Tag Archives: god usopp

Usopp’s Backstory

*Click to enlarge the picture

by shevoj


    Before I proceed with the actual speculation, I would like to clear the meaning of “World Government” for upcoming thoughts. As we know, the political organization is lead by the Gorosei, the “Five Elder Stars”:

    They do not only hold the greatest power in the One Piece world commanding all the Admirals and Vice-Admirals, Kong, Magellan, the latest Pacifistas, groups like CP0 and – probably the guy with the most potential at all – Dr. Vegapunk. On top of that, since they are every non-pirate’s masterminds and even look like they would have serious fighting skills, they might be on a level with the very strongest – possibly on par with a Yonko’s strength each (- just imagine the upcoming war with four Yonkos and the Pirate King versus the five Elder Stars (alongside with all the other guys)).
    According to this (and ignoring those marionettes called “Tenryuubito”) we might reduce the meaning of “World Government” to that geezer team without eyebrows. So to say, five guys with one aim.
    Therefor, I want to discuss the question:

    What does the World Goverment (= The Gorosei) really want?

    The great pirate era started with Roger’s last words and was refreshed by Whitebeard as he confirmed the One Piece to be real:

    So we could assume that along with the pirates the WG wants to find the One Piece. But I suspect it to be not the whole truth. The One Piece treasure will only be a means to an end. Actually, it could not be simpler:

    They want to survive.

    As obvious as it seems, since every living being (without Kaidou) wants to survive, it gets quite a different meaning if we consider how hard the WG already tried to do so. It is not only about defeating and imprisoning some pirates so concrete danger dissolves. The WG is in charge of possibilites “to become as immortal as possible”.
    It probably started long time before Gol D. Roger and the following pirate era.
    It is all about living forever – meaning they will not die by age, nor by any disease (or wound).

    A. Regarding Jewelry Bonney and her Devil Fruit

    We do not know how Jewelry Bonney is related to the World Government. But we do know that they are interested in her:

    We also know that she is able to manipulate people’s age:

    Thus, she is pretty useful to reach immortality at least in one aspect – those who benefit from her power continually would not have to die of aging. But even if the fruit’s effects worked permanently, it would not be a durable solution. The effect could be revoked as the devil fruit user becomes unconscious or dead. Or just resists the WG’s will to help.

    B. Regarding Trafalgar Law and his Ope Ope No Mi

    Law’s fruit was considered to be the ultimate fruit in the world:

    Eventhough, we do not know how it works exactly. But we know that the user could give his life in order to make somebody “ageless”. Still, many discussions have been arisen what it could mean. Some speculate the benefitted individual does not age anymore, some even say he/ she/ it could only die by age, but not by wounds or diseases. (In the last case, Trafalgar Law’s and Bonney’s abilities combined could make the benefitted one truly immortal as long as “Bonney’s” effect does not get revoked (and after years renewed) – which made it imbalanced.)

    C. Regarding Princess Mansherry and her Chiyu Chiyu No Mi

    Princess Mansherry’s Devil Fruit makes her able to heal wounds:

    Its true potential is still unknown, e. g. if it was useful for (deadly) diseases, too, or if it could even revive (!) at its potentials pinnecale. Nevertheless, it also only prevents from dying indirectly. With Law’s Fruit being considered as the most valuable DF, I am not so sure about if the WG knew about Mansherry or the Chiyu Chiyu No Mi. Sengoku seemed somewhat amazed – as if he did not know about the fruit before:

    Who knows – maybe the fruit’s ability will be reported to the WG by a “bad Marine” (like Bastille or so) or the CP0 meaning that Mansherry could get captured during the upcoming Reverie.

    D. Regarding Kaidou and his ability/ luck/ fate

    Even lesser is known about Kaidou. It was stated that he could not die, yet:

    The WG’s dream seems to be his curse. Until now, it is not known, why and how he survived so far. It might be related to his possible Devil fruit or – and that would be inaccessible by the WG – just fate and/ or luck. (In case preordained “fate” existed in the One Piece world, the WG’s efforts would be useless either way.)

    E. Dr. Vegapunk’s Experiments on Giants

    Ceasar Clown revealed that Dr. Vegapunk experimented to turn humans into giants:

    We know from SBS Vol. 19 Ch. 168, p. 46 that giants are able to become way older than humans – up to 300 years:

    Of course, obtaining a giants age would not lead to immortality, but it would buy some time if they could copy that effect of slow aging. Also, if the WG got to know why giants become that old, they might find a way to become even older.

    F. The Curious Case of Dr. Kureha

    As recently shown Dr. Kureha is quite vital at 141 years.

    As we know, she always spoke of herself as a young woman. Now imagine if she would have found the secret to age like a giant. She would have been aged like a ~65 years old “normal OP-human”. She also will attend the Reverie. Maybe Wapol told information about Dr. Kureha to the WG in exchange which could lead to a capturing, too. Or maybe Dr. Kureha does already know Dr. Vegapunk. We will see – but it is for sure that her biological clock would be interesting to the WG.

    G. Advanced Technology

    Beyond the pirate theme of the 16th century from our real life, One Piece is influenced by futuristic science fiction aspects, too. Besides Dr. Vegapunk (and Franky), also Dr. Tsukimi seemed to work on “robotic” individuals.

    G. I. Dr. Vegapunk’s Experiments on Pacifistas

    In parallel to other experiments, Dr. Vegapunk created cyborgs. Cyborgs consist of biological individuals with mechanical parts:

    At first glance, they just seem to be powerful military forces. But there could be a deeper meaning to their nature. If it was possible to replace every single (human) body part step by step, biologic individuals could be prevented from dying by age, diseases or wounds – as long as they are able to conservate the (human’s) conscious mind.
    Until now, they seem to have failured in “recreating” a human being, since “Kuma” lost his personality:

    But it could only be a matter of time, until Dr. Vegapunks finds out how “to replace a brain with its personality”. An important clue is that Dr. Vegapunk managed to transmit a Devil Fruit onto a lifeless object plus that Devil Fruits might transfer characteristics of the previous owner(s).

    G. II. The Automatas’ Manner of Functioning

    Not being a great military force, the automatas that Dr. Tsukimi build seem to have emotions:

    Therefor Dr. Tsukimi seems to be the first one shown who created entirely artificial life:

    Also, Enel just had to “breathe life into automatas” by electric energy “to (re)vive” them:

    Using this very technology could mean that Dr. Tsukimi found a way to play God. Still we do not know where Dr. Tsukimi lived or to whom he could belong to. But maybe his residence was close to the Marines/ WG:

    The question would be, why the WG did not use Dr. Tsukimi’s knowledge, yet. Probably, the Marines/ the WG did not know about him/ his knowledge/ what Automatas are. (But I guess Dr. Vegapunk most likely will or even does already know.)

    H. Obtaining One Piece

    Last but not least, I will link the WG’s goal to the big treasure One Piece which might be the only durable solution to survive.
    Referring to my main theory

    (- that OP’s loose template is based on “The Mysterious Cities of Gold” from 1982), the One Piece will be a device which bears the energy of the inner Sun (- besides countless (loose) parallels, Sun energy was once used peacefully by two kingdoms, but then a war broke out, Sun weapons were used and the kingdoms vanished). In TMCoG it was stated that it provides those who use it as a medicine that could cure any disease. Everybody could live eternally.
    If that was the case, the WG would be highly interested in that device as well. But that is only speculation..~
    (Also, the Gorosei could be aliens.)

    Conclusion/ tl;dr

    At this rate, it seems that the Gorosei (= masterminds of world politics) are looking for different ways to evade death due to age, diseases and/ or wounds (at least temporarily) – …

    • … either by Devil Fruits (of Law, Bonney, Mansherry(, Kaidou), …), …
    • … or by biology knowledge about giants and/ or Dr. Kureha, …
    • … or by advanced technology regarding cyborgs and automatas and the “One Piece”.

    Nevertheless, nothing and no one seems to be invulnverable so nothing or nobody could become immortal, technically (- Kaidou was defeated before, still seems to have “luck”; Poneglyphs can be formed). But still, they try to survive eternally, thus becoming “as immortal as possible“.

    *Theory by EddWarD.NewGate

      Which is the most badass crew?

        Together :-)


          I think its possible we just found out the identity and powers of Uranus.

          Currently, we really only know the specifics of one Ancient Weapon, Poseidon a.k.a Shirahoshi.

          Her power is that she is able to control the sea kings, who seem honor bound to fulfill her wishes, whatever they may be.

          This last chapter we have seen something remarkable similar. Yes, I am talking about Zunisha not being able to defend herself without direct orders from Momonosuke.

          Zunisha received an order from long ago to walk the world for eternity, and she is unable to break this command without a second order from someone specific.

          This specific person isn’t just someone that can hear the VOAT, as we are told that Luffy can’t give her that order. This is also true for Gold Roger and Oden Kouzuki.

          The person who can is…. Momonosuke. This is eerily similar to what Shirahoshi can do, and her power was remarked upon as an Ancient Weapon capable of destroying the world.

          Do you think Momo power could destroy the world? I think so. Zunisha just one shotted Jack, and her size alone could crush islands.

          I also think Momo’s power will be able to extend to creatures other than Zunisha as well. I doubt he could only control one elephant.

          I wonder if the order that Zunisha received long ago was given by the Uranus of the void century, and Momo, like Shirahoshi, has been born with the power of an Ancient Weapon that often skips many generations. Which is to say, Momonosuke has been born the king of the land animals, just as Shirahoshi is the true king of the sea.

          Although I can’t yet see the ties between Momo’s power and that of a sky god, his power is next level shit and completely overpowered.

          Let me know what you think.

          *Theory by Joy_Boy


            According an interview of Oda in July 22, 2014 with the author of the series “Chibi Maruko-chan” -Momoko Sakura

            Oda: Yes, I already decided on how it’s going to end. Should I tell you now?

            Sakura: …. Well, I want to know, but I probably shouldn’t. BUT, the One Piece, it’s not something like “the growth your heart went through”, right?

            Oda: Hahaha, no no, I won’t be pulling off some kind of Wizard of Oz thing like that. After having gone through an adventure like that, it wouldn’t be fair to not actually give them a reward.

            So I guess now we can all rest assured that the One Piece ISN’T “a dream”, or “the bonds created among the straw hat crew” etc.

            now oda has use many mythology and story from various culture to incorporate in one piece considering that i thought might have use some japanese myth for the real deal one piece

            And i found this

            Tide Jewels kanju manju
            Tide jewels
            In Japanese mythology, the tide jewels– individually, the kanju (干珠, lit. “(tide-)ebbing jewel”) and manju (満珠, lit. “(tide-)flowing jewel”)– were magical gems that the Sea God used to control the tides. Classical Japanese history texts record an ancient myth that the ocean kami Watatsumi 海神 “sea god” or Ryūjin 龍神 “dragon god” presented the kanju and manju to his demigod son-in-law Hoori, and a later legend that Empress Jingū used the tide jewels to conquer Korea.
            Tide jewels interrelate Japanese dragons and wani sea-monsters, Indonesian mythology, the nyoi-ju 如意珠 “cintamani; wish-fulfilling jewel” in Japanese Buddhism, magic jewels of Nāga kings in Hindu mythology, and the pearl associations of Chinese dragons in Chinese mythology 
            The Japanese compounds kanju 干珠 lit. “ebb jewel” and manju 満珠 lit. “flow jewel” combine kan 干 (cf. 乾) “dry up; drain off; ebb (tides); recede; oppose” and man 満 “fill; full; rise (tides); fulfill; satisfy” with ju, shu, or tama 珠 “gem; jewel; precious stone; pearl; bead”. Compare the reversible compounds kanman 干満 and mankan 満干 or michihi 満ち干 meaning “ebb and flow; high and low tides; the tides”. Shiomitsu-tama 潮満珠 and shiohiru-tama 潮干珠 are archaic “tide jewel” names using shio or chō 潮 “tide; flow; salt water”. 
            Early references
            Two Nara period (710-794 CE) historical texts record myths that the Sea God presented the kanju and manju to Hoori, and a Kamakura period (1192-1333 CE) text says the legendary Empress Jingū used the tide jewels to conquer a Korean kingdom in 200 CE.
            The tide jewels
            are central to “The Lost Fishhook” legend about the fisherman Hoderi and hunter Hoori, two brothers who argued over replacing a lost fishhook. Hoori went searching to the bottom of the sea, where he met and married Toyotama-hime, the daughter of the dragon Sea God. After living three years in the undersea Ryūgū-jō 竜宮城 “dragon palace castle”, Ryūjin presented Hoori with his brother’s fishhook and the tide jewels, and arranged for him to take his sea-dragon bride back to land. 
            The ca. 680 CE Kojiki 古事記 “Record of Ancient Matters” uses the archaic names shiomitsu-tama 潮満珠 “tide-flowing jewel” and shiohiru-tama 潮干珠 “tide-ebbing jewel” in two consecutive passages.
            The first describes the sea-god’s advice to Hoori about how to confront his duplicitous brother Hoderi. 
            The ca. 720 CE Nihon shoki 日本書紀 “Chronicles of Japan” or Nihongi日本紀 has several references to tide jewels.
            ….. Empress Jingū found a Buddhist nyoi-ju 如意珠 lit. “as-one-wishes jewel”, 
            The ca. 1195 CE Mizukagami 水鏡 “Water Mirror”, which is a collection of historical tales, confabulates the Nihongi legends about the tide jewels and Jingū conquering the Koreans (Bassett 1885:74). This text uses some different names, Sāgara 沙竭羅 (one of the 8 Dragon Kings) for the Sea God, and Koryo 句麗 or Koma 蓋馬 for the Korean kingdom Goguryeo. 
            Simple Explanation :
            These two jewels have opposite effect like yin and yang are part of same bodyKanju – ebb jewel it has ability to recede ,dry ,pull back or drain a tideManju – flowing jewel it has ability to raise the tidesGist from the Nihongi “Chronicles of Japan”
            Legend says that the Empress of Japan, Jingu, once decided to take over Korea. To help her in her conquest, she sent one of her servants into the nether realms to talk to the Dragon King. She wanted the tide jewels, two relics forged by the Dragon King, which controlled the very seas themselves. He granted the Empress’s request and, with the aid of the relics, they took over Korea. When the invasion was over, she cast the jewels back into the sea, returning them to the Dragon King.
            MY THEORY : 
            These jewels are have opposite force and stable only when they together
            like yin and yang
            [​IMG]and in scientific terms like the two poles of magnet[​IMG]

            this bring us to next part

            Mystery of Grandline

            The Grand Line is the ocean current that is surrounded by the Calm Belts and follows an imaginary line that runs from north-west to south-east across the middle of the world and perpendicular to the Red Line. The Red Line is a vast continent that circles the globe from north-east to south-west. These two lines divide the rest of the Blue Sea into the Blues: North Blue, East Blue, West Blue, and South Blue


            Now what happens when we bring the two opposites pole of magnets in close proximity

            According to my theory kanju and manju are like opposite poles of magnets kept at a distance but as they very power full they create a very strong magnetic field

            leading to creation grandline


            Normal compasses do not work on the Grand Line because of the nature of its magnetic fields. In order to navigate the Grand Line, a special compass called a ‘Log Pose‘ must be used. The Log Pose works by locking on to one island’s magnetic field and then locking on to another island’s magnetic field.

            due to presence of kanju and manju on the opposite sides of grandline magnetic field is created effecting the islands in it

            • and their power leads to constant chaos in ocean of grandline
            • rise and fall of waves
            • chaotic climate in grandline
            • this strong force which created grandline also lead to of clam belt as force was so strong in grandline
            • leading to lack of winds and tides in clam belt

            Location of kanju and manju in one piece universe


            Yes they are Raftel and Mariejois

            As u can see Reverse Mountain are opposite to Mariejois
            If we see Earth as a giant magnet it’ll like


            why Mariejois u say One Piece was treasure of Ancient Kingdom which World Government stole in Void Century atlest a part of it
            that’s why World Government is so afraid of mention of One Piece bcoz they afraid its true power
            Whitebeard aslo mentions it in Marineford

            Doffy also mention a treasure in Mariejois although many people think its Uranus i dont think so
            Doffy understood its power but not to full extent

            Now Joy Boy in Void Century hide the other part of treasure and hide it Raftel and created the grandline so that world government couldn’t have their hands on it

            Roger’s Failure

            One who obtains One Piece will have power over sea and ocean and will able to control of all ocean the Pirate King

            Roger conquers the Grand Line and reached Raftel and obtained other part of treasure and named it One Piece
            Now what makes different from other Yonkos is not because he had more military might or not because he finished journey to Grand Line

            its because he held power equivalent to World Government
            World Government held who one part of treasure symbolizes justice
            and Roger held other part of treasure symbolizes injustice -pirate king

            Why did Roger failed and disbanded is group ?

            • as much as powerful Roger Pirates were they at least 1 ancient weapon and one piece
            • roger lacked one thing that luffy has ability to make allies
            • according to me a part will of D also is to unite the old nakama/allies
            • unable to fullfill promise to mermaid princess
            • roger knew he wasnt the one who will bring down the world Government
            • hence he disbanded his crew and got captured to pass along the message to his successor

            Conclusion :what will happen if two pieces are brought together ?

            • the grandline will disappear
            • weather and sea will return to its original form
            • and clam belt will disappear too
            • and luffy will be king of all of sea

            Thanks to those who read till the end
            Hope you like

            *Theory by D kar

              Straw Hat Grand Fleet

              Formed from various powerful crews who managed to succeed in the New World, and the representatives and some other members have been prime contestants of the Corrida Colosseum, the crew is very powerful indeed. In sheer numbers, they have a grand total of 5640 people from various tribes and races, being quite versatile in strength and other attributes. Five of the seven leaders were powerful enough to defeat executives of the Donquixote Pirates.

              The Grand Fleet has the second highest total bounty of any currently known pirate group, behind the Straw Hat Pirates.

              Putting the combined known bounties of all of the “Straw Hats” together (both main crew and Grand Fleet) comes to a known total of Beli 2,800,000,100 which far surpasses the bounty of any other known crew.

                The Alliance temporarily splits in 4 teams!

                *Chapter 822 Spoilers

                The alliance has decided to split into 4 teams: Luffy (with Pekoms, Pedro, Nami, Brook and Chopper to Whole Cake Island), Nekomamushi (in search of Marco and the WB pirates), Inuarashi (to protect Zou from possible threats, along with Momo and Sicilian), Kinemon (with Law and his crew and Zoro and the rest of SHs to Wano)

                So Luffy team leaves Zou, we’re finally moving onto Sanji.

                But wait, Oda wouldn’t be Oda if he hasn’t teased us a bit, so he shows Vivi as a cliffhanger!

                  10 Things You Should Know About The Dressrosa Arc


                  • Dressrosa is the longest arc in the manga to date, surpassing the Skypiea Arc, with 102 chapters.
                  • This is also the longest arc in the anime to date, surpassing the Fishman Island Arc, with 108 episodes.
                  • Starting after Chapter 730, Sanji, Nami, Brook, Chopper, Caesar, and Momonosuke are absent from the manga all the way until Chapter 795, amounting to 620 days of publication time (1 year, 7 months, and 25 days).
                  • This is the second arc in the series to take two years to finish and still be on the same island. The first arc to do this was the Alabasta Arc.
                  • Many characters make their first appearances after the time skip. The characters (in the order they were reintroduced) are: Jewelry Bonney, Brannew, Sakazuki, Bellamy, Jesus Burgess, Bastille, Sabo, Koala, the Gorosei, Urouge, Capone Bege, X Drake, Sengoku, Tsuru, Rob Lucci, Spandam, and Hattori.
                  • Usopp activates Kenbunshoku Haki for the first time during his second defeat of Sugar
                  • Luffy activates a new technique called Gear Fourth. He created this technique during his training on Rusukaina. Doflamingo reveals that Devil Fruits can awaken to a higher level and the user can affect things around themselves in addition to their own bodies, which makes the type of their fruit seem no longer applicable.
                  • More information about Haki is revealed during this arc. According to Law and Luffy, if Haki is overused, it will not be able to work for a certain period of time until it recharges. So far, Busoshoku Haki is the only one that can be overused.

                  -A yet unexplained force is created when two users of Haoshoku Haki clash. This is demonstrated when Luffy clashes with both Don Chinjao and Donquixote Doflamingo. It appears to resemble black lightning crackling the air, and produces shockwaves strong enough to blast people away and/or incapacitate them.

                  -Zoro reveals he can now coat his blades in Busoshoku Haki after receiving training from Dracule Mihawk, a skill that was inferred in the Punk Hazard Arc but not demonstrated until now.

                  -Jesus Burgess is revealed to be a Haki user, and along with the other Blackbeard Pirates, is attempting to steal Devil Fruits by killing their users. Sabo has also learned how to use Haki from his time in the Revolutionary Army and engages Burgess several times, sparking a grudge when the former suffers devastating injuries after provoking the latter, prompting him to escape from Dressrosa as a stowaway

                  • Luffy and Law’s bounties have now risen up to Beli500,000,000 for defeating Doflamingo. Law’s bounty increase indicates that he has officially been expelled from the Shichibukai
                  • Dressrosa is possibly inspired by Spain, particularly the regions of Andalusia and Catalonia, as evidenced by the architecture, clothes, flamenco dancers, typical cuisine, and Spanish terminology. The passionate murders that are so common in Dressrosa is also commonly present in Spanish literature, particularly during the Romantic era in early 19th century.
                    The fighting fish native to the island seem to resemble bulls, both in appearance and temperament. Bullfighting itself is a popular sport in Spain.
                    It also has some hints of the country of Italy, as it features a large colosseum where gladiators would fight to the death for the amusements of the spectators.

                    Amazing Artwork by Oda-sensei!

                    Chapter 821 Manga Cover. Mind-blowing!