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Tag Archives: crocodile
Power Levels in One Piece(Fan-made). Do You Agree?
The theme of Mariejois is like Olympus in Greek mythology because they are both located in high altitude place and has a gigantic palace which is built on top of the mountain. (Mariejois built on top of the Red Line.)
Olympus is the home of divine family and ruling gods and Mariejois is the home of Celestial Dragons which we can say the divine family in OP and Gorosei the so called gods.
The pattern or theme of Mariejois is Olympus so we might see a character which is conceptualize and inspired by the king of gods in Olympia. Who’s the king of gods and ruler of Olympus?
In ancient Greece Zeus is the king of gods, god of sky and ruler of Olympus, he is the strongest god in Olympus and no one can oppose him nor fight him because of his great power.
A character inspired by Zeus is very possible because there are gods in One Piece and maybe that strongest god will be the final villain that Strawhats will going to face in the final war against Marines, World Government, Celestial Dragons and Gorosei in the Mariejois.
Remember what Oda said before that the Marineford war will gonna look like nothing in the final chapter that’s why he’s motivated to keep drawing One Piece and he likes his fans to stick with him til the end.
Luffy’s Grand Fleet and maybe other pirates or all pirates and Revos will join Strawhats in the huge war against World Government, Marines, Celestial Dragon and Gods in Mariejois, this is great to see as the last chapter of One Piece!
Mariejois is the greatest place for the final war because remember the impact, excitement and insanity that we felt when Whitebeard Pirates attacked the based of marines in Marineford and started the summit war, what more if we see the Strawhats and his allied forces attack the Marines, World Government, Gorosei and Celestial Dragons in Mariejois and start the final great war. It will definitely give us more excitement, goose bumps and emotions because many pirates and marines will die in this war.
*Theory by Fire_Fist_Recca
Don’t Mess with the Future Pirate King & His Crew
With the last panel of the 822nd chapter, Oda finally announced the Reverie arc (don’t go assuming Vivi is going to the Tea Party, we all know it’s not true).
Just a detail, the Reverie arc won’t happen soon. I’m pretty sure we won’t have any news about the Reverie before the Wano Arc’s end.
For the ones living under a rock (just kidding ), here is a brief definition.
The Reverie (literally translated as “World Council”) is a council formed by the World Government which consists of the world’s greatest leaders of various kingdoms.
Meetings are held every four years at Mariejois and kings or queens gather to discuss matters that could affect the world.
Okay let’s begin.
I will detail in this theory, how and why the Reverie will anounce the abolition of the Shichibukai system from a very logical way and from 3 different point of view. Stay with me guys, you will see that I’ve put a lot of work on it .
Perspective 1 : the Kings of the different countries
So first, who will be present at the Reverie ?
There will be the representatives of the 20 countries and here are the ones we already know :
Alabasta Kingdom : Nefertari Cobra and Vivi
Ryugu Kingdom : King Neptune (and maybe his 3 sons)
Dressrosa : King Riku
Sakura Kingdom (formerly the Drum Kingdom) : King Dalton
Ilusia Kingdom : Thalassa Lucas (he was the King at the reverie 8 years ago)
I will add one more but this one is a just a speculation so I won’t talk more about it.
Prodence Kingdom : King Elizabello II and Dagama
Did you notice guys ? From the 5 country/kingdom I mentioned just above, 4 of them have already a conflict (more or less) with the Shichibukai system.
Crocodile and Dofflamingo nearly destroy the whole country of Alabasta and Dressrosa.
Blackbeard attacked the Drum Kingdom and left him without a King.
Jinbei close friend of King Neptune, get imprisoned because he refused to fight Whitebeard as a Shichibukai.
If King Ezabello II is here, he also has a grudge against Dofflamingo.
What I’m really confident is that the representatives will talk about the situation of their respective country. And this is where the situation will become really tense. I mean the World Government, formed by the 20 most powerfull country, is supposed to protect those countries right ? So how is it possible that already 4 of them (maybe more) have suffered from the Shichibukai system which is supposed to be control by the same WG ?
We can already see the reasons why the Shichibukai system can be abolished from the perspective of the different characters/country right ?
Perspective 2 : the World Government
So what about the World Government itself ? Why would they abolish the shichibukai system at the Reverie ?
Well here is the current situation, only 5 shichibukai are remaining. So without going any further there are already 2 seats lacking.
But for the rest here are my thought.
Dracule Mihawk : we know that he doesn’t care about the WG, he does what he wants to do and he will probably end as a Shanks ally. So there is no reason for him to stay any longer as a shichibukai (maybe the main reason to become a shichibukai in the first place was to gather information).
Boa Hancock : she already betrayed the WG sneaking Luffy into Impel Down and attacking Smoker and other marines during the MarineFord war. And we know it’s going to happen again in the future. All the reason to expel her from her title.
Kuma : well either he remains a Shichibukai or not, he will stay under the WG controls for a long time again so doesn’t really matter in this case.
Buggy : I don’t have a lot to say about this one honestly. I just imagine easily Buggy’s face after losing his Shichibukai title because of Luffy !
And here comes the most interesting one, Weevil :
I said earlier that the Reverie will occur after the Tea Party and the Wano arc right ? Well guess what, Weevil will have a huge role to at least one or both of this events. First he is linked to Big Mom with his pseudo mother, Miss Bukkin, which there is a huge chance that she is one of Big Mom daughter.
Second we also know that Marco will come back in Wano as well. It seems not far-fetched to think in that case Weeble might come to deal with him in Wano.
Anyway, either it is one of those speculation, Weevil will be defeated or become a future ally at the end of the Tea Party/Wano arc. And this is why the WG after losing another of his Shishibukai, will have another good reason to abolish it !
Perspective 3 : from Oda’s point of view
If you think about it, if my theory is right, after the Reverie Kaido will be defeated, Big Mom will be out of the picture for a bit (i think she will become an ally cause I can’t see 2 Yonko being defeated/killed so quicklu), almost all the Supernova will be introduced (Kid/Apoo/Hawkins/Killer/ alliance it’s obvious that it goes with Kaido arc, Capone already in the picture, Drake and bonney will appear soon too imo). So after all that, ODA will have to put in front of the scene all the big Boss of One Piecés universe. I mean Shanks and Blackbeard, Dragon and the revolutionnaries and the Gorosei. So how can he do that ? Well imo the Reverie will be the trigger the story need.
If you think about it, from the beginning of One Piece, Oda told us that the World’s balance was kept by the WG – Shichibukai – 4 Yonkos. We also get some information on the Reverie at the beginning of Grand Line (in Alabasta). It simply means that ODA planned from the very start to make the Reverie one of the most important event in One Piece. Is there a better way to make this event HUGE, than to abolish the shichibukai system and to break the balance of the world ? The big figure will have no other choice but to make their move and we will finally enter in the last part of One Piece.
That’s it guys. I’ve put everything I had to be as clear as possible
I hope you enjoyed reading it
*Theory by Xdidzic
Which fight was most impressive?
Which was the hardest battle of Luffy?
Hi everybody,
I will try to speak about a “theory” I made, and the ideas I had about.
I’m not a big fan of the word “foreshadow” because everyone sees foreshadows everywhere.
But, I think that the Sanji’s abilities are revealed by his fights he had and he will have, let me explain.
0 – Incomplete fights
Before to start the main idea :
The unfinished fights Sanji had that I will not speak about in this theory are
Gin The Man Demon
Vergo The Demon Bamboo
Doflamingo The Heavenly Demon
(notice that these 3 people have the word “demon” in their nickname… )
And I don’t include Kalifa and Violet. It wasn’t a fight for me because Sanji will never kick a woman and doesn’t accept to fight against them.
1 – Pearl – Diable Jambe
The Iron Wall
He’s the first one Sanji fought. Even if it’s Gin who defeated Pearl, the main fight was versus Sanji, and Sanji was leading the dance. Pearl was using fire, and Sanji was not affraid of that.
Then, during Enies Lobby’s arc, Sanji shows us the famous Diable Jambe, made of fire.
Until now he is able to embraze his two legs, even his whole body.
2 – Kuroobi – Blue Walk
He is a fishman, third man of Arlong and was the enemy of Sanji during Arlong Park’s arc. Very strong, able to fight in water, most of the fight was under water, and Sanji showed a good ability to stay during a long time in water.
Then, after the time-skip, Sanji showed the ability to use the Blue Walk, and swim very fast in water as a fishman.
3 – Bentham- Okama Kenpo
During Alabasta’s arc, Sanji fought against this guy. He was the first Okama, and the first one to use the Okama Kenpo.
During the time-skip, Sanji fought against every okama and probably learned Okama Kenpo Legs techniques.
he had to fight the 99 Okama fighters. He even had a fight with Emporio Ivankov the Okama Queen.
For now, he never used okama-leg techniques but maybe he will unlock it and stop being ashamed of what he learned.
4 – Jerry – Jao Kun Do (?)
This point is more a speculation than a fact.
Jerry is a member of CP6 and had a quick fight with Sanji who One-Shot him straight away.
Jerry was using a boxing martial-art from Karate Island in South Blue.
The thing is Sanji will never (or very rarely) use his hands to fight.
BUT the interesting thing is here is that Jerry has very long legs. I think he can be (not sure) a man from the Long-Leg Tribe.
From them, we recently saw Blue Gilly using the Jao Kun Do.
As Sanji is using many martial arts techniques with his legs, I speculate that he will use this panel of abilities soon. Maybe he will learn it from Blue Gilly or maybe in a fight against the Baron Tamago (long-leg tribe) during the Tea Party.
5 – Wanze – Newkama Kenpo : 99 Recipes
This fight was also very short. Wanze was the first spiral-guy that Sanji transformed physically.
He was using the Ramen Kenpo. Sanji was disgusted by him wasting food in a battle.
But I think that this fight was a foreshadow that Sanji will use food during fights in a different way : Newkama Kenpo.
During the time-skip, Sanji has to beat the Okama to learn the 99 Recipes of Newkama Kenpo.
I think most of the recipes will consist to make him more fast/strong/tough, something like a vitality energy.
So the good news are that Sanji will have to show 98 Recipes (he used one during Punk Hazard’s arc).
The n°99.
We saw Iva using Newkama Kenpo during Impel Down, his most powerful technique showed was “Newkama Style: Aesthetic Art #44 Secret Technique – Dream-Strike-Condemn-Reverse Fist“.
So, more it’s close to Zero, more it’s powerful. It means, Sanji showed the weakest recipe during PH, he has to show 98 others recipes techniques.
(Speculation : I think his most powerful recipe will be the 100th : the n°0).
6 – Jyabura – Rokushiki
Jyaburja is the third powerful member of the CP9. He was mastering the 6 techniques of the Rokushiki.
He was a master of Tekkai. But he also uses Geppo, Shigan, Rankyaku, Soru and Kami-e.
After the time-skip, Sanji showed the Sky Walk which is his personal Soru. (Blue Walk is the Soru under water).
His Diable Jambe Spectre is quite similar to Rankyaku.
He will master it and will be able to send fire with distance.
I think Sanji will master the Tekkai (mixed with Armament Haki it could be great), the Shigan (with feets), and Kami-e.
Also this theory about Rokushiki fits the hypothesis than his father is linked with CP0 from any way and could be a master or Rokushiki.
7 – Absalom – Invisibility
Absalom of the Graveyard
This guy was the man Sanji fought during Thriller Bark’s arc. He ate the power that Sanji always wanted : the Suke Suke No Mi. To be invisible.
Sanji said it in a comedic way, but I think that the invisibility could really a future ability of Sanji, very useful in battle and which fits with his personnality : assassin, spy, hidden guy, etc.
How ?
Sanji will be very very fast, and will become invisible for his adversaries. (like the ninja techniques in Naruto).
he will have a special technique to be very fast and become invisible, maybe as kind of illusions (like Iva did).
8 – Duval – Poisoned Weapon
Duval was OS by Sanji. He was the second guy to have spirals in his face who Sanji met. Even if this guy is a gag, he was maybe a foreshadow for many things around Sanji :
– masked and hidden (Iron Mask) -> Killer who could probably be linked to Sanji (maybe not brother but mixed with Sanji simply).
– said cursed when he was a baby (spiral eyebrow ?)
– Bounty fake, now it’s coming serious with all he plot about the Vinsmoke.
– Poisoned weapon.
Duval wasn’t a great fighter but was using a harpoon gun, the harpoons were poisoned.
Since we know that Sanji is from an assassin’s family, he knows how to use weapons. Against Capone’s crew, he showed that he was very confident to use guns and fire weapons. So I think, he could use once (not often) a poisoned weapon.
Also, poisoned weapon makes me think to this guy.
Sir CrocodileHe is using a poisoned hook. He is (I think) linked to Germa 66 and Capone (so to Sanji).
It will be not a surprise if Sanji uses once a poisoned weapon.
Crocodile might also reappear during the Tea Party’s arc because he is based on the character Candyman
9 – Wadatsumi – Anger
So, I don’t know if this pattern works again in the New World, but I think it could be.
Wadatsumi maybe doesn’t fit because he was the enemy of Sanji and Jinbe…. But Sanji was the one to finish him.
So basically, Wadatsumi was becoming stronger and bigger with his Anger. He was red and very angry.
I think Sanji could have a special mode made with his anger. The Anger is the Sin of Satan himself. Sanji has references with the Devil very often, and was completely burning two times.
I think he will have some epic mode built from his anger and will become like a berserk.
He could be a real devil.
For now that it’s the real fights we saw about Sanji.
10 – Sanji others new abilities and future fights
In plus of Rokushiki, Jao Kun Do, Newkama Kenpo like I said, Sanji has to master his Observation’s Haki and his speed. He also has to become better with Armament Haki (leg broken against Vergo).
About his future fights, he will I think fight these guys :
“Defeat in your future”Sanji wasn’t only speaking about Luffy’s victory, but also his own victory.
Enel is a master of speed and Observation Haki. And Sanji isn’t affraid to be burned right now.

He’s “God”. Sanji is the “Devil”.
This fight is sure and waited since a long time.
He’s the more fast of the manga with his light (Kuma is something else than “fast”).
This fight will be one of the most epic.
Jesus Burgess
I think he will eat the Mythical Zoan Phoenix of Marco.
He has strong Armament Haki and Jump ability, and he looks very resistent. Also he starts to know the fire of Ace/Sabo, so he will not fear the fire of Sanji.
He wil be the good fighter for Sanji : fly, fire, longevity, strength, defense.
Jesus vs Satan ?
Alright, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed.
*Theory by Zero Zero No Mi
Who’s your Favorite Shichibukai?
Amazing Artwork by Lorenzo Pinello