Which Looks Better? ^ ^
Tag Archives: Portgas D. Ace
Which is the best?
So, this theory is about how the Marco storyline will play out. Nekomamushi is heading towards Marco’s location. Unless he’s been captured, I don’t think he’s gonna be difficult to find. He’s probably sitting somewhere deep into WB’s past territory, half-heartedly trying to hold onto the whitebeard pirates’ former glory.
But more importantly, I don’t think Marco’ll be thrilled to join their cause.
I took a closer look at Marco’s picture, and gosh, he does not look cheerful.
Actually, he looks like a man who’s been through the last two years of Marco’s life… First, the loss of one of his best friends, and immediately afterwards, his leader and father figure. He was forced to take up the mantle of responsibility for a crapton of people who’re wounded, directionless, and just as sad as him following Ace and WB’s deaths. And last but not least, the first battle he gets into, a revenge-fight against BB, he loses miserably.
I think Marco has become a beaten, bitter man, and he never wants to fight again.
Inuarashi admits it’s a slim chance, and there’s no strawhat on the marco-retrieval squad, so that’s another point against Marco joining.
The interesting question is, what consequenses will this have? Well, what usually happens when the Achilles in his tent trope is played? Achilles refuses to fight, the heroes head into battle without him, loses, Achilles is convinced to fight after all, Achilles makes a badass entrance, wins, but a bunch of guys are dead…
So that’s the overall picture of what I think will happen.
Diving into the details…
We know that Weevil, the little bastard, is looking for a fight with Marco. Even though Weevil is incredibly provoking, calling himself WB’s real son and sullying his name, I don’t think Marco cares at this point, and he’s probably postponing the fight with Weevil. I’m not saying Marco will ignore Weevil if he gets up in his face, but as long as it’s over newspaper and his subordinates, I think Marco will ignore it to simmer in his own misery.
The battle is going to be further postponed by Weevil being called to participate in the battle of Wano, tipping the battle into Kaido’s favor.
At this point, Marco might head into the battle willingly, or he’ll continue to sulk until one of the strawhats slaps him out of it.
The battle against Weevil will see the revival of Marco’s spirit, metaphorically. I think him and Weevil will have a heart to heart about fathers, and ultimately, Marco will offer Weevil to join his crew.
It’s possible that one of the Strawhats will join the retrieval team. In that case, it would be Robin. She’s optimal for scouting missions. Plus, Marco might be located close by Baltigo, tying together two plotlines.
*Theory by Birdy
Which Team Do You Pick?
There may be a slight chance that Marco will join with the Red Hair pirates for the time being. He has lost both Ace and Whitebeard and might want revenge, but he alone isn’t strong enough.
During the Payback War the Whitebeard Pirates suffered an utter defeat against Blackbeard Pirates. Blackbeard is probably searching Marco to steal even his Devil Fruit powers.
Who would be the best person to be with while both hiding and waiting for the right time for a revenge? Shanks!
It may sound stupid, but I believe that, after they were on Ace’s and Whiteberad’s grave, they have joined and are now waiting for Luffy to arrive, so that they can change the system and the world together.
So what do you guys think?
*All rights go to the maker of this theory.
8 Things You Should Know About Portgas D. Ace
- Ace shares the same birthday as the creator of the series, Eiichiro Oda(January 1).
- Ace would have been 21 if he were born on time. Instead he is 20 because his mother held him in her womb for eleven months past his due date, meaning he spent a total of twenty months inside her womb, instead of the usual nine.
- The status of Shichibukai was offered to Portgas D. Ace, but he refused the offer. This is the only known time an invitation into the organization had been rejected
- Ace being captain of the Spade Pirates, is a pun on the “Ace of spades”, or “spadille”
- Ace is the first known Devil Fruit user to die.
- His bounty, being at
550,000,000 before his death, was the highest amount revealed in the series before the timeskip.
- Universal Studios of Japan has built a replica of Ace’s and Whitebeard’s tombs. Ace’s epitaph says: “Ace, may your soul be eternal. Your brave soul will always be with us.” This epitaph was also shown in Episode 663 of the anime.
- In the 5th Japanese Fan Polls, Ace ranked as the sixth most popular character in One Piece making him the most popular of the Whitebeard Pirates and also the most popular deceased character in the One Piece series.
Blackbeard’s Next Fight?
D Means…
1. Myth: Dragon appeared in Loguetown and Luffy was able to hear the dragon talking in the Apis Arc. The D must mean DRAGON.
Fact: The Warship Island Arc was not canon. Therefore everything in it (except for a few things like the Calm Belt information) was not written in the manga by Oda. This rumor was originally created by a popular anime blogger who took a wild guess after watching the arc. Due to the popularity of said blog, others also pondered on the idea (though some fans came to this meaning on their own accord). However, it has been proven Dragon has an important plot role.
2. Myth: It is the first letter of the civilization name.
Fact: We do not know what the D. means at the moment. This comes from the significant actions of the World Government to stop Clover saying the name.
3. Myth: It is not a D it is part of a smiley! (example: :-D). Also, every D character that appeared in the series has smiled (even Portgas D. Rouge).
Fact: This one stems from the act of smiling upon death.
4. Myth: It is the name of the royal family of the lost civilization or a clan within it.
Fact: We do not know anything about their culture or if they even had a royal family.
5. Myth: D. means “Devil”.
Fact: This one is a nod to Devil Fruits. Rosinante did however state that those with the D. are God’s natural enemy, which is what a devil is conveyed as.
6. Myth: It means “Damashii”.
Fact: This one is linked to the talk of spirits and “will” throughout the series.
7. Myth: It is half a circle.
Fact: This one comes from “One Piece”, the speculation is that the D. is half a circle or pattern/symbol. In other words, acquiring Roger’s treasure will result in the symbol becoming “One Piece” again.
8. Myth: It means “Danger”. One of the Gorosei said so in Post-War Arc!
Fact: One of the elders really said that, but that’s due to the translation “D always means danger”, meaning that all of the people with D on their name were dangerous people.
9. Myth: It is given to those who can start a new era. Such as Roger starting a new age of pirates, and Blackbeards’s betrayal and Ace’s capture leading up to the Marineford War.
Fact: Portgas D. Rouge’s only (confirmed) significant act in life was giving birth to Ace.
The possibility of Nami being Luffy’s future wife?
Wait what Nami’s Luffy Wife in the Future?? How about BOA?? How about Margaret?? How about Rebecca??
I know there’s a lot of pairing come in our minds.. and also we have this dream pairing for Luffy.. Because honestly my Dream Pair for Luffy is Boa
Let’s examine everything on a logical way
Think of it the late Pirate King Gol D. Roger has a wife and son Portgas D. Rouge (wife) and Portgas D. Ace (son). This is not just a random things that Oda would happen to do so.. It can be foreshadowing Luffy in the Future having a Wife and a Son who will carry his bloodline.. We know that Luffy lack intelligence but he is indeed wise in someway without noticing it.. The reason he kept rejecting Boa’s Hancock wedding proposal is not just by a whim and his stupidity it has something to do with it, like why his not attracted and also to other women he met before but he considered them all as a friend..
Here things will become more interesting.. Nami hate Pirates at the beginning of the Series and yet Luffy managed to take Nami along as Navigator.. I know you think this way “because Nami is partnered with Luffy and Nami is using Luffy along the way” it is somehow true but the thing I’m trying to point out if you are in the position of Nami who really despised Pirate and also a Pirate Shot Dead your Mother would you be friends with them ?? Would you be partnered with them ?? I guess the answer is No.. But on that episode where Luffy is locked down on a cage and a Buggy Cannon will shoot Luffy, Nami didn’t think twice and stopped the ignition with her bare hands.. Though Nami claimed that if she didn’t stopped the cannon she’s no difference with a Pirate.. But I see of it as a sign of Nami’s Changed Heart and also the reason why Nami left Luffy with the Going Merry along her on Baratie because she doesn’t want them to be involved in his problems.. LikeRobin she doesn’t want his considered as Friends/Nakama to be hurt or to be in trouble.. Just like I said we’re going to think logically so let’s not just get carried away by what Oda wants us to think of.. I am studying detective though It’s baseless to assumed that this random theory is accurate or would happen.. Ok back to the read, on Arlongs Park Arc where Luffy is going to rescue Nami he lends his precious treasure theStrawhat.. and after beating Arlong, Nami made a decision to go on journey with them having a dream “to Draw a Map of the World”and noting that Nami also claimed that wherever Luffy wants to go she’ll take him there..
Sorry for this please bear with me a little longer.. and here some example clips though it is not mine but I am constructing some more accurate clip and I’ll just replaced it afterwards..
The reason why I show those clips is because, Luffy is somewhat happened not just only saved Nami once after Arlongs Park it happens to some of the episodes and movies along the way.. Nami always got involved of been taken away by the enemies not because she is weak, she is indeed beautiful and also she has this superb navigation skills.. In One Piece Movie 2 the Clockwork Island Adventure where Nami was taken away by the Trumph Siblings Pirate Crew and Bear King wants Nami as his wife where also Luffy lend his hat again to Namiwhose wearing a Bride Outfit
is this a foreshadowing too ?? who knows.. where talking on Oda anyway his very good at foreshadowing and making people minds blow.. Moving forward it only not happen once, twice it happens many times.. So I won’t state it here because I am guessing you can picture out what I’m trying to imply right..
And I happen to see this..
(Oda’s wife)
We all know Oda based a lot of things in real life events.. And Nami’s character creation is not just also happen to be random.. And I happen to read also a theory about Nami’s Bloodline is an Angel isn’t it fitting for a King of Pirates having a wife an Angel.. If this is so to happen he can even surpass the Late Pirate King Gol D. Roger.. And Luffy’s reaction everytime Nami’s in trouble, there chemistry shows that Namiis a fitting wife for Luffy the Pirate King.. And also if that’s so to happen when Luffy has this titled Pirate King and sailing free in the Ocean isn’t it for a wife’s obligation to be with him Nami said that wherever Luffy wants to go I’ll take him there
*Theory by Gol D. Jason