Tag Archives: perona
Negative Zoro
Hello once again everyone and welcome back to yet another theory for your entertainment. This time I shall be discussing the crew structure of Big Mom and her daughters.
Oda himself has admitted that his drawings got alot of inspiration from Disney and he obviously has characters that are inspired from Disney.
Big Mom has 3 Disney inspirations(that relates to this theory).
Ursula from the Little Mermaid.
Ursula made a deal with Poseidon(WB), is a witch(Big Mom has alot of witch references), tried taking over Atlantis(Big Mom owns Fishman Island) and had an arranged marriage to do so.
The Evil Queen from Snow White.
The Evil Queen was jealous of her step daughter Snow White being the fairest in the land so she plotted to kill her using witchcraft. She was stopped by the 7 dwarfs and the prince.
The Evil Step Mother from Cinderella
The evil step mother was very harsh to Cinderella and wanted her real daughters to marry the prince and become rich. In the real story, the step mother made her daughters cut off parts of their feet so that the glass slipper would fit them.
Its also good to note that Cinderella was inspired by former Queen of France Marie Antoinette, who is famous for the line “Let Them Eat Cake”(and running France into the ground starting the French Revolution).
Step Mothers suck.
Big Mom loves her real daughters.
Big Mom only views her step daughters as tools for political power.
This could be why Pudding doesn’t look so happy with her wedding and Lola why goes out of her way to find spouse.
It is thanks to her step daughters and political marriages that Big Mom has more influence and reach than any yonkou.
In case you are like…”Huh??” with Sugar & Monet…
Monet’s name comes from the FRENCH painter Claude Monet. Monet is also based off a harpy from Greek Mythology. Angry that Phineus gave away the god’s secret plan, Zeus punished him by blinding him and putting him on an island with a buffet of food which he could never eat because the harpies always arrived to steal the food out of his hands before he could satisfy his hunger, and befouled the remains of his food.
Lastly, curious about this?
In Japanese folklore, it is believed that rabbits live on the moon making rice cakes. In Chinese folklore, the hare is white and makes the elixir of immortality. It represents self-sacrifice and fought Sun Wukong the Monkey King.
Sugar’s name is well…..sugar…….she is also based off Amelie Poulin from the French & German movie Amelie. Amélie Poulain was raised by eccentric parents who – erroneously believing that she had a heart defect – decided to home school her. To cope with her loneliness, Amélie developed an active imagination and a mischievous personality.
Already spoke too much about Big Mom being French in past theories….not doing it again…..
Big Mom’s ship has a crown which is another hint to Big Mom being a queen.
Big Mom’s crew also has a mafia theme.
The leader of a mafia is called Mr. Big or Father. Charlotte Linlin is known as Big Mom and Mama.
Capone himself referred to Big Mom as his boss.
Big Mom’s act of sending ‘presents’ to her victims is a common mafia punishment.
A mafia is also called a FAMILY(hence why the mafia leader can be called ‘Father’). Mafia families and alliances are extremely common in the criminal world so the Charlotte Family could be royalty, purely a mafia family or both.
To add more to the mafia boss and evil queen, Big Mom rules her crew with fear.
Hell, she even eats her crew mates alive…..
Roronoa Zoro – Anime and Manga Differences
Zoro’s Past
Zoro’s past was expanded upon in the anime. Zoro was a traveler who went around defeating dojos for their signs. However, there was one person Zoro could not beat – the sensei’s daughter, Kuina. In the anime she is the reason he joins her father’s dojo in the first place. Kuina’s father made a deal that if he could defeat her Zoro would take the sign. If not, Zoro would have to train under him. When given the opportunity to use as many swords as he wanted, he grabbed as many as he could carry and faced off against Kuina. He lost and was told he had to start with one sword before he could use more. As per the consequences of his loss, he trained at the dojo as promised.
In the manga, Zoro enters to see her dead body, eyes covered and surrounded by the students and accuses her of running away, in the anime no such scene is shown, but a funeral takes place for her instead, though later on “Ocean Dream” arc in the anime, the original manga scene is shown in a flashback.
His story is extended also in the anime by showing the time he first met and befriended Johnny and Yosaku. They cash in when Zoro takes out a large bounty and, given they pay his tab at the bar he was at for his food, can keep the rest of the money for themselves as an apology for taking their ‘head’. Later,Dick appears in the town with his horde of bandits, who proceed to loot the town. Johnny and Yosaku watch as a child tries to stop the thief to no avail. Johnny convinces Yosaku that they must stop him, to which Yosaku reluctantly agrees. The two are no match for Dick, but luckily Zoro comes to claim the bounty on Dick’s head to pay for a Katana that he broke. After a complete victory by Zoro, Johnny and Yosaku look up to Zoro and start to call him “Aniki”.
Straw Hat Separation
His adventure in Shikkearu Kingdom is also extended in the anime.
Not only did Perona refuse to give Zoro his swords back, but she also tried to turn Zoro into her servant by using her Devil Fruit powers. She got as far as managing to dress Zoro like her former subordinate, Kumashi, while he had passed out before he woke up and left the room in search of his swords. In the anime, Zoro’s training will begin by defeating the leader of the humandrills who copied the swordsmanship of Mihawk.
Running Gags
In most fillers, his lack of direction is further ridiculed as he has gone in the wrong direction even though his guide was still pointing in the correct way, and even turning to the right on a straight path.
Also, ever since episode 111, Zoro has been called marimo (moss-head in the dub) by Sanji in reference to his oddly colored green hair.
Can you recognize them all? :-)
Fan art how some will look in the future
Mihawk teaches Zoro about Haki
Choose Your Favorite!
“Every sword could become the Black Blade”
Who’s your bet for Zoro?