Kaido will kill Big Mom! Straw Hats and Big Mom Pirates remnants Alliance!?

★Kaido and his dream of a DF only Pirate Crew!★

First of all, we know that our King of Beasts—Kaido the Yonko had been recieving SMILE from Donquixote Doflamingo for a few years in the story. As we know, SMILE, is an artificial DF that was created by Vegapunk which then the Idea was taken by Caesar Clown to make the main ingredient, The SAD. Kaido, who was the no.1 customer, had recieved more than 500 smiles and in result, he got more than 500 Zoan users in his pirate crew! [​IMG]
At first, I thought he created an army of DF users was to make his death more awsome if somehow he’ll get killed by the Marines. But, ever since I saw this page :


that page made me thinks that Kaido’s dream is to make the greatest pirate crew in the world, which is a DF only Pirate crews!

★The Fall of his Dream and his Next Move!★

After the fall of the Donquixote Family, the order of smiles had been stopped which include the one that was meant for Kaido. This mean that Kaido will not able to fulfilled his desire! And as we know from Law, Kaido will never make negotiation that even Doflamingo got scared as shit by it!

If we think again, Kaido should aim for Luffy and Law directly in the near future, but this page might says no to it


On that page, we can assumed that Kaido is ordering Kidd to send his message to the SHP. This means, somehow Kaido got something more important to do rather than crushing the one who kill his dream! Then what actually makes it so important? The answer is that his dream wasn’t completely crushed and he still have hopes in creating smiles once again!

Then what’s Kaido’s only hope?

Yes this man is the key to resume Kaido’s dream!

But now, currently Caesar Clown was taken by Big Mom pirates and will be taken to the Whole Cake Island which is actually BM based of operation!
As for now, we don’t know if Kaido know where Caesar is, but as we know, Inu stated he’s kind of worried about how Jack was able to find Zunisha in the first place and by this, we may conclude that there’s a spy among the Minks!

There are some that might be the spy which might be Pedro or Carrot. Which kind of scares me since I’m a Carrot fan.

But I really doubt if one of them is the spy since we know their character, but in case that Oda might troll us, I’ll make them as suspect! Since anything can happened in OP! And an actual spy can cover their personality and turn into a very different person once been found out by others.

As for the spy, he/she might also be a Minks that stay at Zou and informed Kaido and his crew about where Caesar actually is, and what happened at Zou!

★Luffy at a Yonko base?! What can he do?★

Seriously, Luffy is strong alright, but if he was placed in the middle of a Yonko base, what can he do? Even an admiral will be in danger in that moment! Hiding is impossible, pretty sure all high rankers in BM crew have Haki

This got me thinking, Big Mom—Charlotte Linlin is an old woman that even eat her own crew, how in the world Luffy will able to convinced BM to return Sanji? My bet if he ask that BM Pirates will immediately kill Luffy and The Swirly Hats at that moment!

After I read some theories about Vinsmoke and Bege’s betrayal, there might be a possibility that the Vinsmoke is actually planning to kill Big Mom! As Bege was based on Al Capone in real life.

Even if the betrayal will happen, as Tamago stated on ch 824, the Vinsmoke Power is still under the BMP strengh!when Tamago said that Vinsmokes will be BM’s underling! Then how will the Vinsmoke finish their job?


Yes, this might be the perfect time for Oda to introduce Ryokugyu! I haven’t found any theory that support this, but since Vinsmoke is an assasin, they work because they were paid, and the possibility is that the WG was the one who give the Job! Even Germa66 was able to make Sanji’s only alive which means that Vinsmoke and WG have a strong relations!

★Kaido and The Calamities! Crush the Tea Party!★

As I said before, Kaido will go to Caesar is, which is the Whole Cake Island! Visiting another Yonko territory could means a war, so he’ll take his full force too this time! ;) it might be weird for him to attack another Yonko just because of Caesar, but if he’s dream is to have DF only Pirate crew, then chases after your dream is normal right? Even Teach have to betray his own family, well not all people like him tho..

We know that It took the entire 3 Admirals along with 100.000 special troop to beat WB at Marineford. So, even Ryokugyu won’t be enough to beat Big Mom! So this is the moment where I believe Kaido and the Hundred Beast Pirates will crush to the tea party and fight the Big Mom Pirates!

Even with her Full power, BM enemy is the strongest Assasin family, an Admiral, and another Yonko full Power!

★The WCI War!★
The whole war I believe will take place on the WCI. It’ll be an unofficial alliance battle between BM-SHP and Kaido-Vinsmoke-Admiral! These are the fight that might happen!

  1. Kaido-Ryokugyu vs Big Mom, even WB was able to hold one Admiral! So my bet this will be BM final battle as pirates. Both of them might be different but since they have the same purpose, allying with each other is acceptable in some ways.
  2. Luffy-Sanji vs Germa66, I personally believe that Sanji will fight his father to cut off his relation with him and Luffy will help Sanji! This will be the end of the Assasin Organization if WCI is Truly Enies Lobby Parallels!
  3. BM Pirates Commander vs The Two Calamity, This will be a fight between Commander and I believe the Calamities will win (for the sake of theory) and leave BMP commander lose their spirit after BM’s death since I believe BM fight will not last long
  4. Jinbe vs Jack,Jack might be a Fishman based on ch 824 :p and Jinbe probably will meet Luffy this time! I believe there’ll be no winner and will end up in draw

The rest of the fight will probably between the Swirly Hat and BMP fodders vs Gifter of the Beast Pirates!

The war will end less than a Day and result in BM’s death which will shook the whole world! The end of the battle Kaido will leave Luffy this time since Ryokugyu is there and there’s a high risk that the Gifter might be annihilated if he keeps fighting! That will ruin his DF only pirate crew! So he’ll leave the WCI without killing Luffy and bring along Caesar with him!

This battle with end with Pekoms saying that the SH Alliance is targeting Kaido and BMP remnants will join as his alliance!

The Things That Support this Theory★

This OP manga page :


What Luffy said was taken as a Joke by some people :rofl: but I believe it’s actually a foreshadowing by Oda that BMP will all become his underling (Minus BM)

The second one is that This might be the perfect time to settle things with BM for Oda since we already in the final stage! There will not much time and we got BB,RA and Reviere to cover since Oda already teased us about it!

What do you think?

*Theory by Shadowlogia


    In this theory i’ll be explaining my thoughts on Green Bull who is yet to make a proper appareance in One Piece. Before i start with Green Bull i’ll have to go to the old admirals first and explain my thoughts on them. Because of this the theory is going to be abit longer then i wanted but i think its crucial to my ideas on Green Bull which is why i kept it in. Don’t let the lenght scare you away though because i believe its an enjoyable read which hopefully wont leave you as confused as luffy.

    First the Admirals before the timeskip.

    Lets start with Aokiji, who we meet the first time at Long-Long Island. His name translates to Blue Pheasant and he has the ice-ice fruit.

    The next admiral we meet is Kizaru, who we meet at Shabondy Archipelago. His name translates to Yellow Monkey and he has the light-light fruit.

    The last admiral we meet pre-timeskip is Akainu, who we meet at the Marineford war. His name translates to Red Dog and he has the magma-magma fruit.

    Now i believe the names have an extra meaning. Lets start again with Aokiji (Blue Pheasant).

    Blue is a link to his power, the ice ice fruit, but it can also be a link to the blue sea (pirates). Aokiji was the only admiral pre-timeskip who fought with the strawhats because they were pirates (as main reason). It is hidden abit by the fact he wanted to deal with Nico Robin and later Spandam using his golden den-den-mushi to trigger the buster call. The Nico Robin factor was for Aokiji something from the past. He had tried to let her escape in Ohara but she was spotted and got the bounty on her head at an early age. After twenty years on the run he thought she just wanted to die so he decided to put everything about Ohara to an end. The whole enies lobby thing was mainly CP9 and not Aokiji. Later he’s on Garp’s ship when Garp attacks the Strawhats when they leave Water Seven and he helps confirm that they escaped.

    Now next is Kizaru (Yellow Monkey).

    Yellow can be linked to the heavens (Celestial Dragons). When Luffy punched a Celestial Dragon it was Kizaru who volunteered to go deal with him and the other pirates at the human shop.

    This was his main reason to go after them. When he meets Luffy again in the Marineford war he tells him that the Celestial Dragons have been clamoring for Luffy’s arrest.

    Last is Akainu (Red Dog). Red can be linked to the Red Line (Revolutionaries). Squardo reveals after he stabbed Whitebeard that Akainu is a member of the rebel faction.
    I believe this is the faction of the Marines that deal with the Revolutionaries. This is further hinted at him (Akainu) knowing about the relation between Dragon and Luffy before its announced in the war.

    This is also his main reason for going after Luffy.

    Some small notes about the animal parts.
    – Pheasants are groundliving birds like for example chickens. This could link at Aokiji traveling by bike.
    – Monkeys live in groups. This could link to how Kizaru works together with his nephew: Sentomaru.
    – Dogs are very loyal. This could link to how Akainu places Justice above all. He’s loyal to the values the Marines stand for.

    Now the admirals after the timeskip.

    Now after the timeskip Akainu became fleet admiral, Aokiji left and 2 new admirals were drafted Fujitora (Purple Tiger) and Ryokugyu (Green Bull). We meet Fujitora (Purple Tiger) for the first time in Dressrosa.

    From the way he is dressed we could speculate that he is from Wano Kuni. This gives more meaning to what Doflamingo said about the ‘World Military Draft’.

    Brook explained that Wano Kuni isn’t affiliated with the world government and that their samurai swordsmen are so strong that not even the Marines go near there.

    So it is abit strange to see an Admiral come from there. Fujitora (Purple Tiger) explained that he wants to abolish the Royal Warlod system which is most likely his reason for joining the Marines in the first place. The World Military Draft gave him the opportunity to not only join the Marines but also to become an Admiral. This gives him influence in the Marines and also the Reverie with which he can strive to his goal (abolishment of the Royal Warlord system).

    Now if we apply the previous format to his name (Purple Tiger) then Purple can link to countries not affiliated with the World Goverment. Also Tigers are solitary but social creatures. This means that they hunt alone but can sleep in the same location as others from their species (Well males usually avoid each other but a male can have an overlapping territory with a female). This could link to how Fujitora does his own thing, even if that means disobeying orders.

    Its been quite a long theory already but now we get to the part of Ryokugyu (Green Bull). We dont know wether Ryokugyu (Green Bull) is male or female so for this part i will adress him/her as he/him. Lets use the same format again (seperating the names) and start with the ‘Green’ part. I’ve seen a couple of theories that link his power to either trees (nature), radio-activity or time manipulation. But when i think of the colour green i think of healing (mainly because off all the hours i spent playing Pokemon when i was a kid). Because of this i believe his function before becoming an Admiral was a doctor, probably a Marine one. We know that the Marines have a Medical Centre.

    If we take it that this is the case we can also speculate about his home country which would be most likely Drum Kingdom. Drum Kingdom was formerly renowned for its doctors and medical knowledge but when Wapol became king he made that law which only allowed the 20 doctors in the palace to stay.

    All the other doctors were exiled from the country. There are some hints that could link Green Bull to Drum Kingdom such as Dalton having the cow-cow fruit model Bison

    and also Dr.Kureha has been shown wearing a shirt with a bull on it.

    If we continue with the format then next is the ‘Bull’ part. The most common known thing about bulls is that they go mental when they see the colour red. This could link to Ryokugyu (Green Bull) having a berserker ability where he looses control over himself and devestates everything close by.

    I want to link this to Chopper and his Monster point. Chopper studied under Dr.Kureha and invented the rumble balls. When he took three of these he lost control over his devil fruit and went on a rampage abit like a berserker. This could prove an important hint. How exactly did Chopper invent those Rumble Balls? He could have made them from scratch ofcourse but if we take it that Green Bull came from Drum Kingdom then he could have also used previous research that already existed and made the Rumble Balls from that research. If for example Green Bull was afraid of his own power and the fact he looses his mind whenever it activates then he could have tried researching a way to stop this berserk ability.

    With the new admirals (Kizaru, Fujitora and Ryokugyu) we no longer have the logia theme which the old admirals had. Fujitora is a paramecia (since Blackbeard has the gravity logia) so its likely that Ryokugyu is a zoan. I believe he researched the Zoan fruit to explore the posibilities of stopping the berserk effect and left the research behind when he was exiled from Drum Kingdom (gave the research to Dr.Kureha most likely). Later Chopper found that research and made the Rumble Balls. After his exile Ryokugyu, still afraid of his power, joined the Marines hoping that if he could not be cured they atleast could keep him in check. With the ‘World Military Draft’ Akainu forced him to become an Admiral because even if he looses control with his ability he is still insanely powerful.

    Now i have saved the best for last and that is his devil fruit. If Chopper used his research for the rumble balls then it is likely they have a similar kind of Zoan devil fruit and that is the human-human fruit. I believe Ryokugyu (Green Bull) has the human-human fruit model: Monster/Berserker/Hulk.

    With it he transforms into a monstrosity with insane physical abilities but he also looses control of his mind (like the real hulk). As an Admiral i believe he orders all his troops as far away from him before he activates his devil fruit (this would give some cool panels). The drawback from this might be that he can’t use Haki while in berserker mode which would make him useless against logia but still insanely effective against paramecia and zoans.

    – Admiral names could hide hints to their affiliation and powers.
    – Green Bull was a doctor from Drum Kingdom and later for the Marines.
    – He has the human-human fruit model: Monster/Beserker/Hulk (one of these most likely)
    – His fruit brings him into a berserker rage where he looses his mind, afraid of this ability he wanted to cure himself so did alot of research on the human-human fruit (later gave this research to Dr.Kureha upon his exile).
    – Chopper used this research to make the Rumble Balls.

    *Theory by FrankyG