The Whitebeard Pirates

The Whitebeard Pirates were formerly one of the strongest pirate crews in the world, as their captain Whitebeard was the only pirate to have ever been a match for the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, in a fight.

Following the deaths of Whitebeard and Ace, the remaining members of the crew engaged the Blackbeard Pirates in the Payback War, which ended with the Blackbeard’s brutally defeating them, followed by conquering their former territories, with their captain usurping Whitebeard’s position in the Yonko. As a result, the crew has lost most of its power and influence.

After usurping Whitebeard’s status as a Yonko, Blackbeard conquered most of Whitebeard’s territories. However, Fishman Island is now under the protection of the Big Mom Pirates.

After the timeskip, it is revealed that the remaining crew members and subordinate crews are being hunted down by the Shichibukai Edward Weevil and his mother Bakkin, who self-proclaim themselves as their captain’s biological son and lover, to gain his fortune.Marco and the remaining Whitebeard Pirates’ whereabouts are still unknown.

    Kid, On Air and Hawkins Alliance

    • Status: UnknownDuring the Punk Hazard Arc, three captains of The Worst Generation, Eustass Kid, Scratchmen Apoo and Basil Hawkins, met on the Kid Pirates’ base to discuss the terms of an alliance for the sole purpose of defeating Shanks. Despite some minor altercations, the three were eventually able to come to terms, and their alliance was reported in the newspaper. After Law and Luffy’s victory over Doflamingo, the three pirates were relieved that the two were not going after the same Yonko they were targeting.

    Suddenly, Kaido landed on their base and the three found themselves face-to-face with him.

    While it is unknown what happened between them, it appears that they formed an alliance with Kaido as Scratchmen informed him about Jack’s fate.

    However, Kid was badly beaten and imprisoned by the Yonko and his crew.

    The status of Hawkins and fellow Worst Generation member Killer are currently unknown.

      Kid Pirates

      The Kid Pirates are an infamous and notable rookie pirate crew led by Eustass Kid.

      The most significant aspect of their appearance is that most, if not all of the Kid Pirates have heavy metalesque appearances. Also, many of them seem to wear leather in one way or another. There are 4 named members in the crew: Eustass Kid, Killer, Heat, and Wire.

      They are most known for dealing major destruction and civilian casualties along their route through the Grand Line and towards the New World. Furthermore, the entire crew easily survived the blast of Haki released by Silvers Rayleigh, a testament to their overall strength. In spite of their great potency in battle and overall level-mindedness, the members of this crew display an inate sense of haughtiness. They have also formed an alliance with the Hawkins and On Air Pirates.

      Their ship continues the theme of heavy metal, with a bizarre skull as part of the deck, resembling some heavy metal bands’ stages. Their ship was coated with the Yarukiman resin, allowing it to submerge underwater by reducing its buoyancy, and withstanding the water pressure of 10,000 feet.

      The ship in full sight:

      The Kid Pirates’ flag represent the usual grinning skull having Kid’s hairstyle and wearing the latter’s square shaped goggles on its forehead. In the background there is the traditional cross-bone pattern plus what seems to represent two knives forming a cross as well. Moreover, on each sides of the skull there are flame-like patterns.

        Oda’s Inspiration Behind Characters

          The Beasts Pirates

          The Beasts Pirates are a powerful pirate crew ruling in the New World, led by the Yonko Kaido.

          Kaido, the captain, has full control over the crew. He is noticeably much larger than an ordinary human being and feared by his fellow crewmembers due to his drunken rampages and extremely violent mood swings. Most of his subordinates dress similar to barbarians and viking warriors, wearing armaments such as helmets, belts, furred and feathered cloaks with pauldrons, swords, gauntlets, long pants, and boots. Their chests, however, are generally left uncovered; the one exception, needless to say, is the female crewmember Ginrummy, who, while scantily clad in general, has metal breastplates. Like their horned captain, almost every single member of the Beast Pirates bears an ornamental headpiece of animal horns as well, or possesses actual animal horns, while others even have fangs or other animal traits, and a large amount of the crew sports hair that is some combination of long, wild, or flowing.

          At his side are three beings known as the Disasters. One of them, Jack, has the ability to become a mammoth, granting him immense size and strength. Jack has authority over the Gifters and Pleasures. The crew also has X Drake, another ancient Zoan-type user like Jack and a member of the Worst Generation.

          One division of the Beasts Pirates is called the Gifters, a group of Artificial Devil Fruit users lead by the Headliner Sheepshead. All the Gifters have a pair of black horns.The Gifters were created through the use of SMILEs, which gives them the ability to transform some parts of their body, such as their arms or ears, into different parts of an animal’s body. With the defeat of Doflamingo, however, Kaido’s attempt at building up a giant army of Gifters was brought to an abrupt end.
          Another division is the Pleasures, who resemble foot soldiers and do not appear to have any animal traits. They each wear a hat with one horn, and smile regardless of the circumstance, even when taking damage.

          The crew’s Jolly Roger is a skull in the middle of a pair of intersected crossbones (similar to the Blackbeard Pirates’s flag). The skull has horns similar to Kaido’s, and there are two shapes flanking the skull.

            Sanji’s Haki

            It was stated by Luffy that Sanji possesses Haki, when discussing it in the context of members of his crew who could fight Caesar Clown, a Logia user. Since Law was referring to the ability to coat themselves in armor, it confirms Sanji as a Busoshoku Haki user. However, Sanji did not actively display any of these abilities until the Punk Hazard Arc when searching for Kin’emon’s body using Kenbunshoku Haki.

            Although it is unknown if he can use it, Sanji does know about Haoshoku Haki, something he (along with the rest of the crew) had not shown any knowledge of during the first half of the series. He, along with Zoro, has commented on Luffy’s ability to passively knock out half of Hody’s men, noting that he actually possesses it. It was also hinted at during the Fishman Island Arc, that both he and Zoro possess Kenbunshoku Haki when asked by Luffy if the pair could sense a “wild animal” in the Ryugu Palace, which they both answered that they could.

            Kenbunshoku Haki

            Kenbunshoku Haki is Sanji’s speciality concerning Haki. When helping Kin’emon recover his torso from within the lake on Punk Hazard, Sanji actively used Kenbunshoku Haki in order to locate the samurai’s torso within the dark water. Sanji seems to be really proficent using this kind of Haki, as being able to perceive Tashigi being beaten by Vergo despite the long distance between them, detect a sniper at a 16 mts. rooftop and act before him, finding the Thousand Sunny (with some of their crewmates aboard) in the middle of the sea or even to tell people’s true intentions the first time they meet (as with Kin’emon or Viola). He was also able to sense Nekomamushi’s aura from within Capone Bege’s body during the Zou Arc.

              Luffy’s Awakened Form – Fanart

              This Luffy would be able to manipulate qualities of rubber, such as:

              • tear resistance
              • elasticity
              • stretchiness
              • electric resistance
              • density

                Roger Pirates

                The Roger Pirates were the crew of the late Pirate King Gol D. Roger and was supposedly the only crew to ever reach Raftel. 

                This was the crew that traveled around the Grand Line together and the things they did were part of legends.

                Ironically, only the captain and the first mate seem to have been remembered while the rest of the crew have apparently faded out of memory, all save those still active like Shanks and Buggy.

                The Roger Pirates’s ship, the Oro Jackson, was constructed by the most skilled shipwright of the era, Tom. The ship had a large cannon in the front surrounded by a pair of mermaids. This cannon was powerful enough to destroy an entire ship.

                The Roger Pirates jolly roger is the traditional skull in One Piece with a mustache that resembles Gol D. Roger’s mustache.

                  Eustass Kid Devil Fruit’s Powers

                  Kid possesses a Devil Fruit power connected to magnetism. This manifests in two different abilities, both depicting repulsion and attraction of metals within his vicinity to be used as weapons. The first allows him to repel metallic objects away from himself, such as reflecting a Marine cannonball back towards its shooter. The second ability allows him to draw metallic objects towards him and form them into objects, his most frequent use of this being to form a giant arm made of hundreds of metallic weapons and objects and connecting it to his right hand. When forming this metallic arm, he can use it to punch his opponents, or as a makeshift shield to block even a Pacifista’s laser beams. It is unknown if the firearms connected to his metal arm can fire at his will or not. In the anime and Unlimited Cruise game, Kid can also launch compressed bullets of scrap metal at his opponent at high speed.

                  When using his Devil Fruit ability, purple electrical sparks emit from his hands, so his ability may resemble an electromagnet.

                  The main weakness of the fruit seems to be its dependence from the surrounding environment, which must contain metal in order for the fruit’s powers to be used (though this weakness has yet to be exploited). Other than that, it is also weak against the standard Devil Fruit weaknesses.

                    Fujitora’s Haki

                    It was stated that all Marines ranked vice admiral or higher possess Haki, so Fujitora can also use the ability.

                    Fujitora was able to clash head on physically with Sabo, a Logia-class Devil Fruit user, implying he was using Busoshoku Haki during the battle. He later proved he is capable of using it when he did so to reinforce his sword in order to stall the Birdcage.

                    Fujitora is able to skillfully utilize Kenbunshoku Haki to see his surroundings in a form of aura which he cannot see due to his blindness. He also listens to voices that cannot be heard normally