(you can send your theory about everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])
Let’s start a theory about the famous 3 Ancient Weapons (From here on “AW”), trying to figure out what Uranus is.
We have Pluton, a ship as weapon of mass destruction, Poseidon, the ability to control the Sea Kings becoming manifest in the Mermaid Princess (once 800 years ago, and now again in Shirahoshi), and Uranus, a yet completely unknown weapon.
The AWs have one big inspiration: Mythology!
“Each of the Ancient Weapons is named after a Greco-Roman god affiliated with the earth, sea, and sky respectively: Pluto ruled the underworld, which was believed to be underground and all mineral wealth within the earth belonged to him; Poseidon was the ruler of the sea; and Uranus was the personification of the sky.” – OP Wiki
Poseidon was the ruler of the sea -> The AW Poseidon is the Sea King controlling Mermaid Princess
All mineral wealth within the earth belonged to Pluton -> The AW Poseidon is a ship, something tangible, probably out of wood (or steel?), in any case out of a material, something “from earth”.
Uranus was the personification of the sky. -> The AW Uranus is related to the sky? Probably.
Now the 3 Ancient Weapons have this pattern a lot:
- God of the sea, God of mineral wealth (earth), God of the sky
- A mermaid, a ship, something in the sky
- 1 weapon under water, 1 weapon on the water, 1 weapon above the water
So I say Uranus is something connected to the sky, maybe to wind and weather, there is no doubt for me.
Now to the question: What could Uranus be? And where is it?
1. Location:
Judging by the story, Pluton was first mentioned in Alabasta, a normal island in Paradise.
Poseidon: Fishman Island, deep under the sea below the Red Line.
That leaves? The New World! Uranus’ location/introduction in the story will be connected to the New World. Where in the New World? Well, there is 1 fact we know from Chapter 0: Gol D. Roger was in possession of an Ancient Weapon. I say he possessed Uranus, which would reveal us the location: Raftel!
2. Identity:
Let’s continue our way of thinking in patterns: So far we have one weapon as a person or animal, in general a living being (Poseidon), one weapon as a ship (Pluton).
That means Uranus is neither a person, nor a ship. What is left? And what of the things that are left is actually in the sky?
Some ideas: A flying animal? An airplane? A cloud? A sky island? A moon? If you count Shirahoshi as animal, then maybe Uranus is in fact a person? Or a Devil Fruit?
Let’s test these ideas:
- A flying animal? – I count Poseidon already as an animal, so no.
- An airplane? – Well that would also be a tangible weapon, just like a ship, so no.
- A cloud? – A little hard to imagine how a cloud could have/be a weapon, so no.
- A sky island? – Possible, but we already know that there are a lot of sky islands, and one of them being an Ancient Weapon wouldnt be very special anymore, so no.
- A moon? – There are 6 moons in One Piece, Enel being on one of them, and we know people lived on the moon. Kinda heard to imagine that one of those 6 would be a weapon, so no.
- A person? – I think Shirahoshi counts as a person (living being), so no.
- A Devil Fruit? – There are so many, many Devil Fruits, it would be kinda lame if Uranus is just one special Devil Fruit, so no.
Many believe that Monkey D. Dragon himself is Uranus, or that his Devil Fruit is Uranus, but that would be like a copy of Shirahoshi just with a human, right? It wouldnt quite fit the pattern.
Hmm, so nothing really fits? That’s disappointing. What is left then? Let’s gather some more info:

In this picture, we see the 3 races from the moon, the Birkans, Skypieans and Shandorians, travelling from the moon down to the earth, this was long before the Void Century. The 3 races are symbolized by 3 different hats: 1 antenna, 1 helmet, and 1 fish-head -> Uranus, Pluton and Poseidon.
We see that the leader of this journey is in fact the character with the antenna hat: Uranus. This makes perfect sense, because in Greco-Roman mythology, Uranus is the grandfather of Zeus, Pluton (Hades) and Poseidon!
That means the Ancient Weapon Uranus should be of much greater magnitude than Poseidon and Pluton.
I also think that the 3 races from the moon were the founders of the Ancient Kingdom, as well as their weapons: Poseidon, Pluton and Uranus. This would fit 2 patterns:
- Mythology: God is “not from the earth”, God created the earth, and the human race with Adam & Eve (more about them later), just like the 3 races came “down to earth”.
- US Forces: Navy, Army and Air Force as “weapons” for the USA, just like Poseidon, Pluton and Uranus as weapons for the Ancient Kingdom.
Adam & Eve
I already stated, that Pluton is a ship, and that Poseidon is the Mermaid Princess, and I also stated their positions, Paradise (Pluton) and Fishman Island (Poseidon). We know two “holy” trees in One Piece: The Treasure Tree Adam and the Sunlight Tree Eve. How are these all connected?
- Poseidon is an AW related to the sea, it’s a mermaid – The Sunlight Tree Eve was mentioned on Fishman Island, because there was a huge tree giving sunlight 10,000 meters beneath the surface. I believe that was in fact the Sunlight Tree Eve, and the location fits perfectly: Fishman Island!
- Pluton is an Ancient Weapon related to earth/wood, it’s a ship – Franky mentioned the Treasure Tree Adam, because Roger’s ship the Oro Jackson was built out of that special wood, just like Sunny. He even went to a neighbour island of Water 7 to buy pieces of that wood. So again, the location fits perfectly: Paradise!
Now what about Uranus? I said the location of Uranus was Raftel. I will now explain this further:
Raftel is the place where both trees are connected. Like Uranus is the grandfather of Pluton and Poseidon, on Raftel both trees (connected to Pluton and Poseidon) will combine/connect. We already have 2 trees for the other Ancient Weapons, so I wouldnt be surprised if the remaining weapon is connected to the remaining tree, the Tree of Devil Fruits!
Now what is the connection to the sky?
Sky does not only have to mean the physical sky, like “the place where all the clouds are”. Sky can also be understood in a spiritual way, like heaven. Poseidon is a living being, Pluton is a weapon/ship, like a huge item.
So we have a living being, and an item, what is left? -> Something neither living, nor tangible! Uranus is something spiritual!
First of all, nobody ever reached Raftel but Gold Roger, and we already know that he was in possession of an AW. Evertyhing is connected, the trees, the Poneglyphs and Rio-Poneglyphs, it all is “One Piece”. Second of all, the physical appearance of that tree must be huge, reaching far up into the sky, “godlike”. And lastly, the power of that tree to “give live”, to give power, and to unite all Devil Fruits is something spiritual.
I’m not sure how exactly all this works out, but the simple idea is clear:
The Adam and Eve Trees are connected to the Ancient Weapons Pluton and Poseidon, and mythology tells us that Uranus stands above those two.
That’s why I think the combination of Adam & Eve is the Tree of Devil Fruits, which is nothing else than Uranus.
Think about it: We have a tree that generates sunlight, or energy, we have a tree that generates the matter/material, now all we need is the soul/spirit, right?
Uranus, the Tree of Devil Fruits, is a tree that generates spirit! Namely in form of devils inside the fruits. It brings “life” to those fruits, as well as supernatural powers.
I might be wrong about Uranus being somethign “spiritual”, it could also be the staff we see the Birkan holding (in the cover picture with Enel), like a magic staff. But what Im sure about is, that Uranus generates life, like I already explained.
- Eve generates sunlight, to those living under water -> Shirahoshi
- Adam generates a special material (wood of the Adam’s tree) to build objects that can withstand anything -> Ships
- The Devil Fruit Tree generates spiritual energy/the devil’s soul/ki (however you wanna call it^^), like a god creating a form of life -> The ability to generate spiritual engery, e.g. control of the sky/weather/elements.
Whether or not all Devil Fruits can/will be combined to form the One Piece, or if the Devils will be combined to form the original Devil is a different question. In another theory I also mentioned that the D. characters are the descendants of the Ancient Kingdom, and the Guradian of the Devil Fruits, which would fit if my statement, that the Ancient Weapons belonged to the Ancient Kingdom, is true. Uranus is a weapon of the Ancient Kingdom, the Tree of Devil Fruits, therefore the descendants of that Kingdom are the guardians.
-> Uranus is the Tree of Devil Fruits.
What do you guys think?
*All rights go to Gobee129