Tag Archives: killer
Well, let’s begin.
-Sanji never hits a woman, right?
-There was one instance when he actually tried to. That was when he fought Kalifa. Sanji tried to finish the fight by pinning her down with his leg, but she escaped. Kalifa then called Sanji a coward, and he lost it. He yelled at her, telling her to shut up, and then he tried to kick her. She managed to dodge the kick, but if she wasn’t so quick, the kick would’ve definitely connected.
-So Kalifa calling him a coward made him so angry that he abandoned his chivalry and attempted to kick a woman? This leads me to believe that “coward” triggered a traumatic memory, which is why he lost it. Perhaps his father used to beat up his mother, and his mother would retaliate by calling him a coward. Sanji hates his father for that, and he nearly lost it when he thought about him. This is a bit unlikely, since hitting Kalifa would only make Sanji act like his father even more.
-So perhaps his father used to beat up his mother, and Sanji never helped. One day, his father went too far, and killed his mother. In her last dying breath, she managed to call Sanji a coward for not helping her. Kalifa calling him a coward made him remember how he didn’t help his mother when she needed him, and he didn’t want the same thing to happen to Robin, so he got angry and tried to get the key with force.
-It’s possible that he ran away from home after this incident. He probably snuck onto the Orbit, where he learned how to cook. Maybe his mother was a cook, or maybe she wanted him to become a cook, and Sanji wanted to honor her.
-His father must have been looking for him all this time. When Sanji got his first bounty, his father probably thought it was somebody else (since the picture looked like Duval). When the real picture was revealed after Dressrosa, he must’ve requested him alive so he could successfully join forces with the Charlotte family through Sanji. But how would somebody like Sanji’s father make Sanji wanted alive only, especially when the Germa 66 have been fighting the Marines?
-It’s possible that he was hired by the government to keep an eye on Big Mom, or maybe he was hired to let the government know about underworld events. Maybe he blackmailed them, like Doflamingo did. Either way, the Government is hiding something. Maybe they’re secretly working together. Quid pro quo, eh?
-Who is his father though? I believe we have already seen him. Vinsmoke has the words Vin (wine) and smoke in it. This underworld broker is smoking while drinking wine. Not only that, there are curls under his wine glass, similar to Sanji’s eyebrows. The other guy there might be one of the brothers.
-There was one more instance when Sanji abandoned his chivalry. That was in Jaya. He told Nami he would protect her no matter what was in the forest, yet when a tarantula appeared, he ran away and told Usopp to get rid of it. When a bunch of moths and centipedes appeared, he acted the same way, even though he told Nami he’d protect her no matter what was in the forest. He said he couldn’t stand creepy crawlies, but he wasn’t scared of the giant ladybugs, so it was only the tarantula, moths, and centipedes that scared him. I have a feeling that those 3 have something to do with his past. Maybe those 3 represent his father and 2 older brothers. Since the tarantula appeared first, that’s probably the one that represents his father. Maybe he has a tarantula Devil Fruit. Since he’s an assassin, the powers of a tarantula would suit him well.
-One son might have a moth Devil Fruit, another Devil Fruit that would suit an assassin. Most moths are capable of flight, poison generation, wall crawling camouflage, and enhanced senses, which include night vision.
-Well what about the second brother? I believe he is Killer. Yes, I know that’s a very common theory, but I have my own original reasoning for believing so. Killer’s favorite food is pasta, which is Sanji’s cooking specialty. That’s not all. So the father represents the tarantula, and one son represents the moth. That son could be Killer, but I don’t think so. That would mean that Killer represents the centipede, and believe it or not, he shares many similarities with the centipede. There is a centipede called the Killer Centipede. They share “Killer” in their name. The Killer Centipede has sharp hooks on its body, which it uses for offensive purposes, just like Killer. It’s also blind, and it uses advanced senses to move around. I’m not sure if Killer is blind, but seriously, how does he see with that mask? Observation Haki? In other words, advanced senses?
-Putting Sanji’s father aside, maybe Onigumo has something to do with Sanji’s fear of tarantulas. He does seem to have a spider Devil Fruit rather than a tarantula, but hey, Tsuru was stationed in North Blue, maybe Onigumo was stationed there as well.
-Sanji will probably face off against his father at some point, and if he does, he might use knives. Why? Because fried spider is a delicacy in some cultures, so if his father is in his Zoan form, Sanji might bend the rules.
*Theory by Samurai Rengoku
The Four Emperors & The Eleven Supernovas
As an entity, the Yonko are one of the Three Great Powers of the world, the others being the Shichibukai and Marines.
Individually, the Yonko are considered to be the most powerful pirates in the world, as well as having a powerful crew. Because of their power, they can declare chosen locations as their own; the mere declaration is often enough for others, both Marines and pirates alike, to acknowledge their authority.
The 4 Emperors individually reside within the second half of the Grand Line (known as the “New World”), exerting impressive influence and control over dozens of other pirate crews and self-governing islands.
The Yonko themselves are not allied together as a coalition compared to the Shichibukai and follow their own individual paths. The possibility of two or more of the Yonko forming an alliance is enough of a threat to cause the World Government to panic, as seen when the World Government attempted unsuccessfully to prevent a meeting between Shanks and Whitebeard at one point in the series.
Because of their immense power, it is necessary for factions aiming to oppose them to first strike an alliance with other factions in order to bring the Yonko down. However, even with multiple alliances amongst powerful pirates, the chances of defeating a Yonko are still extremely low.
The Yonko Charlotte Linlin and Kaido both have a single Road Poneglyph that can, with all four Road Poneglyphs deciphered, lead to Raftel’s location.
All of the Eleven Supernovas are known to be involved with at least one Yonko:
- Monkey D. Luffy looks up to Shanks as a role model and personal hero, allied himself with the Whitebeard Pirates in the Battle of Marineford, wishes to dethrone Kaido and Big Mom, and despises Blackbeard for causing the conflict that led to his brother’s death.
- Roronoa Zoro, as a member of Luffy’s crew, is part of the alliance with the Heart Pirates to defeat Kaido, and most likely receives an amount of anger from the latter and Big Mom, due to Luffy’s behavior on Fishman Island and Dressrosa. He also considers Blackbeard an enemy.
- Trafalgar Law made an alliance with the Straw Hat Pirates specifically to take down Kaido, though as a pretext toward his real motive of eliminating Donquixote Doflamingo, hoping to anger Kaido into killing Doflamingo, and estimating a 30% chance of actually going on to beat Kaido themselves.
- Eustass Kid, Scratchmen Apoo, Killer, and Basil Hawkins all wish to dethrone Shanks, and were approached by Kaido after a failed suicide attempt. After unknown circumstances, Scratchmen Apoo becomes a subordinate of Kaido, and Kid, who seemingly fought Kaido, was badly defeated and told by Kaido to pass along a message to Luffy and Law that they should run for their lives after interfering with his plans.
- Jewelry Bonney was seen crying after Whitebeard’s death, and was later captured by Blackbeard, though managed to escape custody of the Marines after being captured by Akainu.
- Capone Bege is currently a subordinate of Big Mom.
- X Drake is currently a subordinate of Kaido.
- Urouge was shown talking to Kaido about his motives for suicide, but beyond that he seems to have the least interaction with them.
The theme of Mariejois is like Olympus in Greek mythology because they are both located in high altitude place and has a gigantic palace which is built on top of the mountain. (Mariejois built on top of the Red Line.)
Olympus is the home of divine family and ruling gods and Mariejois is the home of Celestial Dragons which we can say the divine family in OP and Gorosei the so called gods.
The pattern or theme of Mariejois is Olympus so we might see a character which is conceptualize and inspired by the king of gods in Olympia. Who’s the king of gods and ruler of Olympus?
In ancient Greece Zeus is the king of gods, god of sky and ruler of Olympus, he is the strongest god in Olympus and no one can oppose him nor fight him because of his great power.
A character inspired by Zeus is very possible because there are gods in One Piece and maybe that strongest god will be the final villain that Strawhats will going to face in the final war against Marines, World Government, Celestial Dragons and Gorosei in the Mariejois.
Remember what Oda said before that the Marineford war will gonna look like nothing in the final chapter that’s why he’s motivated to keep drawing One Piece and he likes his fans to stick with him til the end.
Luffy’s Grand Fleet and maybe other pirates or all pirates and Revos will join Strawhats in the huge war against World Government, Marines, Celestial Dragon and Gods in Mariejois, this is great to see as the last chapter of One Piece!
Mariejois is the greatest place for the final war because remember the impact, excitement and insanity that we felt when Whitebeard Pirates attacked the based of marines in Marineford and started the summit war, what more if we see the Strawhats and his allied forces attack the Marines, World Government, Gorosei and Celestial Dragons in Mariejois and start the final great war. It will definitely give us more excitement, goose bumps and emotions because many pirates and marines will die in this war.
*Theory by Fire_Fist_Recca
Kid, On Air and Hawkins Alliance
Status: Unknown
During the Punk Hazard Arc, three captains of The Worst Generation, Eustass Kid, Scratchmen Apoo and Basil Hawkins, met on the Kid Pirates’ base to discuss the terms of an alliance for the sole purpose of defeating Shanks. Despite some minor altercations, the three were eventually able to come to terms, and their alliance was reported in the newspaper. After Law and Luffy’s victory over Doflamingo, the three pirates were relieved that the two were not going after the same Yonko they were targeting.
Suddenly, Kaido landed on their base and the three found themselves face-to-face with him.
While it is unknown what happened between them, it appears that they formed an alliance with Kaido as Scratchmen informed him about Jack’s fate.
However, Kid was badly beaten and imprisoned by the Yonko and his crew.
The status of Hawkins and fellow Worst Generation member Killer are currently unknown.
Eleven Supernovas
Kid Pirates
The Kid Pirates are an infamous and notable rookie pirate crew led by Eustass Kid.
The most significant aspect of their appearance is that most, if not all of the Kid Pirates have heavy metalesque appearances. Also, many of them seem to wear leather in one way or another. There are 4 named members in the crew: Eustass Kid, Killer, Heat, and Wire.
They are most known for dealing major destruction and civilian casualties along their route through the Grand Line and towards the New World. Furthermore, the entire crew easily survived the blast of Haki released by Silvers Rayleigh, a testament to their overall strength. In spite of their great potency in battle and overall level-mindedness, the members of this crew display an inate sense of haughtiness. They have also formed an alliance with the Hawkins and On Air Pirates.
Their ship continues the theme of heavy metal, with a bizarre skull as part of the deck, resembling some heavy metal bands’ stages. Their ship was coated with the Yarukiman resin, allowing it to submerge underwater by reducing its buoyancy, and withstanding the water pressure of 10,000 feet.
The ship in full sight:
The Kid Pirates’ flag represent the usual grinning skull having Kid’s hairstyle and wearing the latter’s square shaped goggles on its forehead. In the background there is the traditional cross-bone pattern plus what seems to represent two knives forming a cross as well. Moreover, on each sides of the skull there are flame-like patterns.
Oda’s Inspiration Behind Characters
Today I will be discussing the possibility of Kidd joining the Law – Strawhat Alliance!
It’s pretty clear that Scratchmen Apoo betrayed Kidd and joined Kaidou
We don’t know yet what happened to Basil Hawkins, but I guess since he is not in a cell like Kidd is, I can think of three things…
-he escaped
-he joined Kaidou as well
-he is in a different cell
But if he is in a cell, why Oda didn’t show us Hawkins as well?
Why he choose to saw us only Kidd?
Anyway, I don’t think he is a captive… I believe he either escaped or joined Kaidou
In few words… the alliance Kidd – Hawkins – Apoo exist no more!
This exciting development opened a new little window…
The basis for the establishment of the most powerful Supernova Alliance!
Although there is an antagonism between Kidd and Luffy, if the need arises, I believe there is a great chance for them to shake hands
We saw it once, at Sabaody Archipelago and we can see it again!
Could it be that Oda was foreshadowing a future alliance between them?
I believe so… But how can they reach an agreement, when Kidd is rotting in a cell?
One world… Killer!
When we see Kid, we always see Killer as well…
I don’t remember ever seeing Kidd without Killer at his side…
Sabaody, New World, underground, Kaidou appearance…
So, I think that if Killer was a captive, Oda would have shown him to us
This led me to believe that Killer most likely escape.
Probably Kid’s crew as well.
However, there is a big problem… they find themselves alone with no allies in the New World, surrounded by enemies, unable to rescue their captain and even themselves…
So, I believe Killer MUST find allies or perish with his captain!
And who are the best candidates? Well, they were in every newspaper…
What I am trying to say is, that there is no way Killer doesn’t know about the defeat of Doflamingo and the destruction of the smile factories
This action led them to an open war with Kaidou, and Killer knows that
We ‘ve seen him in very few moments, but we can tell that he is smart. The previous alliance was made thanks to him, despite how it turn out to be…
When you confronting such a monster, you can easily change your mind!
Before I continue, I want to emphasize something…
Kidd has something in common with Luffy…
It’s his stubbornness and stupidity… He chose to face Kaidou despite being alone, than working under him, much like how Luffy would do!
“You can be my underlings instead” xD
But, there are still unanswered questions that have to be answered!
When, where and how Killer going to meet them?
One group is headed to Wano(Law – Zoro) and from the looks of it, Kaidou and Kidd are in Wano…
So, if we think about it logically this group is easier to meet than the other one
However, there are two obstacles… Law and Zoro!
I cannot see them reaching an agreement, especially with Zoro there…
Law is there also, but as of now they risk too much, just to save one person …and Law knows this…
He is a very strategical and careful person, so i don’t believe he would make such a risky move.
To go to a Yonko’s lair is a very dangerous thing, whatever the reason may be…
Yes, to have Kidd as an ally is beneficial, but not under these circumstances.
Except of course, if Oda planning to make two rescue arcs…
One group rescuing Sanji and other rescuing Kidd…
Now that I am talking about it, I think it has some low chances of happening and it’s not that all unlikely
The second choice would have been to go after Luffy’s group…
But for what reason he would choose to go after that group and not Zoro’s group?
Could have been possible for Killer to think so much ahead?
Or does he knows that Luffy is stupid and the chances to make the deal happen, are higher?
I think that if he would choose Luffy’s group, it would have been for none of the above!
It would have been because he knows someone…
You guessed right… Sanji!
There are many theories claiming that Killer is Sanji’s brother and the last chapter made me think about it a lot!
It would make sense, and in this way Oda can connect Kid and Luffy way easier!
This would have given an extra motive for this alliance to happen.
But regardless of him being a brother or not to Sanji, I believe if in the end does choose Luffy’s group, he is going to help rescue Sanji and in return they will form the alliance.
However, I believe it connects a lot nicer and more beautifully if he is Sanji’s brother as well!
Lastly, let’s not forget that Kidd sunk two of Big Mom’s ships
…and maybe this is the reason why Kaidou is keeping Kidd alive… as a bargaining chip!
*Theory by EpicListening
The Supernovas’ Favorite and Least Favorite Foods
Kidd –Favorite Food:Cabbage Rolls –Least Favorite Food:Curry Udon
Killer –Favorite Food:Peperoncino –Least Favorite Food:Curry Udon
Apoo –Favorite Food:Tom Yam Soup –Least Favorite Food:Mayonnaise
Urouge –Favorite Food:Azuki beans, Pork –Least Favorite Food:Vegetables
Hawkins –Favorite Food:Fortune Cookies (hah!) –Least Favorite Food:Meat
Drake –Favorite Food:Chicken Rice –Least Favorite Food:Eggs
Law –Favorite Food:Onigiri, Grilled fish –Least Favorite Food:Bread, Umeboshi
Bege –Favorite Food:Meatballs, Tomatoes –Least Favorite Food:Tomato juice
Bonney –Favorite Food:Pizza (Margherita) –Least Favorite Food:Carrots
Source: SBS Volume 81