

Crew Position: Cook

Distinguishing Marks: spiraled eyebrow

Favorites: women / cuisine

Specialty: cooking / unarmed combat / chivalry

Dream: Find the All Blue

First Bounty: 77,000,000 (Beli)

Current Bounty: 77,000,000 (Beli)Sanji-one-piece-26360345-781-1024

Sanji is the Chef of the Straw Hat Pirates. He’s a chivalrous fighter who loves women to an almost extreme degree. A top of the line chef who will never use his hands in a fight. He is a character who is obsessed with women and worships the females onboard the ship.

Sanji is tall and slender. He is most often formally dressed and wearing a tie. He is a top of the line cook that can make fine cuisine out of almost anything. Sanji is a rather cool personality. Though his love for beautiful women shows a drastically different side of himself. He’s quick to fall love sick for any woman he comes across.

His blond hair is always combed over his left eye and only been seen in rare anime episodes. He’s also sensitive about the spiraled shape of his eyebrow.

Previous: Roronoa Zoro

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