Archivio per il tag: kaidou

One Piece Manga Enters “VS. Four Emperors Arc” on April 4!

It’s time for Luffy and its crew to finally take down the “Four Emperors”!

“Vs. Four Emperors Arc” will start from the next chapter.


    I was rereading the Zou arc when I noticed something peculiar about Momonosuke.

    We all know that in the last chapter (chapter 820), Momonosuke made a unbelievable claim that he met Roger. But we failed to notice that Momonosuke previously made a claim which is similarly absurd. Look at this conversation here:

    One Piece 817 - Page 6

    Momonosuke is essentially saying that Inu and Neko were close before. Now, the content of the statement is not the weird part here, but the fact that it came from Momo, an 8 year old boy! How could he know that? The way Momo said those lines, it’s as if he is claiming that he met Inu and Neko before, which we all know is impossible. This impossibility was emphasized in Chapter 819 when it was mentioned that Inu and Neko started hating each other when they returned to Zou which happened before Carrot was born (who is obviously much older than Momo).

    Now, what could his possibly mean? We all know Oda won’t put these things for nothing. It would also appear that Momo is not lying in those statements.

    Then, I was able to come up with a conclusion when I started relating these statements with the ability of the main family of Kouzuki to read and write the poneglyphs (I say the “main” family of the Kouzuki because it would seem that only the heir of the Daimyo is taught this ability).

    I believe that Oden was actually able to transfer his ability to Momo. This ability is not a simple ability to read the poneglyphs. I believe this is an ability wherein the consciousness or memories of the transferor (which in this case is Oden) is passed/transferred to that of the transferree/recipient (Momo). This is the reason why Momo knows Inu and Neko, as well as Roger. However, his ability is not yet polished, that is why he can’t read the poneglyphs.

    Lastly, I believe the Shogun of Wano has an idea of this ability and how it can be transferred. That is why they were not afraid to kill Oden despite the fact that, aside from Robin, he is the only person who can read the poneglyphs, because they thought they would capture Momo anyway. Hence, the reason why Kaidou is after Kin’emon et al. is not because they thought that Oden told them the secret of the world, but because they want to use Momo’s ability to read those poneglyphs.


    *Theory by Henry D. Mont

      All Bounties in One Piece

        Each Straw Hat will have an Arc strongly revolving around them and their development.

        Hi guys, quick fire theory here based upon what we know about Wanokuni and Dressrosa; in which I explore the ideas of separate arcs themed for each Strawhat currently within the crew.

        As is common knowledge to most people here, the Wano arc is highly likely (although not confirmed) to give Zoro the spotlight at some point in some way, shape or form. There is a lot of evidence that points towards this, which is as follows:

        • Wano is the country of Samurai, indicating the Arc will have a lot of swordsmen and swordswomen, Zoro is also a swordsman, unsurprisingly
        • Zoro is the current owner of Shusui, the Katana of former Wanokuni national hero Ryuuma. Shusui is regarded by Wano residents to be a national treasure
        • Zoro is to duel with Kin’emon over the fate of Shusui
        • There are many parallels between Ryuuma himself and Zoro
        • Roronoa-San is also dressed in a similar fashion to stereotypical Samurai and wields Katana, his appearance is semi-coherent and he follows his own strong code, he’d very much fit in at Wano
          [​IMG] [​IMG]
        • It’s possible Zoro will learn to cut fire and potentially fight with fire too, in fact he will probably come into possession of new Katana

        There is also another arc in the New World that has been themed on a Strawhat, this arc is Dressrosa and Usopp. Again there are a lot of things that show this, as I’m sure we’re all aware, but for the sake of memory I will list only a few ways in which the Dressrosa Arc was very much Usopps own:

        • God Usopp, the 5* wanted man
        • God Usopp the saviour of 8,000 + warriors
        • Usopp unlocks or comes to the realization of Kenbunshoku Haki
        • Usopp’s bounty increases by over 660% , the largest bounty increase every in One Piece to date
        • Usopp is based upon Pinocchio, the Dressrosa arc has parallels to the Pinocchio story

          Pinnocchio the liar:


          Charles Judels:


          Jiminy Cricket:








        • CP0-Aegis using Sogeking’s mask or something similar, throwback to Lucci and CP9 as well
          [​IMG] [​IMG]

        It’s not just a coincidence that these two had arcs that were very coherent to themselves and their character development, giving them the spotlight, there are a few more pieces of evidence to suggest others will have their own arcs, but most notably Chopper and Zou:

        • Chopper is a Zoan user, and Kaidou’s crew is likely to be exclusively Zoan, they were introduced to us on Zou
        • Zou means Zoo and Elephant, both are references to animals, Chopper is an animal
        • We saw this girl, who looks like the antithesis and palinode of chopper as a female Deer Minkman or something along those lines, point is they’re linked

        Other arcs will include:
        -Sanji and Kanokuni, the country of martial arts, where we will see Ideo, Gilly, Abdullah and Jeet
        -Franky and the Vegapunk arc for very obvious cyborg and technology reasons
        -Robin and CP0 as we know Lucci, her old enemy is in CP0, it’s likely to involve Poneglyphs
        -Nami and a sky island due to weather links, or space (if it happens) as she can see the world from there
        -Brook and an arc involving the undead or Laboon, maybe Moriah will be involved?
        -Luffy and Raftel, finding the One Piece and becoming Pirate King

        So, concluding this theory; simply each Strawhat will have an arc strongly revolving around them and their development in terms of character, progress towards goals and increasing strength. Choppers turn is next in Zou.

        *Theory by L o g i a

          Luffy/Law To Become Big Bosses Of Notorious Future Super-Alliance – The Next New World Superpower?

          ***Spoiler Alert***


          [​IMG]What is it that makes the Yonkou, the World Government & the Pirate Warlords feared across the seas by many? Is it their brute strength, the way certain individuals compose themselves that demands the immediate respect of whoever crosses paths with them or is it simply charisma?

          I think, it is the influence that one has on the pirate world. The Yonkou, by what we know, are all heavily involved with a certain market that THEY are running and the WG doesn’t hold leverage over – this is NOT accounting the fact that just one Emperor may well have the potential to wipe the entire marine force from the face of the planet.

          Big Mam: markedly invests her protection in return for instalments of something specific (sweets so far.. hope it gets more interesting as the story progresses) – a protection policy. If the quota is not met, she will destroy the place of contract. This cruel method of bargaining is what makes her pirate trade successful – using fear to get results.

          Kaidou: is in control of the black market, formerly administered by the, now defeated, Joker. SMILE aside, the black market frequently dealt in with the weapons trade to keep wars among countries active for business. Whoever funds both sides of the war may expect the greatest income in profit. Sadly, that statement holds true in real life too.. That is Kaidou’s market. He’s a master industrialist with a terrible temper.

          Blackbeard: is currently growing and strengthening his forces.

          Shanks: N/A.

          Not to mention that the Yonkou war with each other constantly over territory in the NW to tip the power struggle to their favour.

          Now, as seen in the images above, Luffy has been offered a number of 5600 pirates to serve with the Straw Hats as the flag ship. Not only that, he will also have the backing of a pirate crew that was once feared across the globe – the Giant Pirate Crew.
          The Straw Hat Pirates will most certainly catch a position of influence for themselves if they had followers that numbered in that many. In fact, if something like this were to happen.. Who else would you imagine joining this new mainframe that is led by a member of the Worst Generation? (If it’s going to be led by Luffy)

          My prediction is that Luffy’s character will compel him to reply in the fashion of:

          “Eh, seems like a bother. I don’t care what you do, just do what you want.”

          Luffy wanted to captain his own crew. But he never wanted an army. This is where Law’s wits come in.. Law sees, not only an opportunity for higher protection and easier access into enemy territory, but a sure-fire way to counter against Kaidou in battle. (Big Mam is Luffy’s enemy, Law has nothing to do with her)

          What could be better than 1 member of the Worst Generation governing the world’s most powerful pirate armada? That’s right. 2 Members of the Worst Generation!

          Luffy is in control, gives the orders and makes the decisions. Law administers the troops, sends out missions and ensures a healthy information mainframe between all crews. His underground alias becomes ‘Corazon’ – in respect to his former parent-figure and the fact that it says so at the back of his robe might indicate foreshadowing.
          A market begins to brew, a market that offers protection in exchange for hospitality, banquets and doctoring for every instance that an allianced crew or member arrives at said place of contract. Luffy’s name, with the gratitude that comes from saving said villages, cities etc. begins to spread like a tempest across the ocean (and is well received by citizens of Dress Rosa, Arabasta, Fishman Island and, soon to be, Kano)

          Kaidou and Big Mam hate Luffy. This hatred is to turn into gang wars at sea, you see a pirate member or crew with the enemy alliance, you kill them.. You kill their market, you kill their influence.

          Not to say, movements such as the Revolutionary Army may very well consider joining this alliance for the benefit of their own organisations, or at least the countries that they are trying to protect/and or attack.

          *Theory by TheSey


            I think Doflamingo was involved in WhiteBeard’s illness. Indeed, the first time we saw WB, it was in chapter 234. It was a double page. And as usual when a new character is depicted, we don’t really put enough attention in the details! But in the top left corner, we can see what looks like Doflamingo’s Jolly Roger, at the exception of the eye patch. I wondered why this symbol was on pharmaceutical products. Thus I wanted to know if Doflamingo was involve in some sort of poisoning WB.

            The other thing that can be noticed is that in chapter 682, when we finally have the proper introduction for Doflamingo in a double page, we can see a woman behind him. It is remarkable that she looks quite like the nurse that was on WB’s ship near to 450 chapters before.

            The fact that she is behind Doflamingo, not serving him, gives her credibility and maybe a real task in the family. We didn’t see her in the entire Arc though… She seems to be a particular nurse on WB’s ship, as she is the one who talks to WB, giving him advice and replacing his bandages. If she actually is one of Donquixote Family member, then it is obvious Doflamingo played a part in the death of WB.

            Marco himself was chocked (back in Marine Ford) that WB couldn’t dodge Squardo’s attack. He was old and weaker than usual, but he should have been able to dodge that! It means his condition worsened seriously. And it could not just be because of age, but in fact due to Doflamingo.

            We know that Ceasar was already working for Doffy back then (as SMILEs already existed), thus it should have been possible for him to create some kind of poison..

            Now, what could be the purpose for Doflamingo to poison WB?

            I guess Doflamingo wants to control the world. Then it is a normal thing for him to weaken his enemies. But on the other hand he is dealing with Kaidou, providing him SMILEs and giving him astonishing powers.

            That’s why I thought of two possibilities for Doflamingo :

            – First, I thought it could be another deal with Kaidou. But I don’t see Kaidou as one of those using that kind of sneaky way to fight!

            – Thus I finally believe that Doflamingo did the exact same thing to everyone. If he weakened WB by himself, he should have done the same thing with the others.
            Then maybe SMILEs have some kind of “switch” for him to turn on and control the zoan user…

            *Theory by Abou