophecy, one part attracts my attention more than the others : “whose name must contain at least one syllabe of the Javanese Noto Negoro.” (Noto Negoro is a Javanese name).
So, we can presume that the name of the “Just King” must contain at least one part of the name of the Great Kingdom, and by the way, must be a descendant of its people.
Hmm, it’s strange. The “syllabe” reminds me a middle initial that possess several characters in there name. You guess it? Of course, the “D.”.
In my opinion, the ideal of the Great Kingdom have a link with the piracy and liberty. The adventurers, the explorers, the dreamers… all of them are the ideological inheritors of the Great Kingdom. And one day, the “Will of D.” will be fulfilled: a pirate with the middle initial “D.” in his name will return and become the “Just King”.
So, we have our ultimate clue: as the name of the “Just King”, the name of the Great Kingdom must contain the middle initial “D.”.
Part 4: the name of the Great Kingdom
And I found it. It’s obvious and it make sense.
Like Gold Roger’s real name is Gol D. Roger, something in the One Piece World have a similar name. Something so great that it can rule the world…
Grand Line.
Or you can spell it: “Gran D. Line”.
Think about it: all Poneglyphs that we know of their existence are in this sea. Every major events happen it this sea. The Shandians, Alabasta… all these old and great civilisations are from there. And finaly: to become the Pirate King, you have to conquer this sea.
Joy Boy was the prophet king of the Great Kingdom. He predicted the return of a “Just King” who will save the world: the Pirate King. The name of the “Just King” must contain a part of the name of the Great Kingdom because he will be a descendant of its inhabitants.
Every pirate are the ideological inheritors of the ideal of the Great Kingdom. The people who have the middle initial “D.” in their name are the descendant of its inhabitants. So, the name of the Great Kingdom must contain the “D.” too. One great place in the world and in the history of One Piece bear its name: Grand Line.
Thank you so much for reading!
*Theory by Bonnet
The Voice of All Things, Kaido’s Immortality and Final Battle Theory
Recently I found myself thinking about the grand scheme of One Piece and the future of the series. What follows is the result of canceled college classes, procrastination, and hard thought about the future of One Piece.
I was recently reminded of something that was told to us early in the series:
When we are given our first hints as to the nature of devil fruits, Shanks mentions a “Sea-Devil” and says that he heard that devil fruits are its incarnations. Many people (including myself) had long since forgotten this and dismissed it as simply One Piece legend. Let’s hold on to this idea because we will revisit it later, and for now, let’s set up my predictions:
Recently in Chapter 821, the series takes an interesting turn when we find out that Luffy is not the only person alive right now with the ability to hear the voice of all things, and that Momonosuke (of all people) can hear the voice as well.
I didn’t quite grasp the significance of Chapter 821 at first, but I believe the chapter is the first chapter in which we will truly begin to understand the nature of the voice of all things.
The Voice of all things is probably the most mysterious ability in the world of One Piece. It has yet to be fully explained to us, and we have no idea where the ability came from or why it even exists. Every time we learn something new about the ability, we are left with even more questions.
Let’s take a look at Rayleigh when he first mentions Roger’s ability to hear the voice:
Up until recently, the only people in the series that were confirmed to be able to hear the voice were Roger and Luffy. At the time this ability was revealed, it was the rarest (non-devil fruit) ability in the One Piece world, even more rare than Conqueror’s haki. Yet, in this panel, Rayleigh mentions the ability without explaining it at all, as if the ability were well known throughout the One Piece world, or at least the grand line. Additionally, none of the straw hats saw fit to question him about it.
Some might view this as Oda simply withholding information from us, but this particular part of the Shabondy Arc was heavy with story reveals, we were even given some hints to the Void Century as well as Raftel itself. If Oda were going to explain this rare ability to us, wouldn’t this have been the appropriate time?
I believe that the reason that Rayleigh did not explain the ability is that there are many people on the grand line with the ability to hear the voice of all things. On top of this, we recently learned that there are different “types” of the ability. In chapter 821 we learned that not only are there those who can hear the voice, but those who can speak it as well:
I believe Momonosuke is a part of a special group of people that I will call “the Speakers of the Voice.” Momonosuke was able to command Zunisha to defend itself, something that Luffy, Roger, and Oden were not able to do.
Why wasn’t Luffy able to command Zunisha? Why wasn’t Roger able to command Zunisha? Most importantly, why wasn’t Oden, Momo’s father, able to command Zunisha either? The answer for now will remain unanswered to us, but what we CAN say is that there are those who can hear the voice, and those who can speak to it as well, and Momonosuke seems to be one of the Speakers of the Voice.
Speaking of Momonosuke, his relationship to the voice is incredibly strange. He was not able to “read” the Road Poneglyph like Roger was, but he was capable of commanding a 1,000 year old elephant to do his bidding. From this, we can gather that not only are there different types of the ability, but there are people who are only capable of hearing or speaking to certain voices. Momonosuke could hear the elephant, but could not “hear” the Poneglyph’s contents. Even Luffy himself can not yet “hear” the Poneglyph’s contents, but he was perfectly capable of hearing Zunisha’s cries as well as the Sea Kings at Fishman Island. Shirahoshi/Poseidon might also be a type of Speaker of the Voice, a bloodline that can command or even sentence Sea Kings. This tells us that just because you can hear or speak to the voice of one certain thing does not mean you can hear or speak to the voice of something else. While people like Luffy might not be able to speak to Zunisha, Luffy might be a kind of speaker that can speak to something else. But what exactly? Let’s put this thought on hold for now.
So far, we have learned of those who can hear the voice as well as those who can command certain things or beings through the voice. However, there is a third type of speaker, a powerful type of commander that can sentence. So far, we have seen one confirmed example of this:
Zo was sentenced to walk for all eternity. By whom? We’ll get back to that thought in a bit. For now, I want to talk Whitebeard and Kaido, whom I believe are the first examples of sentencing that we have seen in the series.
When we were first introduced to Kaido and his inability to die, many theories were created as to what his power might be. What keeps him from dying?
I remember reading people’s comments such as “he should just jump into the ocean” or “he should just eat more than one devil fruit.” And while at first I thought the fact that Kaido hadn’t tried either of these things was due more to plot convenience than anything else. But then another thought occurred to me: What if Kaido had already tried these things during his life?
Let’s talk about some things that we already know about Kaido that will be important to this theory:
1. Kaido murdered Moria’s entire crew as well as Momo’s parents
2. Kaido attempted to take on Whitebeard right before the Whitebeard war
3. Kaido has been given the death sentence repeatedly for his crimes
These points are important because they tell us that:
1. Kaido brazenly murders
2. Kaido had some reason to attack Whitebeard
3. Kaido has committed atrocities that many deem punishable by death
And now about Whitebeard:
1. According to Buggy, no one messes with the Whitebeard pirates for fear of angering Whitebeard
2. The other Yonko didn’t dare cross him, even in his old age and sickness
3. Whitebeard’s second division commander slot had been open for ages before Ace filled it
These points are important because they tell us that:
1. At some point, Whitebeard showed the world what happens to those who mess with the Whitebeard pirates
2. The Yonko wouldn’t cross Whitebeard due to more than just his reputation
3. Whitebeard had reservations about filling an empty slot in his crew, possibly due to pain of loss
And now, Kaido’s first words:
Many fans including me at first simply dismissed this statement as “Whitebeard did a good job by dying.” But many people in One Piece have died, why did Oda decide to have Kaido specifically chose to mention Whitebeard here?
Do you see where I’m going with this? I believe the story goes like this:
Kaido was a young, incredibly dangerous pirate who had dreams of claiming One Piece, and was making a reputation for himself at an alarming rate to the World Government. He made his name well known throughout the new world for his strength and brutality, through feats such as crushing and murdering Gekko Moria’s entire crew. At some point, Kaido became cocky and decided to make a move for the One Piece, but of course, he would have to go through the King of the Sea, Whitebeard. Kaido made his first move by crushing Whitebeard’s second division and killing the second division commander. Enraged, Whitebeard unleashed his full wrath on Kaido and defeated him. It was a brutal battle that left both Whitebeard and Kaido permanently scarred, and in a final act of revenge, Whitebeard used his abilities as a Speaker of the Voice to sentence Kaido to an undying existence, and then cast him into the sea. As Kaido possessed a devil fruit, he was doomed to drown helplessly for eternity, without dying. The world was shocked and awed by the true wrath of Whitebeard,who had just crushed the strong young pirate for murdering a member of his crew. Kaido drifted at the bottom of the sea for months or even years before he was finally brought back up to shore by some person or some sea king (for whatever reason lol). Back to the surface, Kaido was delusioned and angry by his months/years of suffering and was left with suicidal tendencies. The world was terrified by the man who they all thought had been killed by Whitebeard making a reappearance (possibly by sinking prison ships). When Kaido was convinced that he could not die, he began to amass his power in the form of eating multiple Zoan-type devil fruits and gaining their abilities, earning him the name of Hundred Beasts Kaido, the man with many Zoan forms. Kaido never forgave Whitebeard for the curse that he placed upon him, and for this reason continuously had fits of rage towards Whitebeard, even attempting to take Whitebeard’s life before Marineford. With Whitebeard dead, Kaido was left with his undying body, and his dreams of claiming One Piece once reaffirmed.
I believe this would explain Kaido’s suicidal tendencies, why he actually hasn’t died from eating multiple devil fruits/drowning, the pirates of the worlds’ acknowledgement of Whitebeard even in old age, the fact that the Yonko dared not cross him, and even why in his old, sickened state that Whitebeard was still viewed as the strongest pirate on the sea, as he was a Speaker of the Voice.
But where did this ability come from? What is its overall purpose in the story?
Before I get into the meat of this section, I want to talk for a brief moment about the geography of the One Piece world:
We all know the layout of the One Piece world, a grand line surrounded by two calm belts and four blues. We also know that the grand line is brutally difficult to navigate, and the weather and ocean patterns are far from natural. Keep this in mind. Now that that’s out of the way:
DISCLAIMER: This next section is fairly far fetched.
There is so little information on this “Sea Devil.” The only time we have ever heard of him was during Shanks’ conversation with Buggy at the beginning of the series. Therefore, it’s difficult to really say who he is or where he comes from. So for the sake of continuing onward, let’s just refer to the Sea Devil as a “god”, or more specifically, the creator of the world of One Piece.
I believe that this god created the One Piece world using his natural power as THE Speaker of the Voice of all Things. Whereas every other being in the future’s abilities at speaking the voice would be somewhat limited, the god was able to use the voice with no restrictions, and used it to create the entire One Piece world alongside “children” to worship him. The god, however, did not create water (this will be important for later).
The people were not completely submissive to his will at first, so 1,000 years ago, he displayed his frightening power by sentencing the strongest being in his creation, the first to deny him, to walk for all eternity (Zunisha). Witnessing this power, the people of the world were left to tremble before him. Over the next 100 years, the god grew satisfied with the people’s worship of him. Out of arrogance, the god even gave people his Fruits, which gave people one of his many powers.
There were those, however, who were not satisfied with living under the tyranny of the god, believing him to actually be a Devil, and realized that they could use his power themselves:
They formed a society that devoted themselves to finding their own purpose without the intervention of any god. They began to study reality and science in secret, and eventually formed an extremely advanced society of people who were able to speak the Voice. Using their scientific advancement, they created the oceans as places that the devil could not go as a way of challenging his power. They formed their kingdom on an island in the middle of the ocean, where the god could not reach them-the Ancient Kingdom. The founders of the Kingdom even gave themselves the initial D. as an act of mockery to the god, proclaiming him as a devil and identifying themselves as his “direct descendants” or “children of the Devil” as they were able to Speak with his Voice. (It’s important to note that the family of D. were not the only ones who could speak the voice, the other members of the kingdom could do so also)
The Great Kingdom went to war with the devil and his faithful children. The family of the D. were brutally outnumbered, but fortunately they were prepared. They created three ancient weapons to help them with the war. The rest of the world and even the Devil itself were so shocked by the sheer power of the ancient weapons that they didn’t notice what the Great Kingdom was actually working on: a way to kill the Devil: The project to kill him and to unite the world into was written down on the Rio Poneglyph. The One Piece, whatever it is, is somehow crucial to this plan. However, this plan was put on hold when the Kingdom began to succumb to the incredible power of its opponents.
The family of the D. used their trump card (which I will not reveal yet for theatrical purposes) to imprison the devil within the manmade ocean, where he was as helpless as those who ate his fruit. They imprisoned him somewhere in the ocean (earning him the nickname of Sea Devil), and sent the island of Raftel along with the One Piece and the Rio Poneglpyh to the bottom of the sea, then used their skill with the voice to permanently alter the geography of the One Piece world, making the rout to One Piece (and the devil itself) almost impossible to fully traverse. The members of the Great Kingdom who were not the family of D. used their abilities to create the Poneglyphs so that the world would never forget the terrifying power of the Sea Devil, and the struggle they went through to free themselves from his grasp.
However, as the war raged on for more decades, the Great Kingdom and its people were all but wiped out. The 20 kingdoms that had opposed them stood together and formed the World Government, as a way to ensure that chaos of that extent never ensued again. Eventually, those who were alive during the war had passed away. The government realized that with the Sea Devil imprisoned, their main priority should be to preserve peace and order at all cost. They had destroyed all documentation of the century and its history became lost. Eventually, the events of the war were remembered by some as legend, and forgotten completely by others. Power over the voice would be passed down to the few descendants of the ancient kingdom that were left, and the world of One Piece had found peace again.
I believe that the final battle in One Piece will be the world of One Piece (led by Luffy) vs the Sea Devil itself, in a battle to free the world. Winning the battle would allow the people to reform the sea into its original state, a sea like the one we see on the Earth: more stable weather and magnetic fields that allow anyone to freely navigate it.
But what about the Family of D.’s trump card? How were they able to imprison the Sea Devil in the first place?
Remember that Momonosuke can seemingly only command Zunisha? And that Shirahoshi/Poseidon can only command Sea Kings?
The Family of D. has the ability to command or sentence god, the Sea Devil, itself
What do you guys think?
*Theory by Saving Ace
Is Shanks the strongest?
Before I proceed with the actual speculation, I would like to clear the meaning of “World Government” for upcoming thoughts. As we know, the political organization is lead by the Gorosei, the “Five Elder Stars”:
They do not only hold the greatest power in the One Piece world commanding all the Admirals and Vice-Admirals, Kong, Magellan, the latest Pacifistas, groups like CP0 and – probably the guy with the most potential at all – Dr. Vegapunk. On top of that, since they are every non-pirate’s masterminds and even look like they would have serious fighting skills, they might be on a level with the very strongest – possibly on par with a Yonko’s strength each (- just imagine the upcoming war with four Yonkos and the Pirate King versus the five Elder Stars (alongside with all the other guys)).
According to this (and ignoring those marionettes called “Tenryuubito”) we might reduce the meaning of “World Government” to that geezer team without eyebrows. So to say, five guys with one aim.
Therefor, I want to discuss the question:
The great pirate era started with Roger’s last words and was refreshed by Whitebeard as he confirmed the One Piece to be real:
So we could assume that along with the pirates the WG wants to find the One Piece. But I suspect it to be not the whole truth. The One Piece treasure will only be a means to an end. Actually, it could not be simpler:
As obvious as it seems, since every living being (without Kaidou) wants to survive, it gets quite a different meaning if we consider how hard the WG already tried to do so. It is not only about defeating and imprisoning some pirates so concrete danger dissolves. The WG is in charge of possibilites “to become as immortal as possible”.
It probably started long time before Gol D. Roger and the following pirate era.
It is all about living forever – meaning they will not die by age, nor by any disease (or wound).
We do not know how Jewelry Bonney is related to the World Government. But we do know that they are interested in her:
We also know that she is able to manipulate people’s age:
Thus, she is pretty useful to reach immortality at least in one aspect – those who benefit from her power continually would not have to die of aging. But even if the fruit’s effects worked permanently, it would not be a durable solution. The effect could be revoked as the devil fruit user becomes unconscious or dead. Or just resists the WG’s will to help.
Law’s fruit was considered to be the ultimate fruit in the world:
Eventhough, we do not know how it works exactly. But we know that the user could give his life in order to make somebody “ageless”. Still, many discussions have been arisen what it could mean. Some speculate the benefitted individual does not age anymore, some even say he/ she/ it could only die by age, but not by wounds or diseases. (In the last case, Trafalgar Law’s and Bonney’s abilities combined could make the benefitted one truly immortal as long as “Bonney’s” effect does not get revoked (and after years renewed) – which made it imbalanced.)
Princess Mansherry’s Devil Fruit makes her able to heal wounds:
Its true potential is still unknown, e. g. if it was useful for (deadly) diseases, too, or if it could even revive (!) at its potentials pinnecale. Nevertheless, it also only prevents from dying indirectly. With Law’s Fruit being considered as the most valuable DF, I am not so sure about if the WG knew about Mansherry or the Chiyu Chiyu No Mi. Sengoku seemed somewhat amazed – as if he did not know about the fruit before:
Who knows – maybe the fruit’s ability will be reported to the WG by a “bad Marine” (like Bastille or so) or the CP0 meaning that Mansherry could get captured during the upcoming Reverie.
Even lesser is known about Kaidou. It was stated that he could not die, yet:
The WG’s dream seems to be his curse. Until now, it is not known, why and how he survived so far. It might be related to his possible Devil fruit or – and that would be inaccessible by the WG – just fate and/ or luck. (In case preordained “fate” existed in the One Piece world, the WG’s efforts would be useless either way.)
Ceasar Clown revealed that Dr. Vegapunk experimented to turn humans into giants:
We know from SBS Vol. 19 Ch. 168, p. 46 that giants are able to become way older than humans – up to 300 years:
Of course, obtaining a giants age would not lead to immortality, but it would buy some time if they could copy that effect of slow aging. Also, if the WG got to know why giants become that old, they might find a way to become even older.
As recently shown Dr. Kureha is quite vital at 141 years.
As we know, she always spoke of herself as a young woman. Now imagine if she would have found the secret to age like a giant. She would have been aged like a ~65 years old “normal OP-human”. She also will attend the Reverie. Maybe Wapol told information about Dr. Kureha to the WG in exchange which could lead to a capturing, too. Or maybe Dr. Kureha does already know Dr. Vegapunk. We will see – but it is for sure that her biological clock would be interesting to the WG.
Beyond the pirate theme of the 16th century from our real life, One Piece is influenced by futuristic science fiction aspects, too. Besides Dr. Vegapunk (and Franky), also Dr. Tsukimi seemed to work on “robotic” individuals.
In parallel to other experiments, Dr. Vegapunk created cyborgs. Cyborgs consist of biological individuals with mechanical parts:
At first glance, they just seem to be powerful military forces. But there could be a deeper meaning to their nature. If it was possible to replace every single (human) body part step by step, biologic individuals could be prevented from dying by age, diseases or wounds – as long as they are able to conservate the (human’s) conscious mind.
Until now, they seem to have failured in “recreating” a human being, since “Kuma” lost his personality:
But it could only be a matter of time, until Dr. Vegapunks finds out how “to replace a brain with its personality”. An important clue is that Dr. Vegapunk managed to transmit a Devil Fruit onto a lifeless object plus that Devil Fruits might transfer characteristics of the previous owner(s).
Not being a great military force, the automatas that Dr. Tsukimi build seem to have emotions:
Therefor Dr. Tsukimi seems to be the first one shown who created entirely artificial life:
Also, Enel just had to “breathe life into automatas” by electric energy “to (re)vive” them:
Using this very technology could mean that Dr. Tsukimi found a way to play God. Still we do not know where Dr. Tsukimi lived or to whom he could belong to. But maybe his residence was close to the Marines/ WG:
The question would be, why the WG did not use Dr. Tsukimi’s knowledge, yet. Probably, the Marines/ the WG did not know about him/ his knowledge/ what Automatas are. (But I guess Dr. Vegapunk most likely will or even does already know.)
Last but not least, I will link the WG’s goal to the big treasure One Piece which might be the only durable solution to survive.
Referring to my main theory
(- that OP’s loose template is based on “The Mysterious Cities of Gold” from 1982), the One Piece will be a device which bears the energy of the inner Sun (- besides countless (loose) parallels, Sun energy was once used peacefully by two kingdoms, but then a war broke out, Sun weapons were used and the kingdoms vanished). In TMCoG it was stated that it provides those who use it as a medicine that could cure any disease. Everybody could live eternally.
If that was the case, the WG would be highly interested in that device as well. But that is only speculation..~
(Also, the Gorosei could be aliens.)
At this rate, it seems that the Gorosei (= masterminds of world politics) are looking for different ways to evade death due to age, diseases and/ or wounds (at least temporarily) – …
- … either by Devil Fruits (of Law, Bonney, Mansherry(, Kaidou), …), …
- … or by biology knowledge about giants and/ or Dr. Kureha, …
- … or by advanced technology regarding cyborgs and automatas and the “One Piece”.
Nevertheless, nothing and no one seems to be invulnverable so nothing or nobody could become immortal, technically (- Kaidou was defeated before, still seems to have “luck”; Poneglyphs can be formed). But still, they try to survive eternally, thus becoming “as immortal as possible“.
*Theory by EddWarD.NewGate
Rayleigh and his Haki
Rayleigh is able to utilize Haki the same way Shanks, Luffy and Whitebeard can. He is able to use all 3 types of Haki:Kenbunshoku Haki, Busoshoku Haki, and Haoshoku Haki. Rayleigh also shows great knowledge of Haki, and made use of all three types while teaching Luffy about them, and training him in the basics.
Rayleigh has mastered Haoshoku Haki to the extent that he can render a specific target completely unconscious. He is able to do this without adversely affecting anybody else near the initial target. He disabled an entire hall room of hostiles with this power, save for the Kid Pirates and Heart Pirates. Rayleigh later commented that the pirates still standing were no ordinary rookies. Only very strong and determined individuals can resist from being knocked unconscious. One of Trafalgar Law’s crewmen was very close to being knocked out, and even Law and Eustass Kid were sweating slightly after enduring the blast.
Busoshoku Haki allows Rayleigh to create a force similar to an invisible armor around himself. Rayleigh has the ability to bypass the powers of a Devil Fruit user, touching the “substantial body” beneath whatever protection the fruit provides as seen when he used Busoshoku Haki to kick and redirect an attack from Admiral Kizaru. He was also seen using it to deflect a giant elephant’s foot and also hurting Luffy with a Haki-imbued flick while teaching him the basics of Haki. As stated by Rayleigh just before initiating Luffy’s training, it is possible to make this Haki strong enough to be used offensively.
This type of Haki can allow Rayleigh to sense the emotions and nature of others. It appears that it is also possible for the user of this Haki to sense the strength of others. This was shown when Rayleigh used this Haki to sense that there were five hundred creatures on Rusukaina who were stronger than Luffy at that time. Rayleigh also used Kenbunshoku Haki to dodge an elephant’s attack without directly seeing the elephant.
The strength and mastery Rayleigh has over this kind of Haki is also shown by the fact that he can sense people all over the island he is currently on while most people can sense only in their immediate vicinity.
The Yami Yami no Mi
Blackbeard has eaten the Logia-class Devil Fruit Yami Yami no Mi. With it, he can create an ebbing shroud of darkness, shown to possess a strong gravitational pull. Teach demonstrates that the “darkness” is a void which devours anything, able to pull in (much in the manner of an actual black hole), and crush his surrounding environment into a pile of rubble. Due to the Yami Yami no Mi’s gravitational ability, Blackbeard, unlike every other Logia user, cannot disperse and let attacks simply pass through him, drawing the attacks faster towards himself instead, meaning he takes equivalent or more damage than a normal human would.
However, Blackbeard states that the deficiency this presents is well worth the advantages the fruit bestows upon him, such as the ability to “absorb” certain projectiles and then hurl them back at his foes using moves like “Liberation”. The second, and the most frightening power of the fruit is to nullify other Devil Fruit abilities through physical contact, allowing Teach to physically hit Ace, whose body was composed of intangible flames, and injure Luffy, whose body was made of rubber. Teach states that this is because the Yami Yami no Mi truly holds the power of the devil. As such, Blackbeard’s style revolves around getting close to his enemy and grabbing them, canceling out any defensive abilities they have, forcing their own natural resilience to take Blackbeard’s massive strength.
Blackbeard must, however, physically touch his enemy to cancel out their powers. This puts him at a huge disadvantage against enemies he cannot reach out and grab, even more so when the enemy can hurt him at a distance. However, this weakness can be rectified somewhat by his signature technique “Kurouzu”, which utilizes his suction powers to drag his opponents towards him. This technique opens up another weakness since right after he uses it he is left open for an attack at close range.
I think that Blackbeard is NOT going to fight Dragon, a lot of people have said that Blackbeard will attack Dragon’s base. When Burgess found Baltigo, he only contacted Shiliew, one of the strongest members (who could rescue Burgess) and Lafitte. Since Lafitte is the navigator he will chart the island and place it on a map, thus recording Baltigo’s location. This is very important.
Even if they wanted to attack Baltigo Blackbeard won’t allow it.
People seem to forget that Blackbeard is a smart character. Marineford was caused by Blackbeard and then he came out of it with Whitebeard’s devil fruit and a lot of strong crew mates. It’s all one complex plan. He captured Ace so that Whitebeard would fight the Marines (which gave him a window of opportunity to get the Gura Gura no Mi). He used the Shichibukai position to get more members from Impel Down while the war is going on (when there’s less security at the prison).
So here’s my theory: Blackbeard will ask Lafitte to sneak in Mariejois and offer them Baltigo’s location for something in return. I think it’s also possible Teach might want information on Kuzan (Aokiji) from the Marines because they don’t trust Aokiji either, so that’s one more likely possibility, although it probably won’t be everything Blackbeard wants.
Lafitte will successfully sneak in Mariejois like he did back at the Shichibukai meeting during the Jaya Arc
After he tells them about how they got Baltigo’s location and the location itself the World Government will accept the deal and they will give Blackbeard what he wants in exchange for Baltigo’s location.
Now some of you may say “why would they accept the deal after Blackbeard have betrayed them?”,
the number one enemy to the World Government is the Revolutionary Army and Monkey D. Dragon. They even talked about how he was a threat to them in the world council. The knowledge of Baltigo’s location will benefit them immensely. Perhaps they can track the Army’s ships, trade deals etc. or even embargo and blockade ships from reaching Baltigo. These are all just possibilities, however: most significantly it could lead to Marine espionage, infiltration or even a Marine invasion in the future, perhaps during the final war arc
Also this won’t be the first time Blackbeard made a deal with the World Government, remember when he offered them Jewelry Bonney because he wanted some ships? So it’s not far fetched to say that he’s going to make another deal with the World Government for something that he wants.
So Blackbeard vs Dragon won’t happen, the Revolutionary Army vs The World Government is far more likely. It’s been foreshadowed for a while and when the World Government discovers the location of the Revolutionary Army HQ their fight seems far more likely
-Lafitte draws a map to Baltigo
-He sneaks in Mariejois and tell them the offer
-World Government accepts
-World Government vs Revolutionary Army could happen on Baltigo
*Theory by Jack The Drought