Hello once again everybody and welcome back to another theory for your entertainment. This time we shall dive into the origins of Monkey D. Dragon and the creation of the Revolutionary Army. This will talk about how Dragon meet Kuma, Ivankov and Dr. Vegapunk.
Before I start, I would first like to say that Monkey D. Dragon was NEVER an admiral. If he was, why is Dragon so mysterious and unknown even among the marines? You could say that the Gorosei blacklisted him and erased his existence, but that still wouldn’t make sense becausepeople do not forget so easily. The existence of Avalo Pizzaro, Catarina Devon, Vasco Shot and San Juan Wolf were erased for years and what happened when they showed up in Marineford? Random fodder marines with one glance knew their names, epithets and the crimes they commited.
Alright. Obviously Dragon is apart of the Monkey D family, but he seems so different from his son and grandfather(still think he is a “moron” though).
All three of them are from Goa country, which consist of Goa kingdom, Foosha Village and the Grey Terminal mountains. Like Luffy, Garp was raised in the mountains.
Dragon however, was raised in the Goa kingdom with the nobles. Garp was poor so he lived in the mountains, but since he was a marine, he had the funds to get a house in Goa kingdom where Dragon was born, to ensure that his son and wife would have a good life.
Garp of course, regularly took Dragon to the mountains to train him to be a marine, and Dragon developed a sense of justice very early in life. Dragon periodically went to Grey Terminal trash heap, where he became friends with the commoners and learned the value of human life.
Seeing the difference between the nobles and commoners made Dragon upset. He believed that everyone should be equal and was disgusted with how the nobles treat the commoners like trash and kills them off without batting an eye.
Dragon wanted to change Goa kingdom, but he didn’t have the power to do so. He didn’t want to become a marine because his father was a famous Vice Admiral who had little pull with the WG. Monkey D. Dragon joined the World Government itself or more specifically, Cipher Pol.
Dragon was “special” because he was the son of Garp and because was already very intelligent and strong(due to Garp’s training), he moved up the Cipher Pol’s like wildfire.
Dragon has always been curious about his D lineage, as even Garp has no idea what it meant. Dragon got really curious and confused because of this:
The rivalry between Gol D. Roger and Monkey D. Garp.
Both men had ‘D’ in their name but according to Garp, they apparently come from different families and have no relation to each other.
While a member of Cipher Pol however, Dragon meet two people: Jaguar D. Saul and Dr. Vegapunk, who is also a ‘D’. Like Dragon, Saul was curious about his D lineage but he didn’t think too much about it. Vegapunk however, was very curius like Dragon. They became friends and Dragon was shocked to learn of the terrible experiments the WG make Vegapunk do. Despite that, two secretly worked together to find out more about their lineage.
Dragon always believed in moral justice, but his justice is very extreme just like Saul, who easily defected from the marines to do what he felt was right. Dragon time in Cipher Pol revealed quite a bit about the lies of the WG, but that is expected with a government system. Dragon’s disgust with the WG hit a boiling point when he was promoted to the same position as these guys:
Cipher Pol Aegis 0.
As a member of CP0, Dragon worked directly under the Tenryubitto and Gorosei. CP0 specializes in cover ups, blackmail, lies and murder and Dragon had a front row seat to the Gorosei and Tenryubitto’s corruption. He thought Goa kingdom was bad, but nothing compared to the Tenryubittos and they controlled the world. Dragon knew that freedom wouldn’t be realized as long as the current WG exist, but he still tried to change the WG from the inside.
Dragon came to loguetown 24 years ago to witness the death of a follow D that he questioned whether he was good or bad. The WG obviously says he’s a bad guy but from Garp’s stories, Gol D. Roger was a good man.
2 years after Roger was executed(22 years ago), Dragon was 100% convinced that he had no chance of changing the WG from the inside. The reason for that was because of the Ohara Massacre.
In this massacre, he learned from Kuzan that his friend Jaguar D. Saul was killed and that innocent refuges were slaughtered.
CP9 was tasked with making sure that the massacre was a success. If CP9 was informed, so was CP0 and….
Dragon overheard Clover’s speech. He knew that the WG was hiding something and it had to be destroyed. As long as the WG exist, there will be no freedom. Dragon defected from the WG but for the WG, he simply disappeared.
Dragon informed 2 people of his defection: Vegapunk and Kuzan. Vegapunk agreed with Dragon that a revolution was necessary and decided to remain in the WG as Dragon’s inside man, while Dragon carefully creates and expands his organization. Kuzan however, turned down the offer as he thought a revolution was too extreme and thought he could change the WG as a marine. Dragon never told his father because he’d knew Garp would try to stop him.
Now then over the past 22 years, Dragon has created the most dangerous organization that the WG has ever seen.
Vegapunk is a revolutionary spy in the WG.
And Dragon’s left and right hand is Emperio Ivankov and Bartholomew Kuma.
They were with Dragon 12 years ago at Grey Terminal.
So in the timespan of 10 years, Dragon recruited Kuma and Ivankov. Lets into more detail with Kuma and Ivankov’s recruitment.
Ivankov was Dragon’s first revolutionary recruit. Reason I say this is because Ivankov seems to be the revolutionary who knows Dragon the best.
They even love watering snails together.
Now the question is, why did Ivankov join the revolutionaries? Well we need to recap on some things about Ivankov first.
Ivankov is the queen of Kamabakka Kingdom which translates to “Kingdom of Transvestites.”
I really don’t think transvestites are treated equally in the OP world as many men reacted indifferently to them(much like in real life). In Impel Down, the guards shouted “Look at what they are wearing!”, “What the heck are they wearing!?” and “They are dressed to kill!”
Kamabakka Kingdom is a place for freedom; where people can be what they want to be without being judged. Dragon meet Ivankov on Kamabakka island and treated him and everyone else on the island like an equal. Not only that, Dragon probably saved saved Kamabakka kingdom from WG agents who tried to destroy it. Kamabakka kingdom is just as well known as Amazon Lily, and they are famous for their body enchancing cuisine. Ivankov most likely turned down an offer to become allies with the WG, so the agents tried to back at them.
Anyways that’s just pure speculation but bottomline is that Dragon promised Ivankov to bring a world where everyone is free and Ivankov followed behind.
Here is where things get interesting. Unlike Ivankov, it wasn’t easy for Dragon to get Kuma to join.
What Ivankov said in Marineford implies that he and Kuma had a SERIOUS fight before. Not only that, Kuma also had a serious fight with Monkey D. Dragon.
Before I get into the fight between Kuma and Dragon, we must first understand Kuma. Obviously Kuma is a bear so lets look at what bears represent.
Bear is spirit keeper of the West, the place of darkness, maturity and good harvest. From this place, Grandfather Bear gives strength, introspection and knowledge.
Bears are active during the night and day. This symbolizes its connection with solar energy, that of strength and power, and lunar energy, that of intuition. It enhances and teaches those with this totem how to develop both within themselves.
Grandfather Bear is a solitary dweller and master of his domain. This teaches us the importance of independent thinking and to seek peace in quite meditation.
Bears are sensitive to Mother Nature’s cycles. They sleep long hours in the winter living on fat stored in their bodies. It teaches us how to go within and find the resources for survival and how to remain balanced amid change. This medicine is a reminder of the great circle of life and rebirth, renewal and fresh beginnings.
Bear is the embodiment of strength and is fierce to a threat on its lair. It is not wise to come between the mother bear and her cubs, teaching us ways to always protect those we love.
In Native American mythology, bears are known as the guardian spirits of the forest.
Smokey the Bear anyone?
Also, take a look at Kuma as a kid and that book he has. It says “Ninokin.”
It refers to Ninomiya Sontoku.
Ninomiya was a prominent agricultural leader, moralist and economist.
Bartholomew Kuma HATED the WG.
And that’s because the WG burned down Kuma’s village in the forest and it was no accident. Helping his people rebuild, Kuma was enraged and decided to become his people’s protector with his Paw Paw Fruit. Any trespasser would get blown away by Kuma.
Of course, Dragon and Ivankov came to the burned down forest and Kuma attacked. Dragon, who wanted to help the poor villagers, thought Kuma was responsible so he ordered Ivankov to hold off Kuma while he tended to the people. Dragon learned the truth from the citizens but before he could go anything, Kuma once again attacked him but he was able of emerge victorious.
Dragon told Kuma of his dream to destroy the WG and bring freedom to the world, but Kuma didn’t believe Dragon as he was a former WG agent. In order to be sure that Dragon was sincere, Kuma had a suggestion: when his village and forest was being burned down, Kuma repelled the pain of all the suffering villagers into a gigantic air bubble, and if Dragon can shoulder the pain of his people, Kuma will join the revolution.
Ivankov of course thought it as outrageous, but Dragon went for it. Much to the shock of Kuma and Ivankov, Dragon survived. This is where Ivankov witnessed Dragon’s inhuman vitality.
Dragon surviving that much pain was a miracle.
With hope that true freedom can be achieved for his people, Kuma joined the revolutionaries and became Dragon’s most loyal friend.
8 years ago, Dragon’s face became known to the world as revolutionary.
It was 12 years ago that Dragon saved the commoners of Goa kingdom.
12 years ago, the Revolutionary Army became active, targeting kingdoms to recruit suffering citizens who wanted freedom. However, during one of his expeditions, there was a big incident involving the marines.
I’m speculating, but I say Dragon had a run-in with the marines(with Doberman and Akainu present) and showcased his Conqueror’s Haki to escape a kingdom with new revolutionaries in hand. Dragon’s unnatural CoC brought forth a storm and blew away a marine fleet.
The Gorosei feared this man as they recognized his description. Monkey D. Dragon became the most wanted man in the world do to him knowing about the WG corruption from being CP0 agent, being Garp’s son, being a D, him looking for the poneglyhs and leading an organization that directly opposes the WG and it will continue to grow until the WG falls.
*Theory by Vandenreich