Tag Archives: baltigo


    What do you think?


      So, this theory is about how the Marco storyline will play out. Nekomamushi is heading towards Marco’s location. Unless he’s been captured, I don’t think he’s gonna be difficult to find. He’s probably sitting somewhere deep into WB’s past territory, half-heartedly trying to hold onto the whitebeard pirates’ former glory.

      But more importantly, I don’t think Marco’ll be thrilled to join their cause.

      I took a closer look at Marco’s picture, and gosh, he does not look cheerful.
      Actually, he looks like a man who’s been through the last two years of Marco’s life… First, the loss of one of his best friends, and immediately afterwards, his leader and father figure. He was forced to take up the mantle of responsibility for a crapton of people who’re wounded, directionless, and just as sad as him following Ace and WB’s deaths. And last but not least, the first battle he gets into, a revenge-fight against BB, he loses miserably.

      I think Marco has become a beaten, bitter man, and he never wants to fight again.
      Inuarashi admits it’s a slim chance, and there’s no strawhat on the marco-retrieval squad, so that’s another point against Marco joining.

      The interesting question is, what consequenses will this have? Well, what usually happens when the Achilles in his tent trope is played? Achilles refuses to fight, the heroes head into battle without him, loses, Achilles is convinced to fight after all, Achilles makes a badass entrance, wins, but a bunch of guys are dead…

      So that’s the overall picture of what I think will happen.

      Diving into the details…

      We know that Weevil, the little bastard, is looking for a fight with Marco. Even though Weevil is incredibly provoking, calling himself WB’s real son and sullying his name, I don’t think Marco cares at this point, and he’s probably postponing the fight with Weevil. I’m not saying Marco will ignore Weevil if he gets up in his face, but as long as it’s over newspaper and his subordinates, I think Marco will ignore it to simmer in his own misery.

      The battle is going to be further postponed by Weevil being called to participate in the battle of Wano, tipping the battle into Kaido’s favor.
      At this point, Marco might head into the battle willingly, or he’ll continue to sulk until one of the strawhats slaps him out of it.

      The battle against Weevil will see the revival of Marco’s spirit, metaphorically. I think him and Weevil will have a heart to heart about fathers, and ultimately, Marco will offer Weevil to join his crew.

      It’s possible that one of the Strawhats will join the retrieval team. In that case, it would be Robin. She’s optimal for scouting missions. Plus, Marco might be located close by Baltigo, tying together two plotlines.

      *Theory by Birdy


        I think that Blackbeard is NOT going to fight Dragon, a lot of people have said that Blackbeard will attack Dragon’s base. When Burgess found Baltigo, he only contacted Shiliew, one of the strongest members (who could rescue Burgess) and Lafitte. Since Lafitte is the navigator he will chart the island and place it on a map, thus recording Baltigo’s location. This is very important.
        Even if they wanted to attack Baltigo Blackbeard won’t allow it.
        People seem to forget that Blackbeard is a smart character. Marineford was caused by Blackbeard and then he came out of it with Whitebeard’s devil fruit and a lot of strong crew mates. It’s all one complex plan. He captured Ace so that Whitebeard would fight the Marines (which gave him a window of opportunity to get the Gura Gura no Mi). He used the Shichibukai position to get more members from Impel Down while the war is going on (when there’s less security at the prison).

        So here’s my theory: Blackbeard will ask Lafitte to sneak in Mariejois and offer them Baltigo’s location for something in return. I think it’s also possible Teach might want information on Kuzan (Aokiji) from the Marines because they don’t trust Aokiji either, so that’s one more likely possibility, although it probably won’t be everything Blackbeard wants.

        Lafitte will successfully sneak in Mariejois like he did back at the Shichibukai meeting during the Jaya Arc


        After he tells them about how they got Baltigo’s location and the location itself the World Government will accept the deal and they will give Blackbeard what he wants in exchange for Baltigo’s location.

        Now some of you may say “why would they accept the deal after Blackbeard have betrayed them?”,
        the number one enemy to the World Government is the Revolutionary Army and Monkey D. Dragon. They even talked about how he was a threat to them in the world council. The knowledge of Baltigo’s location will benefit them immensely. Perhaps they can track the Army’s ships, trade deals etc. or even embargo and blockade ships from reaching Baltigo. These are all just possibilities, however: most significantly it could lead to Marine espionage, infiltration or even a Marine invasion in the future, perhaps during the final war arc

        Also this won’t be the first time Blackbeard made a deal with the World Government, remember when he offered them Jewelry Bonney because he wanted some ships? So it’s not far fetched to say that he’s going to make another deal with the World Government for something that he wants.


        So Blackbeard vs Dragon won’t happen, the Revolutionary Army vs The World Government is far more likely. It’s been foreshadowed for a while and when the World Government discovers the location of the Revolutionary Army HQ their fight seems far more likely

        -Lafitte draws a map to Baltigo
        -He sneaks in Mariejois and tell them the offer
        -World Government accepts
        -World Government vs Revolutionary Army could happen on Baltigo

        *Theory by Jack The Drought